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The episode is up here, but I can't make a post about it on the front page because the database is screwed up and I can't contact anyone for help. I'll have a real post on this later:



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Hot damn, those damn dam puns got me! :lol:


Has Freeman ever used the MP5's grenade launcher before this episode?

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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XD This is a great one.

"Do not inhale fumes, no matter how good they smell."

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Okay, working on the subtitles for this damned thing. Does anyone know what Freeman is saying when

he's searching the dead scientist's pockets and says something like, "Well, don't expect any fair for caring from me"? "Fair for caring"?



Maybe it's slang and I've never heard the term before.

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At long last, here's the next episode of Freeman's Mind. Your enjoyment of this episode may be proportional to how much you like dams. As a bit of a spoiler, I didn't intend for the helicopter encounter to go quite how it did, but I'll just keep moving forward with the game.


As I mentioned in the last episode post, I kept a log of how long the entire process for creating this episode took (image below). This ended up being an ideal episode to pick for this experiment. This turned out to be a pretty average episode I think in terms of time. It wasn't especially long and some minor mistakes happened, which always adds to the time. Also I already had the existing titles and flyby intro created, which also cut down on the time.


This episode was also such a good choice for measuring the time because it perfectly illustrates why I CAN NOT promise release dates. If you look at the log, you may notice that one entry stands out a little bit more than the others, by about about 4 weeks. I thought I was going to have this episode done about 3 weeks ago. That's obviously not what happened. While in the earlier episodes I did EVERYTHING myself, nowadays I depend on volunteer help in various areas. While I COULD do all the sound editing myself, it's really worth it for me not to. Even though the sound editor (Otto) took a long time on this episode, during that time I was learning more of the Unreal 3 engine and making some progress on the movie project. That's time I didn't have to spent scouring for sound effects and editing. And before people start forming lynch mobs against Otto for taking so long, I really have to come to his defense. He CAN be quite fast, having had a turnaround of about two days or so before. Also he does an OUTSTANDING job on the sound effects, better than I think even I can do now, and better than other volunteers I've worked with (though I appreciate their help too). Finally, out of the people who have assisted me as long as he has, I can easily say he is the MOST RELIABLE volunteer I've had during that length of time. That should give you an idea of some of the other people I've worked with. That said, I'm open to having more sound effects help on Freeman's Mind. If you have experience with that sort of thing, go ahead and email me and I can arrange a trial test for you.


Now you business majors out there may look at this time log and think "Why, with a fast sound editor Ross could make an episode every 2 days!" While that's been true once or twice, it only happens under certain conditions. First, I have to be in a good mood to think up lines; otherwise I won't have anything funny and nobody wants that. Second, when an episode has a lot of shouting, I need several hours for my voice to recover during recording sessions. Finally, I can't be working on ANYTHING else, and most of the time I'm working on several different things. Usually I only spend a couple hours each day on Freeman's Mind. If I was good at improv comedy, this process would be approximately 50x faster, but I'm not.


Speaking of other things, before I progress too far on the next episode, my next goal is to update a LOT of the movie links and get a bunch more MKV copies of the older videos up on the site. I don't think I'll fix everything, but I plan to spend a lot of time getting the videos more organized on the site.




ADHD version: This episode took a while. Expect updates to the site soon.

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Okay, working on the subtitles for this damned thing. Does anyone know what Freeman is saying when

he's searching the dead scientist's pockets and says something like, "Well, don't expect any fair for caring from me"? "Fair for caring"?



Maybe it's slang and I've never heard the term before.



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Oh man, the those dam jokes were hilarious, but what really cracked me up was the part with the pipes! :D Although when I think about, it's ridiculous that Freeman can remember those two corridors from the beginning of the game, but still can't get his head straight about some MUCH, MUCH bigger issues.

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Dam good episode, although the damn puns about the damn dam got a bit grating considering that Freeman didn't punch himself in the mouth. Was also really surprised about how nonchalant he was about killing an attack helicopter by spraying a submachinegun at it. O and I love behind the scenes stuff like the time chart.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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Awesome episode as always, but I have to ask....


I was googling Ross Scott and one of the results was "Ross Scott Karate."


Ross, I have to ask, are you a karate champion? I could see it happening but I just had to make sure.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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Was also really surprised about how nonchalant he was about killing an attack helicopter by spraying a submachinegun at it.


I like to think of it as Freeman being in shock, he should realize what he did in the next episode.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Awesome episode as always, but I have to ask....


I was googling Ross Scott and one of the results was "Ross Scott Karate."


Ross, I have to ask, are you a karate champion? I could see it happening but I just had to make sure.

lol, I think it's more likely that he just has a name twin who happens to do karate.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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