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The combine are a bunch of white trash homophobes

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And you still have "Lambda" in your avatar... Should I stop posting here?

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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And you still have "Lambda" in your avatar... Should I stop posting here?


Um, so?


I'm a Half-Life fan that supports gay rights.


I don't see where your going with this.



A homophobic Half-Life fan, obliviously getting a lambda tattoo. That'd be hilarious.

"Am I a hero? Eh, I don't know... I don't think it's heroic if the only person you're saving is yourself."

- Gordon Freeman

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I suggest you back off, JJR. It was just a funny observation, nothing serious.


Ok, I'm fine. I just act mad when I see those things. I better go away.






"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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A. I'm not sure if you could call the Combine 'Homophobic". They hate everyone, not just gays.

B. The Lambda is not a copyright of anyone, not even the GAA

C. Following your example, one could say that the GAA has a phobia of Lagrange Multipliers.


I support Lagrange Multipliers.

And open sexuality, but its just to prove a point.

"Do not inhale fumes, no matter how good they smell."

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I have a serious face and a joking face. My serious face turns on when I sense people are being hurt or attacked in any way. My joking face turns on when I sense that everything said is in good spirits and is not meant to offend. Right now, my joke face is on, and I laugh at this with a manly chortle the likes of which not even Saint Nicholas could match.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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