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Freeman's Mind 2 Reactions

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XD That's pretty great.

Actually, all of these are amazing. Especially when read in Ross Scott's voice.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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*Freeman comes across the first see-saw puzzle in Route Kanal*


*Freeman climbs the wall because noclip*


*Freeman takes no notice of the puzzle*


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*start of the game*


"Ok, gotta retrace your steps Gordon. The scientists just dumped me in fuck-knows-where space, I killed an elder God, Mr. CIA Time Lord offered me a job through a portal, next thing I know I'm in some E.T. Orwellian nightmare with no weapons or suit. Ohhh, I get it. My first job must be to destabilize this government. Except they didn't give me any equipment or briefing! Well whatever, if I end up failing this mission, whatever it is, it's their fault for not telling me shit! And I said I wanted Hawaii dammit!"

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Barney: Good job, Gordon. Throwing that switch and all? I can see your M.I.T education payed for itself.

Gordon: May I remind you I'm the one with the metal suit that can probably break a person's face if merely slap them?


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This isn't a reaction persay, but the 'full week away' period after Nova Prospekt when they get back to City 17 through teleport would be the perfect time to just slide in Lost Coast.

IIRC, Lost Coast was supposed to be just before he arrived in City 17.


Also, it's "per se", not "persey".

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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IIRC, Lost Coast was supposed to be just before he arrived in City 17.


How do you figure that?

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Lost Coast was supposed to be during the Highway 17 chapter, where you're driving the coast road to Nova Prospekt.

Speaking of Nova Prospekt, I can't wait to see his reaction to getting the Bugbait!


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Shooting at the first actual soldier:

"It's the same story every—wait, I already said that, didn't I? Huh. Honestly, I didn't expect the military to still be hunting me down all this time. I thought 20 years is long enough that governments stop tracking you, but hey, how would I know? I didn't kill anyone when I was 7. No, I did steal that TV from the local accounting office, though. It was so much easier to get away with that in the eighties. Nowadays there's cameras fucking everywhere."

Seeing Barney for the first time:

"OH MY GOD, IT'S CAPTAIN TRIGGERFINGER! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! You sent me to that alien place and now you're the reason I don't have a gun! Oh, you know Kleiner? What did you do to him?!"

Barney fighting some Combine soldiers:

"Yeah yeah, Capt Gunhappy, you're just putting on a show so you make me think I'm safe around you. Well guess what buddy, it's not going to work on me. What is he going to do next? Stage public executions and cut off the guys' livers to wear as a belt?"

Barney talking to Dr Kleiner:

"How do you know him? I don't recognise you at all. You didn't even work at the same department as us! At least, I don't think so."

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

Red and yellow do go together.

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*start of the game*


"Ok, gotta retrace your steps Gordon. The scientists just dumped me in fuck-knows-where space, I killed an elder God, Mr. CIA Time Lord offered me a job through a portal, next thing I know I'm in some E.T. Orwellian nightmare with no weapons or suit. Ohhh, I get it. My first job must be to destabilize this government. Except they didn't give me any equipment or briefing! Well whatever, if I end up failing this mission, whatever it is, it's their fault for not telling me shit! And I said I wanted Hawaii dammit!"


This is pretty close to what was actually said.

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Okay, here are some of my predictions (which I seriously doubt will come true).

I think Freeman is going to be surprised that Kleiner's teleporter looks so different from the teleporter orbs in Black Mesa, and a bit more like the anti-mass spectrometer. So when the teleporter fails on the first try and the plug falls out:


Upon being asked to flip the switch:

"Yeah, no real point in delaying the end of the world any longer. We're way overdue already anyway."

Also, something tells me that at some point he will also do Lost Coast, like how he also did Half-Life Uplink. There's no real point in Half-Life 2 where you black out, so I'm just going to assume he does it after the Nova Prospekt teleport.

I'm almost willing to bet money that nothing even close to all this is ever going to happen though.

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Also, something tells me that at some point he will also do Lost Coast, like how he also did Half-Life Uplink. There's no real point in Half-Life 2 where you black out, so I'm just going to assume he does it after the Nova Prospekt teleport.


I had pretty much the exact same thought. If Ross wants to do Lost Coast in the same vein as he did Uplink, that's the only real way to slot it in unless he somehow passes out on the coast and washes down the shoreline a bit, though that'd run the risk of working out how he gets back again. At the end of the day, him turning up there during the missing week because of teleportation flux, as in Uplink, is the only real way to go.

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Barney: "I still have nightmares about that cat."

Alyx: "What cat?"

Kleiner: "Now, now. There's nothing to be nervous about. We've made major strides since then. Major strides."

Alyx: "What cat?"

Gordon (talking over Barney): "Yeah, I'm with Alyx on this. What cat?"

Barney: "...get him out of his civvies."

Gordon: " ...hello? Wait, are you guys gonna strip me?!"

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I think that something like this will happen.

[barney tells him to go to the canals, gives him the crowbar, and leaves]

"This is just like black mesa. Some random dude tells me to go somewhere like he's my boss, and can't be bothered to give directions. Honestly half the people there were like that. Huh, maybe I did know him."

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This isn't a reaction persay, but the 'full week away' period after Nova Prospekt when they get back to City 17 through teleport would be the perfect time to just slide in Lost Coast.


Hm. By the time Ross makes it to that section of the game, Black Mesa's Xen chapters would be out. I wonder if a side-jaunt back to Xen would work there at least temporarily. "Whuh? What the...? I was already here! Where's Alyx?! Where's Eli?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND! Things look different but the same! I'm getting out of here."


Maybe this could be a place where Freeman could be teleporting to many different games à la "Freeman Across the Universe".


Doom Series: "Now where am I?! Mars? Europa? Damned Combine teleporter. I WANTED HAWAII, NOT MARS!" [fzzt]

Portal 2: "OH MY GOD, I'M TWO DIMENSIONAL!" [fzzt]

Monopoly for the PC: "$400 for Boardwalk? That's insane." [fzzt]

Super Mario Bros.: "Now what?" It's-a me, Mario! "I'm in Italy? This doesn't look like Italy. WHY DO THOSE MUSHROOMS HAVE EYES?! This is freaking me out." [fzzt]

Half-Life 1: "Do you know who ate all the doughnuts?" "Stop it!" [fzzt]

(episode ends)

(next episode 1 week later our time)


Shenmue: "Do you know where I can find some sailors?" "...sailors? What the--" [fzzt]

Half-Life 2: Alyx: "Thank god, we made it. Where's Dr. Kleiner?" "How the hell should I know?! Did you see what I saw?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST EXPERIENCED?!" Alyx: "Dr. Kleiner, let us out." "I want out altogether. Screw this. I'll find my own way to Hawaii. BLAH! HE'S PACKING! HIT THE DECK!"


For Alyx, the teleport was instantaneous. For Gordon, he experienced the full week. ;)

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Here's a thought. If Ross ever gets to Episode 1, there's some great potential for reactions there now that the FM rendition of Kleiner is a thing.


For example, Freeman and Alyx walk up the stairs after escaping the underground, and Gordon sees Kleiner on a big screen talking about procreation:


"Ah crap. I knew this day would come. Well, time to bow to our new overlord, I guess."

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Here's a thought. If Ross ever gets to Episode 1, there's some great potential for reactions there now that the FM rendition of Kleiner is a thing.


For example, Freeman and Alyx walk up the stairs after escaping the underground, and Gordon sees Kleiner on a big screen talking about procreation:


"Ah crap. I knew this day would come. Well, time to bow to our new overlord, I guess."


Freeman assumes that the rocket in Episode 2 is one of many, and Kleiner is planning to nuke every last part of the world that isn't under his control.

Bomb shelter parties are the best parties because bomb shelter parties don't stop. Until everyone's dead.

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