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Planetside 2

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After some time downloading the game I've gone into the basics and liked a lot of it. Being part of a greater war and all, not being too dependent on taking part in every single fight adds a bunch of freedom. Just watching the sky and the panorama is somehow really enjoyable in this game apart. Only played Dust 514 a long while ago, although a similair concept I like this much more.


Now to my question as someone just flying through the topic and being a bit lazy: Did Ross mention anything about which server he's going for or what faction is considered? I wouldn't like to waste my small time on a character I'm not gonna use.


Also, any good tips for a new player? What happens if all continents are taken? Just having two playable continets or maps is kinda weird to me. Whats with these taken continets? Do they get unlocked at some point or will there be freshly generated once another gets claimed? And is there a global score how many continents have been taken by each faction?

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"as someone just flying through the topic and being a bit lazy: Did Ross mention anything about which server he's going for or what faction is considered?"


US East server, NC faction. An outfit already exists as well. Accursed Farms East. Should be able to find it listed as Accursed Farms when searching, auto-join is enabled so you don't have to wait for BTGBullseye to let you in.


"Also, any good tips for a new player? What happens if all continents are taken? Just having two playable continets or maps is kinda weird to me. Whats with these taken continets? Do they get unlocked at some point or will there be freshly generated once another gets claimed? And is there a global score how many continents have been taken by each faction?"


On tips, play engineer or medic for a bit, its great for getting experience decently quickly by helping keep vehicles and people up and moving.


On continents, they are locked for a period of time, they do unlock. Not all continents can be taken, since they do unlock if more than 2 are fully taken. It is kind of weird but you'll get used to it. Why did you ask again about the taken continents? It is because a group has taken them, duh. It means the group that took it gets a passive bonus depending on which continent they took. Once again, they do get freshly unlocked once another gets claimed. Yes there is a global score of sorts, just go to the top of the screen when your wanting to spawn in, where it shows the name of the continent. It will show which ones are taken and by whom by color. Purple is Vanu, Blue is NC, Red is TR.


Edit: For more detail use this person for more tips.


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US East server, NC faction. An outfit already exists as well. Accursed Farms East. Should be able to find it listed as Accursed Farms when searching, auto-join is enabled so you don't have to wait for BTGBullseye to let you in.
Strange, can't find through the search.


But I looked through most of your tips and the video. Now I feel a lot more competent. Just experimenting in the VR room helps a lot.

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Well I figured out why I was getting killed so often. Apparently I can't play NC, their recoil is way too high for me and it's whats been getting me killed. I tried play both VS and TR and had no problems with either of them. Even though NC deals the most damage of all the factions I really don't appreciate the fact that I'm constantly menacing the sky along with the bullet drop it's no wonder why I can't hit anything. While the TR weren't bad IMO the VS look the most appealing to me right now. High reload speeds, nonexistent kick and bullet drop doesn't apply to some of their weapons. I rather deal low amounts of damage than non at all and get myself killed in the process.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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