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I'll be promoting you shortly, just wanted to see that you were posting on here. :)

Just a tad *holds fingers up close together*. I have almost maxed Medic, and Engineer certs, once I hit BR 10, will get Command certs, so I can squad beacon and get access to Platoon chat. I tend to be pretty heavy support.

"The hall of mirrors folding in on itself."

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Well, at least you're experienced... The best I can do right now is be excellent cannon fodder, and find awesome places to deploy a Sunderer. (I got around 10k XP last night from spawn bonuses alone in a single zone conquer)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Planning on this is still preliminary. The basic idea is we want to show up with potentially thousands of players and have a way of loosely coordinating everyone. I have some ideas on this, but still need to plan things out. Also I can't guarantee anything yet, but it's looking less likely we'll have the Vanu as we want whatever faction is the easiest to understand for players used to regular FPSs, and they're the most exotic out of the 3.

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Yeah, NC is closest to normal shooters... Besides, the backstory for them is the least assholish IMO.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Yeah, NC is closest to normal shooters... Besides, the backstory for them is the least assholish IMO.

What? The TR has the least assholish backstory. the NC are Corporatists who claim to be revolutionaries. At least the Terran Republic isn't just straight up corporatism like the NC, or Tech obsessed like the Vanu. Personally my vote is for TR. They have some of the best "spray and pray" guns, which are perfect for new players.




Personally I have witnessed this myself, and had trouble when I switched to NC to find both firearms I preferred as well as proper buffs for squad and platoon.

Let me break it down in my next post.


Edit: Actually to prevent double post, I will put it in this one.


Edit 2: Here is the short summary before the more detailed summary.

As a whole TR weapons are about lots of bullets. More dakka.

NC hits hard per shot but recoil for that is there.

VS are kind of middle ground their unique things are harder to notice out of the gate.

NC: Faction trait: Damage, faster bullet velocity,

NC weapons come with higher recoil but hit much harder and fire a bit slower. Missing shots is very punishing for the NC so accuracy and a well trained trigger finger (burst fire or tap fire) is needed. You also have a lot of shotguns and shotguns with shotguns attached


Their Light assault comes with the Mercenary which imo is the best default and my fave Carbine. Easy to handle recoil, high damage, a mediocre fire rate. Overall its really damn good.


Their Heavy Assault is more difficult, the Gauss saw is very difficult to use until you get a compensator, and forgrip on it, most people would suggest that you swap it out for GD-22S which is considered a good replacement for earlier players.

The Gauss saw should not be ignored however as it is still a great support weapon because of its 200 damage model at certain ranges, making it kill faster than you would suspect


You also get a bolt action 1 hit to head sniper as a starter for your infiltrator class while other classes have to buy theirs.


NC Maxes specialize in close range. Duel shotgun maxes are king of biolabs maps and their shields help them back off to reload for another round of asspounding. You can also spam duel Ravens (basically nade launchers) and rack up the kills


Your harassers get to use the enforcer a decent cannon to take down everything at a decent rate. I'm not too familiar with NC harasser stuff though so I can't expand here as well. Bottom line is, the enforcer is great to use. Or if you want to use the Halberd thats fine too (the Halberd is available to all factions) If you want to burst, take the Halberd, if you want better overall DPS, take the enforcer


Your main battle tank, the Vanguard has ok DPS with the highest 1 shot damage on its main cannon (but its just 1 shot), however is the most durable of all tanks. It has slightly higher front armour than the other tanks and even has an overshield that buffs it by 3k+ HP allowing you to easily win 1v1s or run into a horde of enemies with reduced danger (usually running a MBT into a horde of enemies is suicide but your Vanguard shield is able to help)



VS: Faction trait: accuracy, mobility, no bullet drop, though the no bullet drop trait is ripped off everything it would have actually been useful on like snipers and rocket launchers

VS weapons are a somewhat flexible set of tools. They don't do as much damage as NC nor do they have the mag size of the TR. and they don't have exceptional anything except reload speed and accuracy. So you can generally push VS weapons past their intended ranges (so a close range intended VS weapon might actually do decent at mid range if you burst/tap fire)


Vs light assaults have the solstice is a decent weapon. Its not as good as the mercenary imo, but its still a great all around weapon. Nothing really too much to say, Its the closest to jack of all trades for carbines imo


Heavy assaults for the VS are considered "OP AS FK" because of the Orion. A gun that has a decent mag size, great fire rate and a 0.75 ads movespeed. Its got a very fast kill time and you can move slightly faster when you are aiming down sites.

People think this is the ***** most broken thing ever and they attribue all their deaths to the Orion to that 0.75 ADS speed even though the MSW-R for the TR and the Anchor the for NC has better stats in almost every single way (except the 0.75 ads speed) and when they nerf the Orion's ADS speed the MSW-R and Anchor will be overall better. Eh I'm just ranting here sorry.


VS Infiltrators like the TR infiltrators, start with this weird janky semi auto sniper rifle that can't 1 hit kill in the head. Its frustrating as a new player (if you like sniping) so save up for the XM-98 or just play NC to save yourself the trouble


VS Maxes have great long range capability with the comet or the blueshift. It reflects their faction trait of accuracy, but as a result they don't have the close up damage of the TR or NC Maxes.



VS Harassers have access to the Saron, which is very like the enforcer. however to put it into perspective, secondary guns on the harasser are weaker than the ones on the MBTs. the Saron on the Harasser will do like 50-60% of the damage on a Magrider harasser


Magriders are the VS's main battle tank. But don't let that trick you into thinking its gonna be able to do what the Vanguard/Prowler can do. The Magrider is a harasser 2.0. a Magrider's main cannon does less overall damage and has higher bullet drop (so slightly less range) than the Vanguard and the Prowler's Main cannon. A Mag rider with only 1 driver is the worst MBT in the game because you need a Saron on the secondary gun to actually be useful in the long run)

However the Magrider is very mobile, it can strafe and shift its front armour to take the brunt of the damage, and it can move over a lot of obstacles most tanks can't.

That being said you need to move with the Magrider to win. Like I said before, the Magrider cannot take direct 1v1s well. You MUST flank and take people by surprise to win with the Magrider.You also have a "Magburner" abillity, which is basically just a speedboost to help you run/chase fights


You have to make up for your subpar range and damage with mobility. So be careful with the Magrider



TR: Faction trait: High fire rate, High mag size on almost everything. Overall great staying power

All their weapons are high mag, high fire rate with meh recoil and accuracy. For most new players who haven't played much FPS games, this is a great faction to start with. The high fire rate and high mag makes up for lost shots.



Their light assault comes with the Trac-5 a 40 mag carbine that excels greatly in close range. Its recoil pattern however is difficult to control after the initial few shots so a foregrip is highly suggested and later on if you love using light assault, get a Jaguar, for the overall better handling and experience.... Or the Lynx if you wanna mow **** down 909 rounds per minute is ***** scary



the TR's heavy assault is also super underrated. they start with imo the best LMG for new players: theT-9 Carv. A 100 mag size LMG with great fire rate, decent damage, and very manageable recoil especially after a foregrip. I actually prefer this over the Orion by miles because of the much easier to handle recoil (once again this is preference) Its got a long reload but the staying power of the T-9Carv beats the Orion any day and you can push an advance or hold a point with it very well.

I love the fk outta this gun, but eh, you might now, try them both out in the VR, its a good way to test things



Later on you can get the MSW-R an LMG with equal or better stats than the Orion except the 0.75 ADS speed. After the nerf to the Orion, the MSW-R will be straight up better except for bullet drop, but thats really dam irrelevant. By the time bullet drop comes into play, the target would be too far for you to actually reliably damage it, even if you were using an Orion



TR medics deserve a mention here because of the Cycler, their default weapon. Its a very good gun, what else is there to say? Just overall great, you won't be disappointed



TR infiltrators: See VS infiltrators


TR Maxes: Spam pounders. Just spam pounders, its a 6 shot grenade launcher with shortish range but great staying power and DPS. Your miniguns on your maxes also work great, but fk it just spam pounders. Its effective its great for clearing rooms, fighting other maxes and even vehicles to a degree. Just be careful of the range however. its got a strong drop so you have to get close, and that can spell trouble



TR Harassers are the strongest of all 3. They have access to the Vulcan and the new Gatekeeper.


The Vulcan mini gun is the close-mid range option of the harasser, and it will **** on tanks for breakfast. 2 full clips to back armour and a little more if its front/side armour will take down an MBT, which is ***** ridiculous. Granted they have to get closer, but on a Harasser thats seldom an issue.


To give you an idea of how good the Vulcan is: As I've said before the gun on the harasser is weaker than the gun on the mainbattle tank version.


Like I said before the Saron does 50-60% of the damage for the Mag rider's Saron. But the Vulcan does an estimated 75-80% of the Prowler's Vulcan. So the damage is pretty dam high


The 2nd option is the new gate-keeper, its a long range nade launcher with decent stats all across the board and a great range. People just camp on top of the cliff and rain death down with this thing. a 30 round clip iirc, I just spam it and let it reload when its out. It might get nerfed soon because of how strong it is but, eh, its debatable atm. I personally think its a bit too strong atm but eh, take it as you will



The Prowler is the TR's main battle tank. It is the highest DPS of all the tanks and has the fastest top speed. It also has an ability called "Lockdown" its basically seige tank mode if you've played Starcraft. You can't move but you gain faster reload speed and bullet velocity on your main cannon which is a 2 shot beast.This makes the Prowler able to take down almost anything pretty quick. Even the Vanguard with an overshield has to watch out if he gets targeted by a lockdowned prowler with AP for his main cannon (armour piercing)

Park this on top of a hill and lockdown with a Gate-keeper and just collect free certs as you rain death onto your enemies from an absurd range.

"The hall of mirrors folding in on itself."

Hire me for midi restoration, music creation and voice-over work!

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Yeah, NC is closest to normal shooters... Besides, the backstory for them is the least assholish IMO.

What? The TR has the least assholish backstory. the NC are Corporatists who claim to be revolutionaries. At least the Terran Republic isn't just straight up corporatism like the NC, or Tech obsessed like the Vanu.

The TR are a flat out dictatorship... That means you do what the government says or you die. I have yet to see anything say that the NC is a 'corporate nightmare' faction, apart from conjecture from players that don't like the NC.






Personally my vote is for TR. They have some of the best "spray and pray" guns, which are perfect for new players.




Personally I have witnessed this myself, and had trouble when I switched to NC to find both firearms I preferred as well as proper buffs for squad and platoon.

You should look at post #4 in your link... It has a very accurate description of what is really going on. Granted, you may prefer weapons that have absurd fire rates and magazine capacities, but it's not closer to the typical shooters most people are coming from.


That said, glad to have at least 1 experienced player from recent times. (I stopped playing shortly before it left beta because of computer and internet restrictions)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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If we are going with Ross's statement about players who are familiar with FPS then we should continue with NC. I would not have made a character for NC otherwise.


I do love high ammo count and absurd firepower, which is why my main is TR. I am totally fine with either NC or TR, and NC has great accuracy!


" I have yet to see anything say that the NC is a 'corporate nightmare' faction, apart from conjecture from players that don't like the NC."


Um.... did you even read the wiki post you sent?


"The New Conglomerate was initially formed on Earth, over a century before the wormhole collapse as a mega-collective of civilian corporations who worked alongside the Terran Republic government on virtually every project throughout the solar system. After arriving on Auraxis, the New Conglomerate continued to work along with the Terran Republic on shaping and building up the new world. Over decades, tensions grew because of the rules the Republic enforced and the remaining corporations of the N.C. began rallying rebel groups on the fringe of the civilian population and began organizing a campaign of insurgency."


So... from the underlined, I take it they saw a larger chance of getting what they wanted from allying with the insurgents, so they advertised and funded the insurgency. I never said their fight isn't a righteous one against the human rights violations of the TR, I am just saying they are in fact, corporatists, even if the common soldier doesn't realize where the money comes from.




"The hall of mirrors folding in on itself."

Hire me for midi restoration, music creation and voice-over work!

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Are there any plans for creating a poll to determine who has/hasn't played Planetside 2 before the meetup? I also think a second poll after the first poll for which empire to choose would be a good idea too. I think that these polls would help represent Ross's Audience better than assuming all of them have never played the PlanetSide 2 before. I also think we would gain a considerable edge if we could include as many already made characters with hundreds of hours worth of unlocks as possible as opposed to creating all new characters with no unlocks. If we're to do some serious damage on Planetside 2 I think these ideas are worth considering. Ross could use something like Straw Poll http://strawpoll.me/ so people don't have to register to vote. I want to give our legion as many advantages as possible so that we may conquer PlanetSide 2 in it's entirety.


We will leave nothing but devastation in our wake. We shall serve Auraxis on a silver platter for our Emperor Ross Scott to feast upon. We will drink the blood of our enemies, use their souls to fuel our warmachines and leave their bodies for the vultures in the sky. This to you I swear upon my life my emperor. May our scarecrows be set aflame in the name of our emperor and may our bovine hold ungodly powers. All hail our Emperor Ross Scott and his farm upon the accursed plane!!!!!!!

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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If we are going with Ross's statement about players who are familiar with FPS then we should continue with NC. I would not have made a character for NC otherwise.

And yet you blow up my Sunderer with a tank while you're playing TR, traitor! :lol:


I almost got you back, had air support and everything, but you ran before I could refill my ammo. :evil::mrgreen:


So... from the underlined, I take it they saw a larger chance of getting what they wanted from allying with the insurgents, so they advertised and funded the insurgency. I never said their fight isn't a righteous one against the human rights violations of the TR, I am just saying they are in fact, corporatists, even if the common soldier doesn't realize where the money comes from.

So, just because they are corporate, regardless of any of the ideals or anything else, it automatically makes them worse than an oppressive dictatorial government that massacres its own citizens? You did say the TR was less assholish, I dare you to prove it!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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And yet you blow up my Sunderer with a tank while you're playing TR, traitor! :lol:


I almost got you back, had air support and everything, but you ran before I could refill my ammo. :evil::mrgreen:


When was this? I have not been getting on anything other than my NC account for quite awhile, also I rarely, if ever pilot tanks. I prefer aircraft and sunderer's myself.


So, just because they are corporate, regardless of any of the ideals or anything else, it automatically makes them worse than an oppressive dictatorial government that massacres its own citizens? You did say the TR was less assholish, I dare you to prove it!


Heheheh.... ok. Will do.


Quotes from:



The Terran Republic was officially established with the ratification of the Declaration of Constancy by nations weary of nearly two hundred years of war. They brought order out of chaos and introduced the world to an era of peace.


So, they stopped an incredibly long war, two centuries long in fact, and established peace. In no way does this suggest they are assholes.


Terrans eventually made space travel possible. From this, Wormholes were discovered, studied, and found to be a means of transportation from one area of space to another. It is through one of these wormholes that the Terran Republic found their way to Auraxis, an earth-like planet that could sustain life. They proceeded with their ambitious plans of colonization on Auraxis which continued uninterrupted for 20 years.


Now, to understand that it states they "made space travel possible", you can assume some of who would become the New Conglomerate and the Vanu Sovereignty are in fact partially responsible for this as well. The New Conglomerate was in fact working on almost everything at the time, alongside the Terran Republic. And the Vanu Sovereignty at this point in time were members of the scientists and developers of advanced technology. It is also possible that they had ulterior motives in regards to assisting the colonization of Auraxis, but we'll come back to that later.


Things radically changed when the wormhole collapsed stranding the entire expeditionary force. They began research on how they could re-open the wormhole, which ultimately failed. During these uncertain times, "Vanu" artifacts were being discovered on Auraxis. Shortly after this, the development of "Rebirthing" technology began. It started to become clear to the Terran Leadership that this new technology could possibly destabilize future colonies. They established draconian restrictions on the new technology, so they could study it better without interruption or meddling by private companies or individuals and adapt it for use with their own military.


This collapsing, and stranding of everyone here, was a pivotal point in the history of Auraxis. Because they were stranded, and New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty at the time were busy building, and exploring, advancing respectively. However, like any intelligent individuals, weary of the new technology, and not knowing the COSTS of it, for there could be a massive, nasty side effect to the "Rebirthing" process. They wanted to study it, and keep it out of the hands of the public, which to be fair, makes a lot of sense. Due to the inherent Alien nature of the technology, it could easily be abused. The draconian restrictions on it, could, if one wanted to argue for namesake, were "assholish" but, I would say, that they are reasonable, given the fact that the technology, when released to the public, or to breakaway factions, lead to the current war. Therefore, their restrictions were preventing a war, and thus now we HAVE war, its just a big mess, because some people got upset they said "no using this, let us use it on our military, to keep the peace."


A sense of immortality began to create turmoil between developing groups of people with significantly different philosophies as to how the technology should be used. Already, a faction of technophiles emerged embracing the Vanu technology and its lost knowledge.


Naturally, some people were butthurt about being restricted from using it. Since they believed it to be immortality, and didn't want just the military using it. So, the Vanu Sovereignty who were obsessed with the alien tech, broke away, despite the lost knowledge being hugely powerful, and dangerous. After all, if the previous race, of Vanu, left behind these artifacts... what happened to the Vanu? Did they tear themselves apart in war, like now is happening? Perhaps that is why they left it behind, they abandoned the planet, because it had easy access to this "rebirthing" technology. Its like having a new toy that can solve all your problems, even death.


Unrest formed between the developing factions which was exacerbated by rogue scientists and republic military deserters. Previous attempts to quell the uprising ended in a bloody battle and resulted in the separation of the Technolords, who then declared themselves the Vanu Sovereignty.


As stated in above paragraph, except that unlike, the previous discussions regarding its use, the TR had in fact decided to just restrict it, and not discuss it with the civilians. These Vanu just wanted to use it themselves, with no restrictions, and instead of talking it out, or any other method of voting for it, etc. They just broke away, killed some TR, and TR fought back. Who shot first? No clue, but anyway it was the Vanu's obsession and desire to abuse it for public gain, that lead to the fight. Thus, the Vanu are assholes, for releasing this dangerous tech, which would lead to the next events.


In the initial chaos rogue scientists released blueprints for rebirthing facilities and instructions on how to use them. While this was going on, a third faction called the New Conglomerate seized the opportunity while the Terran Republic was occupied and was able to create an independent rebirthing network just as the Terran Republic feared.


The New Conglomerate did exactly what the TR was afraid of, making a massive network, that could use rebirthing for everyone. Thus, the war would be neverending, since even the threat of death, was gone. The TR could not keep peace, and even now fights to try and stop this threat, but they really can't. Not with the New Conglomerate trying to crush them, for "freedom and corporatism" and the Vanu Sovereignty trying to stop them so they can acquire more tech! And more Vanu Artifacts, to further the stretches of mankind, and make us less and less human. Thus, the TR are the least Assholish. They had reasonable limitations on the tech, afraid of how dangerous it was, and alien. The others disagreed or saw a way they could directly benefit from it, and instead of following the law, they broke away and created a war to consume the beautiful planet, which will assuredly eventually become inhospitable because of the prolonged war.

"The hall of mirrors folding in on itself."

Hire me for midi restoration, music creation and voice-over work!

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And yet you blow up my Sunderer with a tank while you're playing TR, traitor! :lol:


I almost got you back, had air support and everything, but you ran before I could refill my ammo. :evil::mrgreen:


When was this? I have not been getting on anything other than my NC account for quite awhile, also I rarely, if ever pilot tanks. I prefer aircraft and sunderer's myself.

Last night, someone named "Mathadar" blew up my Sunderer on Amerish as I was helping push one of the two easternmost southern routes. Whoever it was was using a Prowler with (I think) default weapons. Looked like it had a racer chassis from its turn rate and maximum speed.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Who exactly is in charge of the PlanetSide 2 meetup? Is Ross doing it all by himself? I really want to send my ideas to whoever is in charge of the meetup and see if my ideas are any good or not.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Last night, someone named "Mathadar" blew up my Sunderer on Amerish as I was helping push one of the two easternmost southern routes. Whoever it was was using a Prowler with (I think) default weapons. Looked like it had a racer chassis from its turn rate and maximum speed.

So... that's why I have never been able to use the name Mathadar as a character name, someone else is using that as their name.


In case I am playing one of my Alts, here are the names of my Alts and what faction their in as well as server. Because, it is possible I killed you a long time ago, but not recently, since I have been playing Purely a Medic/Engineer and healing and repairing vehicles trying to get enough Cert Points to get my other classes ready for when we start group play.


JudgeMathadar (NC) US East, BR 11

LarcenAbdul (TR) US East, BR 20

Milleardo (Vanu) US East, BR 10

JudgeReinholt (TR) EU, BR 13


So... I highly doubt I was the one who did it.

"The hall of mirrors folding in on itself."

Hire me for midi restoration, music creation and voice-over work!

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Ah... Good to know.


Also, all of my 2 characters are NC, named BTGbullseye, and are on each of the two US servers. (the East Server one is currently BR 18, the West is 13)


Just a tip for anyone starting out and wanting to complete the Basic Training stuff, go do it in the VR Training map... (that is, if you aren't already told that when you start) You get all the benefits of the achievements with none of the drawbacks. (like repeatedly dying because you don't have Certs to upgrade your weapons and items)


[EDIT] Corrected to update my BR.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Ok, so I think I found out what my niche is in this game... Attacking undefended areas that tend to lead towards useful areas. I am very good at picking locations that are undefended, and look like useless acquisitions, but lead to massive enemy vulnerabilities, and then pulling out when resistance mounts. This makes me an excellent distraction tactician. It'll draw enemy troops from the main battle, but be very difficult to defend against. (put a dozen guys on a single-point territory, and lock the enemy into their own spawn area, then move to a different area of the continent for our next attack if enemy numbers rise)


Fire teams are also really cool. (I was recently in a platoon that used it, and they treated it like a platoon of platoons, and we ate every territory we were sent to)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Fire teams are also really cool. (I was recently in a platoon that used it, and they treated it like a platoon of platoons, and we ate every territory we were sent to)


This is personally my favorite thing, especially mixed with the tactic you mentioned of distraction. Whenever I lead a platoon I usually send 1 squad off to hit other targets depending on what it looks like on the map. If I see 0 enemies present in zone, I send them there to cap it. That way if the enemy is forcefully repelling us from one area, when they realize they are losing another they will have to split forces, then pull fireteam back and take the main. Or, switch entire team over to the other point just to switch back and take the primary. Often if your in the distraction force, lots of tanks, lots of heavy assault or engineers with turrets to rain down death. A single liberator crew with 1 Sunderer will be able to take and even hold points against larger forces for a time if utilized by a skilled crew.

"The hall of mirrors folding in on itself."

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The best kind of distraction squads are a mix of Light Assault C4 fairies, suicide tank mine Engineers, and Wraith cloaked SMG Infiltrators. Add in a bit of coordination via VOIP and you get a deadly combo capable of stopping any attack.


Light assault are the best Spec Ops for any walled installation, but tank mine engineers are fun too (I sometimes do that), and wraith cloaked SMG infiltrators (once you get an SMG that is, its not a viable starting strategy due to the cost of attaining one, unless I am wrong about price).


Light assault is how I played for years until my reaction speed dropped a tad, so now I mostly engineer and medic, but I still sometimes Light assault, when the need arises.

"The hall of mirrors folding in on itself."

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I'm primarily a Heavy... I like heavy weapons, and the extra durability. (and like to be able to survive a hit from a sniper)


I also like to survive those distraction missions intact, fewer deaths means a better score.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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