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Aloha, here a few minor updates. First off, the April Fool's Day thing went pretty well; I got multiple emails of people asking if the series was over.  For those of you that missed it, you can check it out here.

Also Chris Fischer sent me the subtitles for Episode 3, but I'm getting too lazy/busy with other stuff to re-edit these, so I'm releasing them as is. They're not entirely accurate nor color-coded, but they are subtitles and mostly accurate. Here's the link:

Episode 3 subtitles

Also, for those of you emailing me about voice actors, I've already got several requests and I haven't gotten to my scripts that would need more voice actors yet, so I unfortunately don't need help there right now. The exception is if you can do a really good impression of characters from the game (specifically Barney, Kleiner, G-man, or Breen). Go ahead and contact me about voice acting then. I won't be making any episodes with them for a while, but I'd be interested in writing something in the future.

I am working on Episodes 4-5 simultaneously. Episode 5 will be done first, but unfortunately I'm submitting it to another contest, so I won't be allowed to release it until after it's over. I'll release Episode 4 as soon as I finish it, but that will be a while since it's pretty complicated animation-wise. What I WILL say is that BOTH these episodes are going to ROCK. Seriously, 1-3 will look completely tame compared to these. So expect a BIG jump in content for the next two.

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I can't wait to see the new episodes.

When does 5 have to be done for the contest?

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Keep up the good work man.

Cool April fools joke.

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cant wait til 4 and 5 are out really wanna c em' and gl in hte contest


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Very good stuff, coming up to be my favorite machinama.

Itll be nice to have something to fall back to after RvB goes.

Once you get an official web page, id love to join the forums.

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Dude you rock, I can't wait for these.

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Good to know you guys are still around

Also good to know the ball is rolling on the next two episodes.

Anywho, keep up the great work and keep it coming.

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will there be more singing?

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There won't be any more singing anytime soon and I don't plan to have Mike sing again. Dave's whistling may become semi-frequent though.

And this April Fool's joke isn't half as hardcore as my original plan. I guess I'll have to save that for next year.

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I wonder what we will see in the next episodes. I imagine zombies and antlions and all that stuff that makes Half Life 2 what it is. It would be cool to see someone turn into a zombie from a headcrab but i doubt that is possible. I can't wait.

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I don't know when the date will be, I was originally going to submit this to a contest, but I'm not going to be able to make the deadline. Plus unlike others, I'll actually have help from other people on this episode, so the coordination makes the time estimation even harder.

And I'm not going to answer more questions on this since I don't like spoiling things, but I'll tell you that neither Episode 4 nor 5 will focus on antlions or zombies, but they'll definitely deal with stuff you encounter in the HL2 world.

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very nice work guys . I was hooked after the first 30 seconds of the first episode ^^

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Fantastic guys! i was hooked after the first 30 seconds of the first episode ^_^!

might be contacting you in the future ^_^!


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Oh my god update!!!!!!!!!

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This show gives me hope. Until now I thought machinima was going to be a bunch of random crappy stop motion over way to heavy metal music forever. Red Vs Blue has gone on too long and the writing has died. So add some more characters and keep up the good work!

HQ Streams for you guys (I despise Youtube)

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I won't name names, but yeah there's no shortage of crap machinima out there. I try my best to make sure my stuff is enjoyable to watch and doesn't feel stupid. As for RvB, I really enjoyed the early episodes, but kind of lost interest once they started building up the grandoise plot. I liked it a lot better when they were just screwing around, which is where I want to CP to stay. It's definitely going to take its own different direction though, which should become more apparent in time.

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the only reason im on youtube is to check if any new civil protection episodes are on also i would love to be on the show even as an extra my email [email protected]

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