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Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed! The soundtrack.

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So is it cool if I rip the music off a 12 year old game? It was only on "sale" in a 40th Porsche anniversary edition, which was exclusive to only Germany. I haven't found any on Ebay, so its safe to say its not easy to obtain. If there is an interest in the soundtrack, I'll find a way to post it on here. Possibly in a Rar or zip.

"Do not inhale fumes, no matter how good they smell."

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It was released for free back when the game out on EA's own website. I have an extended version of it with extra tracks by Rom Di Prisco lying around somewhere that I could put up sometime if you can't find it elsewhere. One of the tracks actually appears in the computer room in an earlier Freeman's Mind.

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Alrighty then, I guess my job is done. I'll need to go find that episode again. Is it the one with the programmers playing the stupid loud music?

"Do not inhale fumes, no matter how good they smell."

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It's either the one where Freeman yells at them for having it on too loud or it's in the same room but later when everyone's dead as I believe it's a different track in the different episodes.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Man I don't get why the hell someone would convert already compressed audio to lossless instead of leaving it as-is. I'll try and upload the extended soundtrack sometime.

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Agreed, it's already as lossless as it's going to get...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Man I don't get why the hell someone would convert already compressed audio to lossless instead of leaving it as-is. I'll try and upload the extended soundtrack sometime.

Not to resurrect this to post, but the extended one would be awesome.

"Do not inhale fumes, no matter how good they smell."

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