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Pumpin' out FM Episodes?

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Morning fellas (or evening, wherever you from) !


Maybe this allready got discussed to death somewhere, but this is kinda the first time I post here after "decades" :D

Been following Ross for a long time and one question allways came up for me.


Why isn't he just pumping FM episodes like crazy?

I mean, I know hes kind of busy with stuff, and wants to do other projects too, but isn't Machinima paying a tinzybinzy bid more for views than Youtube itself? Wouldn't it make sense to milk that?

I remember "back in the days" I just Abo'd Machinima for FM, but the time span between episodes became biger and biger every time and I moved on from checking here and YT multible times a day to once a month, and now like twice a year :D

Other people with far less talent can live of this sh*t too :(


tl;dr why not milk fm for them yt moneyz to be able to get other things kicked off more easily.


And please no flaming here, I followed his "story", just wanted to check if I missed something ;)


Hope you excuse my bad english and have a nice free day,




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Creating an episode isn't all that easy, I'd imagine. Especially when Freeman is encountering things like soulless corridors or soldiers to fight. I can't imagine that Ross can just make up something on the spot for every single situation ever and keep up an interesting flow of dialogue. It takes work to come up with funny lines, and in the meantime he's working on other projects as well.


Have you ever had a friend try to a 'mind' thing while playing a FPS game around you? I have, and it was awful. It was basically them chattering an droning non-stop with nothing interesting ever being said. Let Ross take his time so he doesn't end up like that.

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Creating an episode isn't all that easy, I'd imagine. Especially when Freeman is encountering things like soulless corridors or soldiers to fight. I can't imagine that Ross can just make up something on the spot for every single situation ever and keep up an interesting flow of dialogue. It takes work to come up with funny lines, and in the meantime he's working on other projects as well.

I also know for a fact that the dialogue isn't even half of the work. Tons of post-production has to happen as well.

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You shouldn't rush the good stuff. It's rare enough to get good stuff at all anymore.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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...and sound guys tend to do their work longer or be late sometimes ;)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I think the easiest answer is that I'm probably trying to do too many things at once without wanting to abandon other things I consider important (besides machinima stuff too). For example, I think people will understand once it's done, but if I look back in 10 years, I'll absolutely feel better having made the movie project I'm working on rather than more Freeman's Mind episodes. As for the money aspect, I'm not sure what Youtube's rate is, but it's not like drug dealing money, it's more like burger flipping money, if that. Regardless, I do hope to have another marathon session of FM episodes at some point to give people more of a fix.

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I'll absolutely feel better having made the movie project I'm working on rather than more Freeman's Mind episodes.



Make them think...well that's a game changer.. (your own quotes ^^)


I can understand you from angle of gathering experience and growing alltogether... Quantity... quality... As a president is a slave to people under him, you might consider being a slave to the fans and the Accursed Farms. No offence of course.


From my point of view, as a fan, dozen FM episodes weigh more than one movie. May be there is a way to even out time spend time more efficient by delegating even more parts to people which have proven themselves "trusted".


And to big and complicated projects I can add only one thing, there is a rule - Spend 5 to 10 percent of estimated time to prepare for the deal before starting doing it. Bugfix research and possible alternatives, bunch of additional people you can rely on. You know how that goes.


Those are my humble opinion on the matter. Have fun ;)

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Well, in fact, I think he doesn't want to work as a slave for his fans. If everybody tells him that Freeman's Mind is more interesting than what ever he is working on, he'll keep working on it, and fans will like, or leave.

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Haha I like how Ross uses the green monster from Commander Keen as his avatar.

He also referenced Yorps (those green aliens) in one of the Civil Protection episodes, i think.


Anyway, Ross Scott is NOT a slave to his fans. We should be thankful he is taking time to make FM episodes at all and doesn't just outright cancel the series.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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Ross is sort of a performer. There is a fine line between indulging ones self, only doing what they want to do, risking fanbase loss and doing what the fans want and losing interest thereby causing poor quality work. By that i'm referring to CP vs. FM. But personally I think Ross is doing great and it's quite amazing at the content he has come up with to cover all the ground he has with FM and still have enough stuff for CP episodes. My brain would have caved in long ago trying to come up with stuff. For me, that's what sets FM apart from other so-called mind series videos. I can record myself playing a game walking around going 'uh, oh man, oh wow, blam! you're dead! woah". It doesn't make for compelling video to waste break time with. I've started watching other 'mind videos' but after watching FM, to be honest, it's painful to watch.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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From my point of view, as a fan, dozen FM episodes weigh more than one movie.
Well fair enough, but I think it's possible you'll be surprised. Look at this way, which would you rather show to someone, a dozen Saturday Night Live skits with Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd, or the movie Ghostbusters? That's the best comparison I can make to the difference between the movie and Freeman's Mind.


May be there is a way to even out time spend time more efficient by delegating even more parts to people which have proven themselves "trusted".
I am only too happy to delegate huge chunks of the movie to other people, but from my experience in other videos I've made, anything volunteer-based can easily evaporate without much warning. I mean what do you do in scenarios where all your "trusted" people have become too busy or disappear and trying to work with new people is a dice toss as to whether they are competent or reliable or not? Go to moddb.com sometime and see how many mods get started that never get finished. The only reason my videos get finished is because when people bail, I'll finish the work myself (except for coding or modelling, I'm at people's mercy there). Once I get more done on Freeman's Mind, I plan on adding a "help wanted" section to the site for specific positions I need help with on the movie (not at all once, otherwise I wouldn't be able to manage it all).


Well, in fact, I think he doesn't want to work as a slave for his fans. If everybody tells him that Freeman's Mind is more interesting than what ever he is working on, he'll keep working on it, and fans will like, or leave.
Well on one side, this isn't a democracy, I am going to work on different video projects, regardless. On the flipside, I'm not trying to piss people off when their preferred videos or requests get neglected, I just simply have lots of different things I want to do and limited resources to work with. If ALL I had to do was writing, directing, and voice acting, things would be 10x faster, but that doesn't really happen outside of a studio environment.

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You have made your solid point Mister! I must agree with your comparison. I tend to recognize Freeman as Dr.House from time to time, and sadly House is over. And FM is alive and kicking :) I'm glad I can post my opinion and have high chance of you reading and considering stuff I say. Sad it might seem, but money can make sure something will me done just in time. Maybe its off topic, but hay, it's faster then PM, i guess ^_^.

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