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Foreign Languages Thread :D

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(As Spike suggested at the CP forum I made this post to give you some info on my language.)


It's pretty late right now here so I just repeat that Polish language - which I used for the small voice role in the "Lift" episode of the recent CP ;) - is considered as one of the hardest languages in the world, but not the hardest, luckily :P


Well, we have 7 forms of almost every noun and multiple forms of numbers and adjectives, and gender + past tense is really fun ^^


But reading is pretty easy. Once you learn basic sounds, you mostly read all teh freakin letters in every word as they go, not like in crazy English, where every word can be written in multiple ways. But there some "clusters" of two letters that you read together as one sound:


sz, cz, rz, dz, dź, dzi, dż


and some that you read as one sound as they would be without the additional letter:


ch = h


if it's anything interesting.... Well, it's surely easier to learn than chinese and as I wrote, reading is the easiest to learn and we don't have the crazy invention of present perfect tense! It's not so perfect and to this day I'm still having problems with understanding what it really means!


There is just past, present, future simple and future complexed?? tense and that's all :)


Tada! hope it helps someone....



So what are the weird and nice things about your language??

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I want to add that you read most letters and words like in German, like a: e: i: and have very hard "r" letter. Always.

We put more accent at the first or second-from-the-end syllabes, which I heard, it sounds weird to English and German people.



Anyway, Foregin languages are cool. I know Polish and English almost perfectly xD and I started to learn German this year. I was learning it for almost 3 years before, but never took more attention for it.

I think it's easier than english, if you know grammar and stuff, and I think it's a pretty nice language as well.


Wer hier ist Deutsch spricht?

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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This is interesting. There are some similarities to the hungarian language too.

For exmaple, we have different forms of numbers, adjectives and nouns. And pronouns. We have past, present and future tenses and have three modes for the verbs - first when you simply tell or declare something, second when you presume or ask gently, third when you charge to do something (let's go there, do this or that) or warn about something not to do and the sentece ends with an exclamation mark.

Our language is agglutinative which means we don't use prefixes or postfixes we build them into the words and - if it's neccessary - change the structure where we added the affix.

We have two letter consonants too. Like 'cs, dz, gy, ly, ny, sz, ty'. And a not so typical 3 letter one: 'dzs'.

And we pronounce the words as the sounds of the letters logically can be pronounced.


-- edit --

Entschuldigung ich kann nicht spreche Deutsch viel :D .

"It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world... the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own."

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Some weird and nice things? In America(or at least around where i live) you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who knows an additional language. It's like communication isn't important to them at all(weird, right?). I have one friend who knows 5 languages, he even taught me a few Russian words. he's also sorta paranoid so he won't tell me the other ones he knows(something about never letting anyone too close to your personal life. i think he was a hitman, i don't know).


I'm trying to learn Italian, All I need is some sort of reliable source that will teach me Italian with a Florence accent. eventually i'd like to know German, and enough Spanish to have a polite hour-long conversation with anyone from there(without being called a Gringo 5 minutes in. :lol:)


Well, that's something weird, something nice about it? nothing really. it seems to be a mandatory language for everyone. people here are impressed if you use big words, and it's very often that i have to "dumb down" my sentences lest i be called either a Smartass, or an English professor in a derogatory manner. It pisses me off that people are so uneducated that they actually get pissed when I use words I use in everyday speech. Even when the "easier way" may take 5 times longer than my "difficult way". /rant

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I said somewhere in another thread that I have very VERY slowly been trying to teach myself German. I can say a few simple phrases, but I don't really have anyone to talk to in German so I could make terrible mistakes :P .


Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht.



Also, for those interested in language learning, this website may be of use:


Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I speak Danish, English and a bit of German though I think I focus a bit too much on the rules when learning German that I forget the actual words.


Egal, Deutsch macht viel Spaß zu sprechen.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Also, I might soud "heavy" when I speak or write in english, but trust me, In my own language I'm trying to use mostly big words, even the very old ones and I'm a real grammarnazi IRL.


Sądzę jednak, że to za sprawą, iż piszę więcej i czytam sporo książek. :/

Gdy ma się bogate słownictwo to ludzie już zaczynają cię postrzegać za inteligentnego.



Na toll... XD

Aber du schreibst Deutsch sehr gut!

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Danke schön, Discord. Du schreibst auch gut Deutsch.


I do have trouble remembering the "subordinate clause mind leaders," I think they're called in English.

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I almost forgot about the australian english! I heard most people think it diffenent to English. Silly, it's just sounds cooler.


Viele Dank! Ich finde Deutsch toll. Wie auf immer, Ich bin besser in sprechen.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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I do have trouble remembering the "subordinate clause mind leaders," I think they're called in English.


The what!? ಠ_ಠ


Never heard that phrase before! :P

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Sorry. Google Translate. I googled some more and I think they're really called subordinating conjunctions. Woops.


Edit: Yeah, I think Spike's right.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Is enyone here into latin? X)


Hmm... And which languages you don't like? I find French and Italian weird, not ugly, but I'm not going to learn them.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Sorry. Google Translate. I googled some more and I think they're really called subordinating conjunctions. Woops.


It was the mind leaders bit that I found awesome. :D

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I like Latin but the only thing I can say is: Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum (est).

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I like Latin but the only thing I can say is: Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum (est).

Same xD


ego non idea, cogito ergo sum, deus ex and stuff like that.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Is enyone here into latin? X)

I took Latin for all four years in high school, all of my friends were in that class, and Latin convention was the three greatest days of every year. What is Latin convention, you ask? Well, since we can't exactly go to somewhere where they speak the langauge, instead all of the Latin-teaching schools (mine being the only public school there, and the largest at about 50 kids) in the State meet at the capital (not the capital building, the city, though its held literally across the street from the capital building) and do Latin stuff. This includes entering art into competitions (either classical-style stuff like clay pots or sewn dolls, or classicla subjects like a painting of Zeus or a styrofoam labrynth), competing to see who's miniature catapult can shoot a wet cottonball the farthest, acting out scenes in Latin, dressing up in Togas or actual costumes, and of course jeopardy-style competitions. And thats just the academic stuff, we also had spirit stuff like each day had its own theme. Once the theme was Greecers (like Greasers), once the theme was hot as Hades, once the theme was Space, once the theme was "pages through the ages."


I was even an officer for my school's Latin Club. I was responsible for making a website. I even added games to it.


TL;DR: Latin will most likely be my favorite class I have ever taken, and it has little to do with the language, even though that is awesome to.



"Anything I can do to help?"

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