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Ross should take after this guys example

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A crude cartoon full of plenty name-calling and the word 'faggot' isn't exactly the best way to promote a message. Plus -don't quote me on this- I remember Ross saying something about getting a lot more views under Machinima that what would happen if he operated alone. A couple day delay every now and then on the video que isn't worth rebelling against the system.

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Without Machinima I'd mostly probably never come across Ross' videos...

And most of the Forum members can say the same!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I remember the hate on Machinima got out of hand last year. I don't want it to happen again.


It's just the FM withdrawal symptoms flaring up. It's a great testament to the fanbase loyalty.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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I have known about Freeman's Mind from about the first times it came out but not by Machimina.

In fact I think I came across it in the Steam forums while browsing the Half Life forums.


The fan base is expected to be Half Life fans and advertising Freeman's Mind without Machimina

would have been sucsesfull anyway. But it never hurts to have other people be able to browse

your products through a 3rd party advertising you.

It took six years to get a physics degree. Don't do what I did, try engineering or social studies.

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I have known about Freeman's Mind from about the first times it came out but not by Machimina.

In fact I think I came across it in the Steam forums while browsing the Half Life forums.


The fan base is expected to be Half Life fans and advertising Freeman's Mind without Machimina

would have been sucsesfull anyway. But it never hurts to have other people be able to browse

your products through a 3rd party advertising you.



I think you missed the part where Ross said that without Machinima he'd have about 100 times less wievs :P


I wouldn't find out about FM so fast on Steam, I barely use it. But I use YouTube practically every day. I think you underestimate how important it is to have a big marketing machine ;) as your ally.

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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You know, I have to wonder...


When I first saw Freeman's Mind, I subscribed to Machinima to keep up, but then I unsubscribed several days later upon realising that they were spamming me with really awful, terrible garbage that just made my subscriptions a pain to dig through.


Then I just decided fuck it, and unsubscribed.


I was actually dumb enough to subscribe more than once, too, hoping maybe things would be different. Things were not different tough... The same old stupid Halo videos with action figures using a voice synthesizer to LOL at things that weren't funny, so naturally I kept unsubscribing until the cows came home.


I wonder how many other people had a similar experience and unsubscribed, only to later forget the series ever existed... I bet a Freeman's Mind channel would retain many more subscribers for the series than Machina could ever hope to keep for it.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

My Little Pointy: Friendship Is Stabbing - http://i.imgur.com/Qz1bx.jpg

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Yeah that's pretty much what happened to me, though I believe there's a way to subscribe only to one series. I did so with the "All your History" series.

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Yeah that's pretty much what happened to me, though I believe there's a way to subscribe only to one series. I did so with the "All your History" series.

I tried to do this with "Sonic for hire" series/playlist recently but it ended up subscribing me to Machinima proper again and I practically was overcome with sadness.

My Little Pointy: Friendship Is Stabbing - http://i.imgur.com/Qz1bx.jpg

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I had to unsubscribe from Machinima, after initially subscribing from Freeman's Mind, after they uploaded shitty video after shitty video. It's easier to subscribe to Ross's RSS feed.

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Though I don't agree with the video's implementation, I hate Machinima. It just takes a few things I like and slams it together with a whole bunch of other stuff that I hate. I can't subscribe to my favorite content producers, like Ross, because of all the extra crap. I just bookmarked this page and my problem was solved, but the issues I have with Machinima remain. Having a 7 second intro of Machinima's self-promotion ruin the general atmosphere of the real intro and following genius. Its like watching a movie on TV compared to watching one off DVD. Having ads plastered to it makes it less of a movie and more of a commercial of sorts just to bring more attention to other videos. I think Ross should just get his own channel. It would give him freedom to upload as he pleased(I recall him missing some deadlines or having them not publish it on the decided date) and would keep people who are just there to watch Modern Warfare 2 videos out. Nothing against liking videos of that variety, but the majority seem to be 12 year old kids whining about something.


Okay, sorry for the enraged tangent I took there. Essentially It seems Machinima runs on other peoples content, causing a serious disadvantage to people who like a few of their content producers. I think that Ross should start his own channel, or some other means of distributing the videos, for the sake of the fans and possibly himself.

"Do not inhale fumes, no matter how good they smell."

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I don't know what everyone's problem is with machinima. Personally I just don't subscribe to them and check stuff manually and i don't really end up wasting time, in fact it usually saves me time rather than searching that terrifying sub box. I've never subscribed to machinima and i feel happy about that. And while we're in the topic it is true that random cartoon guys that make errrm...totally mature content like all the time yeah..get allot of views but thanks to machinima allot of people get popular allot faster. Heck, a youtube LPer (won't mention any names so no one gets pissed saying i advertise) has a job making videos thanks to machinima. Just wait patiently peeps.

Nyao nyao~ 子猫は幸せです

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Though I don't agree with the video's implementation, I hate Machinima. It just takes a few things I like and slams it together with a whole bunch of other stuff that I hate. I can't subscribe to my favorite content producers, like Ross, because of all the extra crap. I just bookmarked this page and my problem was solved, but the issues I have with Machinima remain. Having a 7 second intro of Machinima's self-promotion ruin the general atmosphere of the real intro and following genius. Its like watching a movie on TV compared to watching one off DVD. Having ads plastered to it makes it less of a movie and more of a commercial of sorts just to bring more attention to other videos. I think Ross should just get his own channel. It would give him freedom to upload as he pleased(I recall him missing some deadlines or having them not publish it on the decided date) and would keep people who are just there to watch Modern Warfare 2 videos out. Nothing against liking videos of that variety, but the majority seem to be 12 year old kids whining about something.


Okay, sorry for the enraged tangent I took there. Essentially It seems Machinima runs on other peoples content, causing a serious disadvantage to people who like a few of their content producers. I think that Ross should start his own channel, or some other means of distributing the videos, for the sake of the fans and possibly himself.

This is what I wanted to say my whole life- thank you.

When I was like 8 I had a friend with a surname Kuzmanović, and we were making nicknames for him.So,we called him Kuzma/Kuzman,or,kuz.In Serbian,''milking'' [a cow] is said ''muze'',so I started calling him Kuz-muz,moving my hands like I'm milking a cow.

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