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At long last, here's the next episode of Freeman's Mind. This episode got delayed for dozens of reasons, none of them especially interesting. It mostly has to do with me attempting too many things at once. I'll try and get more FM episodes out as soon as I can.


People who are very familiar with Half-Life may notice this episode doesn't play out how the game normally does. Normally, there's a sequence you have to initiate before the game will progress, but here, it's already happening by the time Freeman shows up to it. You can blame this on Half-Life: Source. All I did was load a saved game I had, and the events played out as you see them, every time I tried. I wasn't able to find a workaround for this, but I don't think it really matters in this case anyway.

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I don't remember about cut sequence you're talking about. What was it supposed to be ?

And, how do you make those introductions camera moves ? They're pretty cool !

Anyway, a really good episode. Seeing Freeman getting overwhelmed makes me laugh every time.

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I think he was referring to the room with the Alien Grunts. Normally, they're in some sort of pod that raises from the ground when you initiate them. Plus, in the same room, there is normally a wall that gets blown down by explosives, followed by a team of soldiers who charge in.


Great episode! Who would've thought hiccups would make things funnier?

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Who would've thought hiccups would make things funnier?

Who wouldn't've?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Don't know if this is what you were referring to but the AI was really weird.

Anyway, don't feel the need to rush freemans mind episodes, they're better if they get down at the pace you want to do them. Mostly because you'll be able to change things that you're not really sure about or if something wasn't done properly, and it's always nicer to work under stress free conditions. Great work anyhow

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Might wanna put that in spoiler tags, man. so you don't ruin that for people who haven't watched it.

Roger that sir!

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Excellent episode as always...but HOW COULD YOU IGNORE THE TAU CANNON LIKE THAT?! I was so looking forward to this part...
Would YOU pick up something that just killed two people who were holding it? If yes, you might want to watch this clip:



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I feel you don't just want to hear about the

Tau cannon

so here's what i think about Ep. 40...



Your jokes were in rare form for this one, i have a feeling that's due to you finally being in a section where shit's actually happening. i was hoping you'd open the cage (that's where you find the snarks, right?) i wanted to see how Gordon would react when he's in command of an alien bug army. All in all i give this episode a run for one of my favorites, being behind 17 and 28.


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Looks like people on Youtube want hour long episodes, and them to come out faster and faster. Oh and great episode, I also agree with Ross Scott/Gordon Freeman on the reasoning behind not picking up the

Tau Gun.

Lastly, the laser beam destructo death thingamajig, you know the two rooms with the laser of death trap. Anywho, in those two rooms I always lured enemies in them as en epic trap, but also, I still don't get why a big button sets it all off.


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For everyone worried about spoilers, don't be. If people don't want spoilers, they can watch the episode before reading comments about it, I see it more as a common sense issue.

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Dear god, I'm in tear of joy, more soon please!!!
This man shares my sentiments exactly.
For everyone worried about spoilers, don't be. If people don't want spoilers, they can watch the episode before reading comments about it, I see it more as a common sense issue.
I think most people can fill in the blanks fairly easily anyway. "I also agree with Ross Scott/Gordon Freeman on the reasoning behind not picking up the ____" isn't much of a riddle.

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My sound card is being used at the moment but this should be a very fun episode to subtitle when my soundcard gets free. :D


I love this one. Lasers make Freeman happy. :D Can't wait for him to push the block under the sheet of metal to blow a hole in the wall. :mrgreen:

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Hiccups were great. Shame about the Tau cannon, but at least EVERYONE CALMED DOWN. :D

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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