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This thread is for discussing anything and everything anonymous.

I will start by leaving this video here.





Citizens of the World.

We are Anonymous.


We have been watching recent events as they have slowly but surely unfolded, from the distortion and destruction of the first amendment to legalize and justify political bribery, to the dawn of a new political struggle consisting of millions of citizens crying out in indignation at this misappropriation of the judicial system, and to the very proposal of the so called, "Stop Online Piracy Act", SOPA, without any concern to ethicality, morality, or responsibility. We have witnessed the recent actions this 'Corporatocratic' government has taken the means by which it has justified shutting down megaupload.com, a site that served, and continues to serve, as a very legitimate means of transferring information.


Suffice to say, we are angry.


These recent actions directly oppose the values we uphold, as well as the values of the founding fathers of the United States government. The freedom of information must never be infringed upon, and that the government exists to serve the will of the people, not the will of the financial elite.


They have already been forewarned of the technology at our disposal to defend our right to access information. The legislative entities and Governmental bodies that attempt to impose their law upon what is not theirs need to be forced to understand that we arer a sovereign entity beyond your control.


We therefore have declared as one collective, that the cyberspace domain be independent from the United States government and from any tyrannical laws they seek to impose upon us.


They claim there are problems amongst us that need to be solved. They use this as an excuse to invade our precincts.


They are wrong.


We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere, may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of retribution or of being coerced into silence or conformity.


Their legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are all based on matter, and there is no matter here. We are a sovereign nation, and we intend on staying as such.


Citizens of the Global Community, join us. Let us defend our home, the internet.


Operation Revenge, engaged.

Operation Megaupload, engaged.

Operation Blackout, engaged.


We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not Forgive.

We do not Forget.

To the United States Government, you should've expected us.


So what do you guys think about that?

Does anyone understand it?

I would also like to point out these parts:


We therefore have declared as one collective, that the cyberspace domain be independent from the United States government and from any tyrannical laws they seek to impose upon us.

We are a sovereign nation, and we intend on staying as such.


WTF!? :?

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Agreed, WTF?


Anonymous is the most fractured organization ever. Any time something happens that they don't like, any number of people calling themselves members of it go up in arms and use their ever-adapting and varied arsenal of cyberdeath (DDoS) to protest against it. At the same time, the rest call those people newfags and the cancer that is killing /b/. Honestly? Anonymous as an organization can't really be confirmed to exist. The thing about it is, ANYONE can do something and claim to be part of Anonymous. That is the main point of Anonymous. It could be anyone. So whether or not Anonymous actually does anything, we will never know. It's not like that message was published by a High Council of Anonymous. More likely, it was just one or two guys who wrote it and hoped people would roll with it. Oh sure, I don't doubt that Anonymous as a whole is mostly opposed to SOPA and the Megaupload arrests, but how many of them actually did anything about it? Who the hell knows?


Essentially, Anonymous is the Jew of the 21st century - they are thought of by paranoid individuals as some sort of secretive organization of conspirators and are blamed for most of the world's problems, whether it's their fault or not.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Yup, they're not an organization really, because they are far from organized. I can go one Youtube, use a text-to-speech program and blabber some nonsense about how I will hack the FBI or something. If I get the video out there, people would believe it, but nothing would happen and everyone will blame anon for not doing what they are saying.


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"Anonymous" rarely gets any real work done. It's not even a group, it's practically an idea or a state of mind. Any moron can just put on a Guy Fawkes mask and start saying how they're Legion, they don't forgive/forget, etc.


Now, don't get me wrong. Anonymous has done a couple things here and there, but it's few and far between for the amount of people that actually call themselves part of the organization. Most of the time it's just lame little site take downs that cause little to no damage to anything.

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We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere, may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of retribution or of being coerced into silence or conformity.


What an extraordinarily stupid goal. Especially how genuinely stupid and harmful some beliefs are.


Sorry kids, but if you believe praying is as good a cure for cancer than surgery and chemo, you're a goddamn moron and should be forced to STFU and take your kid to the hospital.


Harlan Ellison said it best: "You are NOT entitled to your opinion, you are entitled to an INFORMED opinion."


Also, it's a bald-faced lie. Anonymous's primary attacks are retributive, and aiming at silencing ideas and people they don't like.


Decide you don't want to be involved in any business dealings with Wikipisses or Julian Ass sandwich, and look how fast Anonymous jumps on your ass.


tl;dr: A little bit right, but also full of shit.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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What an extraordinarily stupid goal. Especially how genuinely stupid and harmful some beliefs are.


That is not stupid. Freedom of speech/expression is absolutely necessary for a healthy society. Trying to suppress ideas and beliefs only works to support and promote them by giving them official recognition as a threat. That is not to say that the outrageous ideas cannot get hold but they only do so when there is already a fertile ground of disgruntled/disaffected population.


For examples see Marxism/Leninism in Russia, National-Socialism in Germany. They illustrate both points - a) not possible to suppress an idea and b) the country must be in big trouble to turn to radicalism en masse. And these are only the two most recent examples...


In normal times, you'd want the stupid and eccentric to vent their ideas freely. That will eliminate the possibility of them getting the aura of unjust persecution, they will also act as "antibodies", constantly reminding people about the lunacy of some of these ideas and creating a certain social "immunity" against the most outrageous and ridiculous "solutions". Finally, they will - very importantly - show you the "temperature" of your society by the amount of support they will generate among the general population. Also, when these ideas are out in the open you can fight them in the only effective way possible - by counterarguments.


In contrast, when you suppress these ideas and beliefs they will spread underground and sooner or later will explode and bite you in the arse...


All of this has nothing to do with the Anonymous, which I really don't know much about, so I'll reserve my judgement for now.



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Operation Revenge, engaged.

Operation Megaupload, engaged.

Operation Blackout, engaged.


We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not Forgive.

We do not Forget.

To the United States Government, you should've expected us.


This sort of stuff bothers me, it's so clichéd and entirely unnecessary... :P

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Ya know...

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Anonymous doesn't really exist, it's just a hoax. Also, no serious hacker would ever be a part of such a group.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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In contrast, when you suppress these ideas and beliefs they will spread underground and sooner or later will explode and bite you in the arse...


I see what you're trying to say, and maybe I was arguing over a point Anonymous is not actually trying to make.


Everyone should be able to express their opinions and beliefs.


NOT every opinion and belief is equal, however, and none of them should be immune to criticism. A lot of people are of the mistaken belief that they all should, and that facts and opinions are interchangeable.


Just take, for example, people who argue about Nibiru. When you point out that such a planet is physically impossible, and why, some idiots say "that's just your opinion, man." NO it's NOT! The gravitational constant of the universe is not subject to a debate! F=M*A, no matter what Deity you believe in!


And a lot of idiots take arguing with their stupid opinion as an attempt to "oppress" or "silence" them. Well it is, sort of. I want them to stop talking before they infect others with their idiocy. Stupid beliefs are just as contagious and virulent as intelligent ones. Sometimes moreso.


Doom "Some opinions are antibody resistant. My shotgun is the cure for ideological MRSA." Shepherd

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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I really used to like Anonymous. They were funny, and they usually fought against establishments of fraud. Now, they're just anarchists. They attacked the FBI when they were investigating MegaUpload. Also, didn't they organize Occupy Wall Street?


Also, remember Jesse Slaughter and her "ya dun goofed" dad? Turns out, the story behind that isn't what you think. 4chan is full of pedophiles and for every cool thing you hear Anonymous do, there's a million pedophile-ey and immature things they do.

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Almost all polish governmenrs' sites are blocked by annonymous. Well done.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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They DDOS'd some government sites, they must be really hardcore, sweaty, pizza-faced 13 year olds!!


Anonymous is going to be the end of the internet with how stupidly serious they take themselves.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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