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It was pretty entertaining, but I'm looking forward to what you have coming up next.

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I don't know much about mo-cap, but is it possible to go in and fine-tune animations after they're recorded via the capture? That would at least make it easier to get the same animation levels from the older CP's with less time, but that's assuming you can. Again, I don't really know much about how this works.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I don't know about you guys, but to me, it was the best episode right after The Tunnel.



People complain about the animations being odd, but really, I don't. I think it's a lot better than Mike and Dave just standing there, bobbing their heads while talking. There, it really seems like they're having a dialog, moving their arms around, even while they aren't talking for 10 seconds.

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I am working on subtitles for this CP episode. Please be patient. It should be on the forums in the Subtitles section soon. :)


EDIT: Subtitles are up. Enjoy! And if you see any errors, please let me know! I've tried to proofread the best I could but it's possible that I missed something and would like another set of eyes looking at my work. :)

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Their voices changed in this episode, must be the new microphone.

Great job, not your best in the way of story but it was entertaining and I've watched a couple of times already.

Can't wait for more civil protection, good luck with finding a new engine.

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I immediately recognized the Sim City 4 music.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I leave for a few weeks and a new Civil Protection episode comes out? Is it my birthday? That was great! The "Christmas Brick" idea was amazing--I have to try that some time.


Thanks, Ross! I hope your Christmas was better than mine! Mine wasn't that great because I got complacent and at the end of the year, I realized that I had only drank eight litres of egg nog. Only eight litres! That's, like, only two litres a week! I missed out this year! *sigh*


Too bad no more Source Civil Protection. I always thought that the Source engine was beautiful, even eight years later. Oh well, I'm sure what you use to replace it will be just as good. I'm looking forward to it!

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I thought it was pretty funny. Would be nice to see some more (verbal) action from the pair of them. It's all a bit..friendly. That's okay and stuff, but really, a bit more violence would be great I think. Cool video still. Really liked that 'i'm writing you from prison' xD

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a bit more violence would be great I think.


Slapstick violence is okay in a CP episode but realistic violence would just be out of place.

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a bit more violence would be great I think.


Slapstick violence is okay in a CP episode but realistic violence would just be out of place.


Maybe. As long as it would benefit the humour it'd be okay.

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I learned that a loud noise will blow out a camera. Why does it do that? How do you fix it? Next episode!

I imagine the explanation going something like this:


Dave:You see, loud noises, like this-

Mike:DAVE! NO!

*Dave sets off explosion* KA-BOOM

Dave:Anyway, an explosion like that will damage the microphone the same way-

Mike:DAVE! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Dave:-the same way a lound noise can make a person go temporarily deaf.

Mike:Dammit, Dave, nobody is going to hear the explanation because you screwed up the volume again!


Note: I don't know if my explanation is true or not, but it made sense to me.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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I had no idea Scott released this episode. I'm up for anything else in faceposer, or animating, etc!





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Well if Ross hasn't given any news on it, it is not completed yet. There is no need to ask, it wont make it go faster.


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