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Top 10 Overrated Games

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L.A noire. Talk about worthless game, I was expecting something incredible! (Me and my friend waited 100 days, I counted, for this game to come out, which might have something to do with me being disapointed and all) But seriously, the game does just about everything for you. You walk around and its like this: You pick up an object, turn it, and the game just zooms in on the clue and tells you to go to that place and talk to that guy. I thought it was gonna be like: "Find clues and figure shit out yourself" but no, we need captian obvious and his gang to come help us. Its more restricted than CoD. Now I might have gotten my expectations a little too high, but still, they could have done this better. I dont know why everyone likes it so much...

"Life sucks sober!"

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Resident Evil 4

L.A Noire

Duke Nukem Forever

Final Fantasy 13

Mass Effect 2

Halo 2

Halo 3

Assassins Creed 2

Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto 3


Not all of them are bad...but they are overrated

This is the end of the line, and I'll rip you apart for what's inside.

Compensating wealth for what's more and more worthlessness.

The end of fear, the end of your life, I'll kill you right now, fucking die.

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This game [TF2] is the source of so many fucking memes, so many avatars, and so much SHIT on the internet that I wanna STRANGLE the makers of it.


Please. Don't do it just yet - I want the Episode 3 to come out, eventually.


Doom- Where do I start. No free-aim, no jumping, monsters that are indistinguishable from the background, bad game mechanics, no premise, textures where each pixel is easily visible, bad gunplay and the fact that every other arcade FPS does it better. Doom is nothing more than a museum piece in my opinion.


When it came out, Doom was the best FPS game there ever was, believe me. All the bells and whistles that came later were based on feedback from gamers who started to figure out what worked well and what didn't. Remember that even WASD controls only appeared much later, after Quake IIRC or maybe even later... But that was happening after ID started licensing it engines to other developers - of course, people improved from there but that was an evolution. Doom itself was a revolution.


Now, try playing it through zdoom engine - it's got those things (free-look, jumping etc). But also remember that when Doom came everything was still rendered in software, graphics acceleration was practically unheard of and most PCs were still AT-386, AT-486 - that was looong time ago :-)


However, Half-Life 2 just wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the first Half-Life.


Unfortunately, half of Half-Life 2 atmosphere is lost on people who never lived in the former Soviet/Socialist bloc. For me, just walking through City-17 or the Pobeda mine brings goosebumps, still... Nothing before or since equals HL2 series in that respect + the plotline + voice acting - I personally think HL2 is not overrated at all.



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I don't think that just cause you don't (or didn't) like a game it means its overrated.
Just because you don't like a game and think it's overrated doesn't mean it's not. No one can really claim an objective point of view though so I guess we can all smash our opinions together and see what happens.
When it came out' date=' Doom was the best FPS game there ever was, believe me.[/quote']When it came out maybe, but not anymore. People like me and Axeldeath, who weren't around at the time of Doom's release, feel a little annoyed when games that are by all means archaic now are rated above newer games just because of nostalgia value.

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It's not nostalgia value, its just a game that came out 20 years ago. Impossible to compare to an actual game. The rate was given at that time, and of course if you rate a game like Doom to today standars it will get a stupidly low score cause, well.. its 20 years old (almost).

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Resident Evil 4

L.A Noire

Duke Nukem Forever

Final Fantasy 13

Mass Effect 2

Halo 2

Halo 3

Assassins Creed 2

Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto 3


Not all of them are bad...but they are overrated


I agree about Mass Effect 2. I played a while and just hated it. Controlled very badly, voice acting was awful...

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This entire thread




Anyway, I'm not really sure that rating games from 20 years ago is fair to the game itself. Of course it's going to be 1upped by other games during that time period. I'm sure that 20 years from now the games we'll have will be ludicrously better than the ones we have now.

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Resident Evil 4

L.A Noire

Duke Nukem Forever

Final Fantasy 13

Mass Effect 2

Halo 2

Halo 3

Assassins Creed 2

Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto 3


Not all of them are bad...but they are overrated


I agree about Mass Effect 2. I played a while and just hated it. Controlled very badly, voice acting was awful...


Ditto. It also spawned one of the most annoying memes ever (I'M COMMANDER SHEPARD, AND THIS IS MY FAVORITE HERP ON THE DERP).


That doesn't have anything to do with the game's quality, but... AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH.

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It's not nostalgia value, its just a game that came out 20 years ago. Impossible to compare to an actual game. The rate was given at that time, and of course if you rate a game like Doom to today standars it will get a stupidly low score cause, well.. its 20 years old (almost).


I rate Deus Ex by today's standards, I rate Star Control 2 by today's standards, Half Life, Wolfenstein ET, Fallout 2, Daggerfall etc. I still consider them good, even great, it's age has nothing to do with it. A good game is a good game, I respect titles like Doom for being revolutionary (at least the engine was) but that doesn't mean I have to place them on top of a pedestal and announce that they are the greatest games ever made.

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It's not nostalgia value, its just a game that came out 20 years ago. Impossible to compare to an actual game. The rate was given at that time, and of course if you rate a game like Doom to today standars it will get a stupidly low score cause, well.. its 20 years old (almost).


I rate Deus Ex by today's standards, I rate Star Control 2 by today's standards, Half Life, Wolfenstein ET, Fallout 2, Daggerfall etc. I still consider them good, even great, it's age has nothing to do with it. A good game is a good game, I respect titles like Doom for being revolutionary (at least the engine was) but that doesn't mean I have to place them on top of a pedestal and announce that they are the greatest games ever made.


Agreed. Games like Half Life and Super Mario Brothers are just great games. Games like Pong and Doom though, while being revolutionary, aren't worthy of high praises when taken out of context.

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Here's what I think about Alyxx's list, some of these I agree, some I don't:


1. Metroid - As far as I'm concerned, the original is highly regarded purely as a 'legacy' game. It's like the first car: incredibly ground breaking at the time but seriously flawed by today's standards. From this point of view, it hasn't aged as well as games like the original Mario. I definitely agree with what you said about playing Zero Mission instead, it's basically Metroid as it should be.


2. GTA - Let's not beat around the bush here: all sandbox games are for fucking around in. This is what I love about GTA: you can play it how you want to play it, and you only need to ever play the missions if you feel like it. The problem I have, however, is that the 'freedom' aspect of the game is not something you can really expand upon. For instance, having played Vice City first and did everything you could possibly do to 'fuck around' in that game, I felt much less keen towards doing all that again in San Andreas, and even less so in GTA4. This is why I don't think sandbox should be used as the core of a game anymore, we've gone past that.


3. Oblivion - I'm the wrong person to ask for opinions on this kind of game, because like you, I've personally never felt fully engaged with the lore and story of a medieval fantasy RPG before. As a game, I like it because of the similarities it has to Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but beyond that, I never bonded with the game. I feel as if I would have bonded with the series if I experienced it before Fallout, then it would at least become part of my 'fond memories' collection. But as it stands, Oblivion feels like a prototype Fallout with different skin. That's about it. A lot of the 'details' doesn't help either, such as the God awful mini games and the depressingly short number of voice actors. The magic system is kind of fun, but it's actual use, as far as I'm concerned, is arbitrary outside of the Destruction and Conjuration department (the latter normally just for laughs). I'm sure at the time the game was pretty revolutionary. But again, it hasn't aged that well. Skyrim is no doubt great for people who likes that kind of game, but to me it is just going to be a prototype of Fallout 4 with a different skin. I think I'll wait for the latter.


4. Halo CE - Ooooh I can feel the fanboys' burning hatred over here. This is actually the only Halo game I've played properly on my own since I don't own a 360, and my impressions of it was good multiplayer, terrible single player. The problem is that it has all the makings of a decent FPS from a technical perspective i.e. well balanced weapons, enemies, physics etc, which makes great multiplayer experience. But it feels to me that's what Bungie designed first and then tried to wrap a single player around it. The level design was atrocious for a start: sure, the out door sections were pretty cool but whenever you go indoors... oh dear. See this room? Well get used to it because it'll be used for every single room you'll ever see for the rest of the game. See this already bland level? Well remember it well, cus we're gonna do another level in it but backwards. To me, it feels like they should've stuck to multiplayer and called it a day.


5. TF2 - To be honest, most of the complaints regarding this game is down to the people playing it. If we're gonna judge a game based on the community, then I have to say that's most of the mainstream multiplayer games down the drain. As a game, TF2 is difficult to describe and I don't think it should be compared to traditional shooters. It's really more like a game with very warped stats that happen to be in first person. The rocket launcher, for instance, doesn't behave like you'd expect, nor does a lot of weapons in fact. But that's kind of the appeal to me: you can make any weapon with any stats and it can still kind of fit, as opposed to the pesudo realistic weapons and physics 'realistic' shooters like MW and BF is restricted to. The sheer freedom in creation in the game is pretty huge. That's not to say I haven't got gripes with this game: for a start, Valve is basically letting the community go nuts with it - more than half the content currently, I think, are community made. That's not necessarily a bad thing but the lack of consistency in quality is getting a bit worrying.


6. Dreamfall - never played it, so I have no idea :P


7. Ocarina of Time - Again, haven't really played it, but I suspect it will be a love it or hate it kind of game. I have played Wind Waker, though, and that was pretty cool, but I only just got out of the tutorial section, so it's not really a full picture.


8. Amnesia - Once again, never played it, and I don't think I'd want to; I like to keep my sanity. The whole idea of making the guy a 'pussy' is kind of the point. The game's only real purpose is to scare you, and like Zero Punctuation said: even the scariest elements and atmosphere is quickly diminished with the use of heavy ordinance. Even if you could fight, a true horror game would make doing so very restrictive. The scariest games I've ever played are the original Resident Evil series simply because of just how awkward combat was: the more difficult it is to fight, the more threatening the enemy becomes, and if pulled off correctly, you'd dread every single encounter. Contrasting this is Doom 3, which was designed to be scary but the most it ever did was make me tense slightly because I didn't expect that monster to appear there. That was it. I had the frigging BFG, for goodness sake, I was a bloody God, why would I be scared of these puny zombies?


9. Fallout 3 - I better not respond to this particular entry since it does hold a dear place in my heart. Suffice to say, however, that it is not technically brilliant in retrospect: some of the design decisions were questionable at best and the bugs were... well, typical for Bethesda. But it did introduce me to RPG in general and I don't know what your view on the Mass Effect series is, but in terms of 'action RPG', I'd pick Fallout 3 and New Vegas any day. And another reason why I always try and defend this game is because of my attitude towards it before I played it. We all know that hype can be a dangerous thing, well I was sceptical of Fallout 3 before I played it and was kind of expecting it to be rubbish... and yet here I am, claiming that it was one of the best gaming experiences of my life.


10. Super Mario 64 - Without this game, Super Mario Galaxies wouldn't exist. And that's all I need to say about it. This is another example of a ground breaking game at the time that have since been improved upon. It's obviously not as impressive now but the pedigree is hard to argue against.







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Amnesia just didn't work for me. I can respect what it's trying to do but when it just doesn't work and I don't feel immersed at all and, not the least bit scared, and the annoyance of everything just overshadows the experience, then I can't help but feel that it's just not a game for me, so I feel it's really overrated.


And regarding Super Mario 64, I have nothing against the game itself, but the controls make it unplayable for me.

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Well I agree with sentiments here that a good game is a good game, regardless of when it was made. You obviously can't compare graphics across different time periods, but you can still have good art direction and atmosphere in a game with extremely dated graphics. As someone who tries to play "new" abandonware titles I've never played before, I think I'm pretty good about nostalgia not clouding my vision towards things. I get a little annoyed by "top X games" lists that have classics on the list simply because of nostalgia. It's one thing to praise a classic because it's so well done no game since has really surpassed it, it's another just because it's old and well known. By that standard, I think Doom is overrated, especially if put it alongside Painkiller, I don't think it still holds its own so well. On the other hand, Strife, a game made on the Doom engine, I think is a great game and has better writing and more freedom in it than a lot of games today.


As for the list, I haven't played Amnesia, Metroid, or Dreamfall, but I mostly agree with it. I will say that GTA 3 for me, really captured the feel of being pursued by the police, which I found incredibly interesting. I haven't played 4 yet, but the other two on that engine didn't suck me in as much (except the beginning of SA). So maybe the game as a whole is overrated, but it had elements in it I found remarkable.


As for me, my own list of overrated games not on there would be:


Bioshock (I think SS2 is superior in basically every way)

Beyond Good & Evil (I thought it was alright, but to hear people rave about it, I feel like they haven't played more graphic adventure games)

Half-Life 2 (it's a good game, but reviews treat it like the second coming of christ)

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My personal list would be something like this (I might remember a few more later). In no particular order:


1. Far Cry - I can see that stealth is supposed to be a big part of the game but I honestly cannot tell if the game is supposed to be this hard or I'm just rubbish at it. And when you can't make a distinction like that in a game like this, then you know something isn't quite right. And when your character seem to die if the enemy simply looks at you funny, the whole experience takes a bit of a plunge.


2. Golden Eye 64 - People are gonna rip me apart for this, but I personally cannot find myself to enjoy this game with that 'pre dual analogue' control scheme. I'm sure the game would otherwise be pretty decent but it just feels so inaccessible to me. And to be honest, the best game that I can think of that captures the feel of Golden eye is the Timesplitter series in the same that it's still the same frantic fun with ridiculous weapons, barely any real aiming and a focus on party type game play.


3. New Super Mario bros Wii - Christ, don't get me started with this. OK, so the classic Mario formula is as solid as it's ever been and the ones I have played on my own, I've enjoyed immensely, and I'm sure it would have been the same with this. But since the only aspect of this particular game I've actually played is the multiplayer, I can tell you right now that they have ruined the whole experience with 1 simple mistake. Why oh why did they make it so that you can push each other around? This isn't a rant on my friends deliberately pushing me off stages and throwing me into lava (although that have happened quite a few times), it's more of an observation that even when you're trying to play properly, you're constantly getting in each other's way. The worst (and sadly, most common) example is when you're trying to make a difficult jump only to hit your friend from below. They get a little jump boost while you crash and burn. What's worse is that more often than not, they're not expecting that boost anyway, so it's likely you both die as a result. And how often does this happen? Far too much. And trust me, after just a few stages of this, I'm ready to throw the wii mote out of the window.


4. God of War - Maybe I'm just not getting it, but at the very core of this game, what do people actually see in it? Yes I admit, the art style is pretty good and the boss fights are epic, but the basic combat feels repetitive as hell. The only version I've played is the PSP one, which was supposed to be one of the best PSP games. And make no mistake, it's not at all bad. But GOTY for PSP given to essentially a pretty looking button masher?







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1. Far Cry - I can see that stealth is supposed to be a big part of the game but I honestly cannot tell if the game is supposed to be this hard or I'm just rubbish at it. And when you can't make a distinction like that in a game like this, then you know something isn't quite right. And when your character seem to die if the enemy simply looks at you funny, the whole experience takes a bit of a plunge.
Far Cry get psychotically hard towards the end. I had to flat out cheat at the very end at the volcano base. I think it depends on your taste though. For me, I thought Far Cry had great atmosphere, absolutely fantastic level design (I love the open-ended pseudo-nonlinear style), and awful writing.

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Can't agree more with GTA 3, Ross. That game defined my childhood (played it since im 8 years old) and turned me in what I am right now, a bloody red-coated competitive BG2 line battle player.


I find (some might wanna kill me for this) TF2 extremely overrated. What can i say? It's in my weird list.

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[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

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