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Top 10 Overrated Games

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Here you can share which games you think are overrated and, preferably, give some reason. Please refrain from flaming, but it's okay to state your opinion! So yeah, if you need to get it out of your system, here's the thread to do it. I'm not going to bash games I haven't actually played though so even if I'm tired of people hyping Minecraft and stuff I don't have any interest in, I don't feel I can fairly judge those games because I just haven't played them.


1. Metroid


Yeah, I get it, Samus was a big deal, whatever. But aside from some revolutionary aspects, the game is bad. I mean, really bad. The level design is confusing as hell. I mean, you can only go through so many identical rooms before you go insane and you're lucky if you can navigate this game without using a map. Also, the game lags down to like 2 FPS whenever there are too many enemies on the screen, and it's so easy to die from just being hit by enemies. It's definitely a frustrating game at that. With all the games that have come out since, like Metroid II and Super Metroid and, well, fucking Metroid Prime, I don't think this game is worth playing anymore. Just play Zero Mission instead. It's much more enjoyable. And who the f*** thought it was a good idea to remove the save function when porting it to NES? You think people LIKE inputting those passwords? Nope.


2. Grand Theft Auto series


I've tried pretty much every GTA game there is and I still don't understand why people play these games. I'll admit Vice City was kind of fun with all the 80's style going for it, but really... why do we play GTA? Is it for the shitty music? The story? No, people play GTA to just fuck around with it. That's the sole reason people buy these games. It's so they can fuck around with cheat codes and mess with the game engine and just do whatever. It's fun for 10 minutes and then it gets old. Fast. Mindless violence is only entertaining for a while before it just bores the fuck out of you. GTA in my opinion is horribly overrated and the best example of why sandbox games are pretty much useless. I'd just start a mission, fail it over and over and just do random shit until I got bored and shut off the game. Sorry, but this is not my cup of tea.


3. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


I've tried to get into Oblivion twice now because everyone keeps telling me "oh this game is so great you gotta fucking play this game, bitch!!!" and I'm like "okay, just stfu!!!". So yeah, the first time, I didn't like it. It felt confusing, hard to play and just overall a bad experience. So I wanted to give it another go recently. Sure, I played a bit of it, got into the story a bit. I really wanted to like this game. But... I lost interest. I don't understand why people think this game is so good. It's littered with annoying bugs, the graphics are horrible (especially the character models which look like they were shat out of a blender) and the game is just confusing as hell. Sorry but this is not my cup of tea. Doesn't help that I've never liked fantasy settings either. I just associate them with bland boring games for the most part and this game didn't help me at all.

It's also for this reason I have ZERO interest in Skyrim. You can hype it and play it all you want, but it's not going to trick me. I'm sick of bland overhyped fantasy titles. Guess I took an arrow to the knee.


4. Halo: Combat Evolved


So yeah, Halo is kind of a big deal, the flagship title for XBox, Microsoft's big juggernaut, the one thing every console gamer is playing. So I decided to try the first game to see if it was worth all the hype. Well, it's a good FPS. Everything about it is good. But it just... didn't feel engaging. In fact, I just ended up being bored with it. It felt horribly bland and just not that interesting. So even if I love science fiction titles, this game is just overrated for me and I've lost all interest for future titles.



5. Team Fortress 2


It's not so much that I dislike the game, it's just the fact it's everywhere. This game is the source of so many fucking memes, so many avatars, and so much SHIT on the internet that I wanna STRANGLE the makers of it. I don't care for TF2, I don't care for squad based games in general. The game isn't that fun playing, never feels satisfying to me and I don't get why people love it so much. The visual style and voice work is okay I guess but nothing more. It doesn't feel like it has any good gameplay mechanics to draw me into it. It's not satisfying on the same level as MW3 imo. But yeah, that's just my taste, I don't care for it. And I would like to just forget about it but EVERYONE ARE FUCKING PLAYING IT AND CONSTANTLY REMINDING ME OF IT! So yeah, glad I got that out of my system.


6. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey


I've already spoken about how much I hate this piece of shit in my review of it, but what baffles me the most is that nobody else seems to be speaking up about it. It got glorious reviews, and people who have played it thinks it's okay. It's an overrated and overhyped piece of SHIT that could've been so much more than it was. WHY? Just... WHY?!


7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


Yeah, I'll probably get some hate for putting "the best game of all time" on my list. But sorry, this isn't a good game to me. It feels bland, boring, and just... too weird. The entire Zelda franchise is just too weird for me. There's so many weird shitty characters and the whole game feels weird and just annoying to me. Other than that, I guess I can respect it for being the biggest game on the N64, but... yeah, it's definitely overrated imo. I mean, it's an okay game but "best of all time"? Really? You wanna go that far? I don't get it.


8. Amnesia: The Dark Descent


I guess this is a game I'll never understand the hype of. I played it for like an hour until I got so frustrated and angry with it that I shut it off before I literally threw the keyboard into my screen. I mean, talk about restricting you to play as a total pussy who goes insane whenever he doesn't have light. And good luck finding enough light... This game is a total mess imo and I don't get why people praise it so much. I guess it just works for some people, but not for me. It's overrated as hell to me.


9. Fallout 3


Fallout 3 isn't a bad game, it's just a very mediocre one. While it did fit as a sort of FPS/RPG hybrid, compared to Fallout 2, it's a disappointingly bland game. Definitely really overrated imo.


10. Super Mario 64


Yeah, sorry, I just don't have anything nice to say about this game. The controls feel very weird and it feels impossible to control Mario correctly due to the perspective. I often misjudge jumps and stuff and just end up getting frustrated. I dunno, something about 3d platformers in general just feel off to me, though Tomb Raider got it right, more right than SM64 in my opinion. What baffles me is that everyone seems to regard this as one of the best games ever, which is what I don't get. SMB3 and even SMW were much better titles imo.


So that's my list. What's yours?

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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This seems like its gonna be fun.


Ze Call of Duty franchise(you might want to take into account, I have only played CoD2, CoD4, MW2 and Black Ops)


Here we go. So the CoD games are ... not that bad. They aren't awful. HOWEVER, it by no means even deserves to even be close to the point where it is now.

The campaign is a boring rail shooter with no freedom whatsoever. Now granted that is not necessarily a bad thing, it can be useful when you are trying to tell an interesting story, but CoD's just ISN'T. In the SLIGHTEST. The campaign is tiny, short, minuscule. The setting is a cookie-cutter Modern World War. The enemies are boring copy-pastes. The only thing the campaign has got going for it are the overall polish and the pretty impressive set-pieces. The latter however gets drowned by the fact that the graphics are aging. A new engine is really needed. And am I the only noticing the sound is just bad, the guns sound like BB-guns more than anything else(In BO they even look like BB guns).

Lets get on to be Multiplayer. Lets start off with the most obvious one. It is very unbalanced. There is not a whole lot of explaining needed here.There are about 2 guns that you will see regularly used in game. The lethal killstreaks are just so damn useless, you basically call in a bot to do the killing for you. CoD is trying to be something it isn't. You're not a "War Simulator", you are an Arcade game, start acting like it. The spawn system is just bloody awful. PC Gaming seems to take the seat ALL the way in the back, with games not being playable on release, bad optimizing and a lack of necessary options(FOV).

But the thing that irks me the most is the complete and utter lack of innovation. I mean I am not asking for the reinvention of the wheel here but there is just next to no reason to buy any CoD Game released after CoD4. It did everything newer games did only better.


All in all, the CoD games are not awful, but not good either and most certainly not deserving of what it has now.




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Yeah, different strokes for different people. I really enjoy MW3 at least, but it's pretty much the only CoD game I've really played. But I agree it's really overrated and hyped to hell, that's for sure. Aside from the multiplayer in MW3, I don't feel there's any other reason to play it, there's really not much depth to it when compared to games like Deus Ex.

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The Zelda franchise, Infamous, Call of Duty, Bioshock...

As much as people tell me Bioshock is revolutionary and beautiful, I just don't see it. All I can see in it is a somewhat bland shooter that doesn't control very well, wrapped in a pretty heavy-handed plot.

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Regarding Super Mario 64, I've played the DS version and the original, and I have to say that the DS version has MUCH better controls. I only played it on my friend's N64 briefly, but I can tell I wouldn't have enjoyed as much if I had played the original all the way through.


As for Halo, well, I enjoyed it. I've played all of them and the original is definitely the best out of the bunch. If that was bland, yeah don't even try the other ones, there's nothing there for you. Except for ODST. Gameplay is similar (being alone in the city is kind of cool), but it has a unique story, well, as unique as it can be within the context of Halo, and even an interesting backstory with the audio logs. If you can find a cheap used copy I'd recommend you give it a try.

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Rayman 2.

Don't get me wrong, I love Rayman 2, but a lot of people just seem to overrate it, classifying it as one of those games 'you don't dare fucking touch, motherfucker'. I dunno, I like the game, but when people start calling it one of the best PS1 or PS2 (if you count Revolution) games of all time, it's pushing it. So, good game, just overrated imo.


Tomb Raider.

Dohohoh boy. Okay, maybe it's because I've only played them on Playstation and not PC, but I think Tomb Raider's controls are atrocious. The original ones anyway. The way you turn and run and just...MOVE seems very clunky on a PS controller. TR3 tried to fix this with analog sticks, but it still doesn't really work because you're constantly stopping each time you try to move all the way left or right. Then there's trying to shoot things, which is made near impossible by the horrendous camera. Again, this is from a console perspective, but to me, the potential of great games is there, but completely marred by the shitty control.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I agree with Hat Fortress 2


But Metroid at number 1? Really? It's a goddamn NES game, they were all confusing as shit.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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Very well.


The competitive scene for the Modern Warfare games- This is the thing that irks me the most about Modern Warfare, there's actually a competitive scene for it on PC. What disgusts me is that there's actually auto-aim on the PC version, auto-aim has no place in a competitive FPS, to be competitive you're supposed to have some skill, and auto-aim is the antithesis of skill.


Doom- Where do I start. No free-aim, no jumping, monsters that are indistinguishable from the background, bad game mechanics, no premise, textures where each pixel is easily visible, bad gunplay and the fact that every other arcade FPS does it better. Doom is nothing more than a museum piece in my opinion.


World of Warcraft- Bad combat, grind, fetch quests, grind, community of 10 year olds, grind, grind, grind, grind.


Bioshock 2- I've already expressed my views on this on another thread. So to stop Kirky from having a heart attack I'll refrain from writing it all out again.


The Witcher- Boring combat, convoluted storyline, too many fan-service boobs, main character isn't relatable at all and THE STORY STARTS OFF WITH AMNESIA, GREAT.


Dead Space 1 & 2- They wouldn't be up here if they didn't market themselves as a horror game. It's an action game with some nice enemy models, that's pretty much it. The ending is atrocious and the character getting a face and a voice in the second game was quite jarring, it wouldn't have been so bad if he was less generic than a COD/BF terrorist.


Civ V- Maybe it could have been fine on its own, but this was a sequel to Civ IV. It lost huge amounts of its complexity because they thought that making the game on console was a good idea, it wasn't, strategy games just don't work on console. There isn't a market for it and all it does is ruin the PC version, strategy games with complexity require a lot of buttons and menus to go through to allow for all the things you need to be able to do to feel unrestricted.

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OK, I AM COMING TO YOUR HOUSE AND BURN YOUR PC DOWN THAN I WILL STRANLAFJAFDAFaDKNX!$L!@NH34xhi1b4z1nk431b2zno1nmkz32njn #@JIX324 c3jk i[o3k24nF<>er't3$wr;ln42vtglm;rf.mVT$#MK:NTR@$#HY


With the lemons?

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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I'm listing these in no particular order whatsoever.


Counter-Strike: Source


Now a lot of people enjoy this game (and I don't heavily reprimand it myself), but I just don't get what's so ultra-amazing about it. I see it as another FPS. It has next to no plot and the gameplay is rather repetitive, at least for me. I've also heard the game has atrocious hit detection (I haven't experienced it for myself, but it's an issue that's frequently complained about), which I'm a colossal stickler about. While a game lacking a plot isn't necessarily an instant "forget it" (TF2 is one of my favorite games, in fact.. don't hit me, Alyxx), it usually makes one very bland or predictable.


Half-Life 2


Don't get me wrong; the Half-Life series' plot is seriously phenomenal. However, Half-Life 2 just wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the first Half-Life. Again, don't get me wrong; I don't dislike it because I'm one of those "video game hipsters" who only likes games from the '90s and before. Half-Life was just... cooler for some reason. It's something I'm unable to explain. While video game preference is very subjective, I'm incapable of thinking of a word to describe the difference in quality between the first Half-Life and the second.


World of Warcraft


World of Warcraft's not abysmal, but... well, pretty much what Axeldeath said. It's too grindy for my tastes.


This is pretty obligatory, but the Call of Duty series as Kirkreng said.


Alyxx has already said "different strokes for different people" (which I agree with, remaining neutral in the Call of Duty vs. Battlefield war) but Call of Duty has generated an absolutely incredible amount of hype and controversy. I fail to see what's so amazing about it. KEEL DEH TERROREESTZ! I don't play Call of Duty games a lot, but they look a bit superficial. Not to say that anyone who likes the series is superficial; the series altogether just doesn't seem that intricate.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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Half-Life 2


Don't get me wrong; the Half-Life series' plot is seriously phenomenal. However, Half-Life 2 just wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the first Half-Life. Again, don't get me wrong; I don't dislike it because I'm one of those "video game hipsters" who only likes games from the '90s and before. Half-Life was just... cooler for some reason. It's something I'm unable to explain. While video game preference is very subjective, I'm incapable of thinking of a word to describe the difference in quality between the first Half-Life and the second.


I know what you mean. I wouldn't say HL2 is worse or better, but it's just very different. HL1 had the interesting idea of exploring one huge place, completely cut off from the outside world. HL2 kind of replaces that idea with the exploration of a much larger outdoor area.

There's also the fact that HL2 made the decision to change the game's world so much. No longer is the game based on the present day, in a "what if" scenario. It's now set in a distopian future, where things are jarringly different from the conditions of the first game. Gordon Freeman is also no longer an average scientist, but a savior figure in the eyes of the human race.

So yeah, HL2 changes a lot in terms of setting and story, which makes it a very different game than HL1. I think it's totally admirable that Valve went in such a radically different direction, and I think both are built to the same level of quality, but it's really up to personal opinion which one is better.

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It's very refreshing to hear these perspectives, in my opinion. :D


Doom- Where do I start. No free-aim, no jumping, monsters that are indistinguishable from the background, bad game mechanics, no premise, textures where each pixel is easily visible, bad gunplay and the fact that every other arcade FPS does it better. Doom is nothing more than a museum piece in my opinion.

What do you expect, the game is from 1993. I think that's a bit of an unfair criticism in that regard.

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What do you expect, the game is from 1993. I think that's a bit of an unfair criticism in that regard.


No it's not. Marathon was released a year later and solved almost all of those problems. Carmack just didn't spend enough time on the game, he'd done Wolfenstein before Doom and when they moved on to levels that used verticality they should have known that it the player would want to look up. The other problems were design decisions, like it having no premise or story to create an "all action experience".


But that's not why I put it on my list. It's there because people go crazy about how amazing it is and how it beats every other modern FPS, when they're clearly seeing Doom through metre thick rose-tinted glasses. Yet they'll still flame you if you don't see what's so good about it.

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I agree with all the games on your list (Especially metroid, I couldn't stand that game), but only becuase pretty much all games are overrated. Minecraft. Totally not overrated.

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I don't think that just cause you don't (or didn't) like a game it means its overrated.

I don't like FPS, i never did, but that doesn't mean HL, or doom, etc are overrated.

Anyways, i agree GTA series are overrated, i like those, played all of em, but after a while i find em boring, story is usually really bad and unnoriginal, and sandbox elements are limited to going around a city shooting people, missions get ultra repetitive, etc.

I love Zelda games, but i agree most of those are overrated, some are awesome games, others are overrated cause of the franchise.

Oh and Final Fantasy franchise is totally overrated :P

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