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OH SHIT! Moments

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Post images, stories, anything that fits OH SHIT!



\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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Post images, stories, anything that fits OH SHIT!



I have that image framed hanging in the hall. Its probably my father's since he is quite the train enthusiast.


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Well I climbed a tree 2-3 years back in the woods and, when I stepped on one of the higher branches, parts started falling off (I was a good 20 or so feet high) I said, "Ohh that's not go-" OH SHIT BIG SURPRISE THE BRANCH I WAS STANDING ON SNAPPED and I fell. Somehow I managed to land on my feet and not fall down. I didn't break anything though my right foot twisted the wrong way and was pretty sprained. Had to hobble while carrying my bike a mile to get home. (After about a half an hour of cussing between gritted teeth, mind you) Lesson learned.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Oh shit! moment:


I was leading a 10 man line in lb_Alpinepass. The lads were steady and following orders. we walked over a mountain and saw the continental line. we began chasing. The buggers formed ranks when we lost sight. we walked right through their sights, 2 meters away from them



[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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This looks alot like a forum game due to the images.


My OH SH*T moments, when in a video game, I turn around to find a big-ass enemy behind me. Skyrim, you and your unforseen frostbites.

Also known as "Username"

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be sniping in COD

landing every shot, feeling pretty boss-like

i see an enemy look at me

i dust his ass

i'm happy

feels good, man

all of a sudden i see a fucking launched grenade hurtling at my face

it's from the guy i just shot...

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At school we have this girl Lakendra....well back last year I saw her and I thought it was a guy

She didn't have anything at all....no T-A-P whatsoever so I came up and I was all like what's up dude

she turned around and she was like who the fuck you callin' dude I'm 100% grade A female

...and then she raised her shirt in the class

This is the end of the line, and I'll rip you apart for what's inside.

Compensating wealth for what's more and more worthlessness.

The end of fear, the end of your life, I'll kill you right now, fucking die.

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i was jumping on a trampoline about a year ago or so and i was trying to steal my friend's jump. he happened to weigh 100lbs more than me(this is important later, trust me). well, i managed to steal his jump, i went high in the air. he was wearing socks, and me stealing his jump caused him to slip underneath me. i'm going down, he's bouncing up. his knee slams into my balls...i hit the deck instantly.


the "Oh shit moment" was me looking down and, well...


oh, and don't worry! my friends watched it happen! they helpfully crowded around me laughing their asses off.

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I wonder how fucked up are schools in US...

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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Throwing a pipe bomb in a random direction and the explosion disturbs the witch.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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