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Hello everybody. I'm a just a guy with too much time on his hands. So I come here, and then I don't have too much time on my hands.

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I'm still perplexed as to why My Little Pony has taken off so much in popularity.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Because it's awesome 8-)

And I suppose people on the internet had to find a new way to be weird :lol:

Well, the K.I.S.S. Principle dicates that I accept that notion as factual.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Hi, I'm Jusmar and I am a alc...wait wrong bit. I am just jusmar and I am in a small city outside of Austin, Texas. I like Valve games and FM, also Galaxy Gulp. :D *nods to people who know what that is* Though Pigeon Hunter is also good. I am a huge computer nerd as I currently built my own computer!

"Do not inhale fumes, no matter how good they smell."

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I am a huge computer nerd as I currently built my own computer!

Depending on what you mean by "built" that doesn't make you a huge computer nerd.

If you just bought a motherboard, case, etc. and assembled it then you aren't a huge computer nerd, maybe just a normal one. Now if you constructed your own computer from scratch out of semi-conductor ore, then you're a huge computer nerd

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I tell people I custom-built my computer because I put in 2GB extra RAM.... Hey! Don't judge me, It's not really lying... Just... Streching the truth.

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Hi, I'm Jusmar and I am a alc...wait wrong bit. I am just jusmar and I am in a small city outside of Austin, Texas. I like Valve games and FM, also Galaxy Gulp. :D *nods to people who know what that is* Though Pigeon Hunter is also good. I am a huge computer nerd as I currently built my own computer!

Welcome, Jusmar. I guess to most people, building computers is a bit nerdy but I wouldn't say you're a huge computer nerd for that reason, though you're coming from Texas...


Just kidding. WELCOME!

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Welcome Jusmar and make yourself at home.


My computer is custom built but I only chose the parts. I got a friend who is always available for free computer assistance. With my bad eyes I don't trust myself to handle those expensive parts.

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im Bill Ludwick and im from Pennsylvania, USA. you'll be surprised at how many people have my first and last name so i felt it didnt matter if i used them as a username, but rest assured im the real one :)

EDIT: i guess its kinda important im 19 years old.

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im Bill Ludwick and im from Pennsylvania, USA. you'll be surprised at how many people have my first and last name so i felt it didnt matter if i used them as a username, but rest assured im the real one :)

EDIT: i guess its kinda important im 19 years old.

Welcome, Bill. Your age is not important really but thanks for letting us know. :)

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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My age is usually the first thing i mention when introducing myself by default because im 5 foot 6 (Don't know the norm in fjords and lutefisk but 5 ft 6 is short for a guy here) and people gave me estimations of my age being 16 or 17 and one time even 12.

So no, it wasn't important but, yea, what can ya do lol.

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Hi I'm onion i live in England. I think Ross is one of the best machinima creators ever!

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Hi I'm onion i live in England. I think Ross is one of the best machinima creators ever!

Onion... now that's a vegetable you don't meet often.

I've never really "met" a vegetable before. I'm not sure how you met one before.

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My name is Bugthing and I say things.


I play music, games, read literature and both do and think about a whole range of other things that at the end of the day don't really affect the way I say things. I can be pretty whimsical. Most of the time though I'm just weird.

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Hi, I'm a princess...


I'm here because of Freeman's Mind (first encounter of Ross's videos) but I also like Civil Protection, hard to say which one is better, really... I'm weird and don't have many friends. I wonder if most of people here is like that too?

I hope to make ALL subtitles translations, when it's possible. I'm pretty sure I have good enough sense of humor to make an adequate translation...

And I like playing "games for boys" which is weird as for a girl, probably this is why I don't have many friends. Hard to find a girl who is into gaming these days... almost like I was living back in 50's when women didn't know they can do 'manly' things :P

I come from central Europe.

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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