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Gordon without facial hair and/or glasses....

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I was always curious how does he look like without any of them.

My photoshop skills are shitty and I've never found in the vast Internets, a reliable picture of one of these phenomenons. Just some cheesy quick photoshop job with parts of important facial features just wiped off with a brush. so it doesn't really show anything. You need some imagination and knowledge to guess the phenotype right under all this hair.

Some men look like they had a facial surgery after shaving all of their moustache and beard.

I'm really sure Freeman looks like someone totally different without the facial hair! and most probably, much less handsome too :D


But I don't know exactly how he would look!


Help me! I need to see this!



Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Gordon Freeman without facial hair and glasses? Easy.




If you don't think Hugh Laurie looks like Freeman, check this out.





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I've actually done on of those but the skin I cloned over the glasses made it look obvious that it was a Photoshop.

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I wanted to see it either, because it helps a lot with dawing. There he is.

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Haha, that looks exactly like mine. See how it looks like he has a pair of glasses embedded under his skin.

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Dr House is too ugly to be Freeman! You male audience, you have no idea about that, but I have!


I've seen all these pictures alreay. Can anyone shave Freeman professionally?






you should probably ask Ross to shave. :P


seriously though, i just imagine he looks like House those few episodes where he shaved.


I've already asked him! :mrgreen:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Dr House is too ugly to be Freeman! You male audience, you have no idea about that, but I have!

This poll seems to hint otherwise. I doubt those are all male votes ;)


How about the guy from Breaking Bad? He seems pretty Freeman-ish to me (albeit on super pissed-off bad-ass mode)




And without glasses and shaved, he looks like this.



I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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You'd never recognised him :P He looks like a rockstar from the 80's type (with long hair) :mrgreen:


But still no one has guts to shave Freeman! :roll:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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No, but it's pretty easy to picture him without facial hair.



It's difficult for me. Men look so much different without facial hair. Iwill have to use Photoshop all by myself then!


Just look at this guy:



Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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^^Who's that? (lol)

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Haha, that looks exactly like mine. See how it looks like he has a pair of glasses embedded under his skin.





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