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Also, I'd squeal like a 9 year old girl at a one direction concert if Ross ever decided to do any of the Crusader games for the Game Dungeon series. The soundtrack for those is metal as FUCK.


100 percent average every time, all the time.

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An old Pandora channel I used to listen to when I was going bankrupt in '10. It was odd how the channel always seemed to pick these melancholy songs that matched the tone of my surroundings so perfectly:


Thom Yorke - Harrowdown Hill

Tool - Aenema

Smashing Pumpkins - Daphne Descends

A Covenant of Thorns - State of Mind

Colony 5 - Suicidal


Listening to it again reminded me what a weird time that was - I was jobless, friendless, wearing out my welcome where I'd crashed, ashamed of myself, and badly injured. At the same time though, I found a morose comfort in being at rock bottom, a grim sort of peace from tackling my problems, and a strange open-ness towards others in my many vulnerabilities. It was terrifying and inspiring all at the same time, if that makes sense.


(Expensive too, I don't recommend financial exile if you can avoid it.)

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I was going bankrupt in '10...
Jeezo, that sucks! I hope you're in a better place now?




Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Guns N Roses.


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Jeezo, that sucks! I hope you're in a better place now?


Thanks for the well wishes. I was extremely fortunate and did manage get out of that rut: I found a company with a daring boss who was willing to take a chance on me, and the fresh income was all I needed to get out of debt.


But, it didn't have to work out like that. A lot of my friends are still hurtin.

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Shortly, I'll be listening to some TV series and a game... Once I finish replying here.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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