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I'm still listening to it... It's better than the original song IMO.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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i've been listening to this on loop for so long, it's just so catchy and wonderful

i love it

the name's riley

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Music from the land of HLPrincess and Ross Scott...



@K4_Kydure: this got plenty of pentatonic and double-harmonic oriental and Arabic-sounding stuff. While not metal by any count, it does get quite heavy in the second half, so maybe you'll like it...



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Since I started industial dance subject in another part of the forum...

I like this song. not my fav but it has a great beat and melody. And you probably will stare at the dancer's cleveage.... I admit I haven't even noticed it until I saw it mentioned in the comments on YT. :)



Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Kids talking on Killzone: Shadow Fall because they don't know how to not use a mic when they have friends over. >.<




As for music, I'm about to fire up a Blockhead album

Retired Forum Moderator

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I liked the guitar riff sample so I looked up the original song it came from and it's not bad.

Retired Forum Moderator

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@BTGBullseye: hmm, some curious things there... I take most of the stuff about the global conspiracy etc with a pinch of salt but it looks like the government machine may really be worried about the potential for civil unrest.


@HLPrincess: ah, well, cleavage. Now that you mentioned it - yes, her dress does raise her assets' valuation elevation a lot. :-)


Back to music: initially I was not impressed with this song but after a few listens I began to actually like it.




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I don't even know what to call this. It's like some kind of Electro Disco Funk fusion and I love it.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I take most of the stuff about the global conspiracy etc with a pinch of salt

As do I, but there are enough 'coincidences' to make it seem plausible. I personally don't agree, but I do see where they get their ideas.


but it looks like the government machine may really be worried about the potential for civil unrest.

And that has been something that many just don't seem to recognize. The government thinks we're going to revolt, so they tighten security and violate freedoms, and that makes it to where we actually are on the verge of revolt, so then they tighten down even more using obvious (to most people) lies to get what they want... (NK hacking SONY causing international sanctions, ISIS 'hacking the pentagon' [really, just their Facebook page] allowing them to keep the NSA spying programs, etc.)


@HLPrincess: ah, well, cleavage. Now that you mentioned it - yes, her dress does raise her assets' valuation elevation a lot. :-)

The cleavage isn't the main draw really... It's the way the tops of her mammaries bounce despite the corset's implied constriction.



OT: Computer fans.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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The government ... tighten down even more using obvious (to most people) lies to get what they want...


That seems to be a standard operating procedure for every Western government now (I don't add Russia because there the government is too lazy for lies - they just get what they want without them).





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