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Your most anticipated game of 2012.

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Borderlands 2. I was excited for Bioshock Infinite. But then I noticed the game has a two-weapon swap (Or at least something too damn close for comfort to it). Interest = dead in that one now, story be damned.

I love you, yet can't stand to know you exist.

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Please do. Though I might give you a little warning, it is not a particularly hard game, even on hard. That is, in my opinion, its biggest flaw. It has others, but I think those are buried by the pros.


On the subject of 2weapon rule, I really don't like it either, I think it is a stupid mechanic. Although I kind of see why Irrational put it in, they really want to push the "choice in gameplay" thing.


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Please do. Though I might give you a little warning, it is not a particularly hard game, even on hard. That is, in my opinion, its biggest flaw. It has others, but I think those are buried by the pros.


On the subject of 2weapon rule, I really don't like it either, I think it is a stupid mechanic. Although I kind of see why Irrational put it in, they really want to push the "choice in gameplay" thing.


You only have to choose because they're putting an arbitrary limitation on you and didn't want to think of a new method to instill choice in weapon selection.

I love you, yet can't stand to know you exist.

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Yeah I kind of like the all weapons but limited ammo system better. Still makes you have to chose what to weapon/type of ammo to use and forces you to explore for more supplies(although, supplies were plenty in Rapture, I hope they make it a little harder to come by in BS:I).


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I'll be waiting for reviews of Bioshock: Infinite then I guess.


Dishonored and Metro: Last Light will be first day purchases for me, I'll probably also buy anything TotalBiscuit, Yahtzee or RPS recommends though as they usually share my taste in games.

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Damn, Far Cry 3 is looking to be pretty cool. But on the other hand it is published by Ubisoft.


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Half-Life 3....?

Batman: Arkham World....?

Halo 4...?

World of Warplanes...? (MMO)

Swtor updates


Yes, yes almost all of those games have no set realese date or are even confirmed. But i can hope right? Right?!?!? Can't anyone tell me theTrue meaning of christmas??? I mean confermed reports for these games???

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It kind of concerned me that Aliens has 4 person co-op. That would completely destroy the atmosphere compared to single player

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Halo 4

Borderlands 2

SC2: Heart of the Swarm

Half life 3??


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It kind of concerned me that Aliens has 4 person co-op. That would completely destroy the atmosphere compared to single player


That's been one of the advertised points since that ancient gameinformer article. I think it would certainly be detrimental to the suspense if not handled properly, but a single-player run for the first playthrough and Gearbox's experience with quality co-op from Borderlands doesn't have me too worried.

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Well, Mass Effect 3 already came out and now I don't have any other game I drool about day and night... though I'll probably buy Diablo III.

When fortune is blind, be a guide-dog.

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It kind of concerned me that Aliens has 4 person co-op. That would completely destroy the atmosphere compared to single player


That's been one of the advertised points since that ancient gameinformer article. I think it would certainly be detrimental to the suspense if not handled properly, but a single-player run for the first playthrough and Gearbox's experience with quality co-op from Borderlands doesn't have me too worried.

From what I understand, the multiplayer will still just be marines versus aliens so the suspense will still be there in full form. You just won't have to be alone about it. Besides, that would actually feel closer to the movie since the movie was about a squad of marines and not just about Ripley on her own (at least not until the last quarter of the flick anyway).

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Current Hype Train in descending order of interest:

Borderlands 2

Assassin's Creed 3

Planetside 2

I love you, yet can't stand to know you exist.

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Some of my anticipated games in no particular order:

Bioshock: Infinite



Borderlands 2

and I swear I just had another one in my mind but I forgot :/


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Im kinda looking forward to Sniper elite V2. Ive been sceptical about sniper games since ghost warrior but this looks like it could be good.

"Life sucks sober!"

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