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Particle Or A Wave

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At one point Freeman says something like "Whether its a particle or a wave, it'll still kill you". Is this in reference to wave–particle duality and how all particles exhibit both wave and particle properties. So basically "Whether you consider electricity to be in particle form or wave form, it'll kill you"? If I'm WAY off feel free to let me know.

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Yes, I'm pretty sure it's a reference to the particle-wave duality (which episode was this in again?).

However, I don't think elecricity can be in partice or wave form, since it's just energy (but I'm no expert on this...)

Fool me once: Shame on you. Fool me twice: EVERYONE DIES!!!


si·lence (noun): The sound people make, when everyone trying to kill you is dead.

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I was a little confused by this joke too. Electricity was originally thought to be a fluid, but that was in the 19th century. Other than that electrons don't usually act like waves. At least I don't think so. I'm no certified expert either.

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The Particle-Wave-Duality actually says that every kind of radiation can be understood as a wave and as a particle (like light: can be understood as an electromagnetic wave or as a photon), it depends on the experiment. I´m really not sure if it can be a wave when we´re talking about electricity in an conductor but when the electrons are free (think its called electron radiation in that case) then you can talk about the duality. I can´t remember in which situation he said that so i can´t tell you for sure.


PS: I´m no physicist either so if i got something wrong feel free to correct me.

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Well, I'm a physicists so let clear this up for you :)

In fact, every particle, or group of particles abides to wave laws as well as classic particle ones.

You behind that screen can be described as a shit load of moving particles, or what smartasses call a "probability wave". Nevertheless, Jack Noir pointed out the point pretty good ;)

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