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Get the Survivor to safety

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This should be simple (I hope anyway) for most of you. The objective is to get our character to a safe haven waaaaay up North miles, and miles away. I will start the journy and then someone else will go. I will view each post and decide whether or not the survivor dies



1. You may not post stupid things like:the survivor pulled a helicopter out of his ass and flew to the safe zone

2. You may not post 2 times in a row. In the event that the journy stops I will start it up again. If you do post more than once in a row the second post will be ignored by all and the journy will continue

3. You may not deliberately lead the survivor to death like this:The survivor rushed into the group of zombies and got mauled to death. In the event that one of these happens just ignore it and continue

4. You may not cuss anyone out or get angry at anyone for the choices that they make, and in the event that they accidently kill the survivor do not cuss them out or otherwise be angry. Keep it to yourself

5. You may have fun :) and try to enjoy the game



Journey start: The survivor is about 17 hours into the Apocalypse when he runs across another traveler who mentions a safe haven in the North about 900 miles away from where the survivor is. The survivor decides to go for it, and sets out.

Night 1: Our survivor camps for a few hours and is suddenly assualted by a group of Zombies, after fending them off the Survivor runs away toward the North.

After about 2 hours the Survivor stops and sleeps.


Commence the next morning:



This is the end of the line, and I'll rip you apart for what's inside.

Compensating wealth for what's more and more worthlessness.

The end of fear, the end of your life, I'll kill you right now, fucking die.

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Survivor wakes up at dawn and decides to keep his journey now that he can use the sun to orientate himself. He keeps walking north and finds a gas station with some cars parked suspiciously with some of their doors unlocked.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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The Surviver walks over with their weapon drawn, and pointed towars the vehicles. When he gets to the vehicles he starts to go through them, in the end he came up with a small baseball bat, a few metal strips, and a few articles of clothing. The survivor now turns the attention to the gas station

This is the end of the line, and I'll rip you apart for what's inside.

Compensating wealth for what's more and more worthlessness.

The end of fear, the end of your life, I'll kill you right now, fucking die.

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The survivor finds a Glock and two extra magazines for it behind the counter. He checks out the bathroom. Finding nothing, he returns to walking.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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Walking up the road the survivor looks across a field and notices a fire going, curious, and otherwise confused on what to do the survivor walks over.

This is the end of the line, and I'll rip you apart for what's inside.

Compensating wealth for what's more and more worthlessness.

The end of fear, the end of your life, I'll kill you right now, fucking die.

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The survivor, curious, headed towards the fire, weapon at the ready, when he gets there, he sees a man, and a woman, mourning over a dead body, a little boy, who was sick looking, almost like a zombie. The survivor walked up to the couple.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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What happened? said the survivor looking down at the body.

After getting no response the survivor asks the couple if they wish to come with him/her.

This is the end of the line, and I'll rip you apart for what's inside.

Compensating wealth for what's more and more worthlessness.

The end of fear, the end of your life, I'll kill you right now, fucking die.

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The couple turns around. The survivor sees their red eyes. They attack. The survivor manages to kill them, but he is bitten. He must find an antiviral medication withing 48 hours, or...well, you know,

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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The Survivor, in pain, manages to dress his wound using his light supplies, he has no medical supplies left. He travels down the road without sleep for 24 hours, snacking lightly to keep his energy up. He reaches a small town, seemingly abandoned, lining the highway. He locates the locale pharmacy, exhausted and feeling a slight fever, and enters to search for antiviral medicine. The shelves are in disarray and largely bare. He continues searching.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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He finds nothing. He reads a CEDA poster, and learns that there is an abandoned medical research facility just a few miles up ahead. He hurries, knowing what'll happen in less than a day.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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He starts running desesperately but after a while gets really tired and dizzy. Vision suddenly blacks out for brief moments and loses balance. It only gives him a bigger reason to keep going and almost crawling with about 2 miles to go.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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The survivor reaches the facility. He blacks out and falls to the ground. Sighting a syringe, he uses the last of his strength to crawl to it and stab it into his arm. He passes out.

Several hours pass. He wakes up with a start. Perfectly normal. albeit weak.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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Praising the marvelous convenience of such an outcome, he took a moment to ponder how the government had been overrun so thoroughly when treatment was as readily available as this. He proceeded to search through the darkened facility. Outside, the details of which he had scarcely noticed in the haze of his condition at the time, the chainlink fence surrounding the compound appeared to have been ravaged, and was separated in several sections and strewn about the yard, which was itself littered with scattered refuse.


A defensive parameter of sandbag walls among other fortifications had been erected, seemingly to no avail considering the condition of the interior. Curiously, there were no corpses in what seemed to have been the site of a slaughter considering what must have been the sizable military presence here prior, and its absence now. He could only assume the victims had joined their attackers in their undead legion.


Within the darkened hallways, which shared the signs of a very-one sided battle, expended cartridges and abandoned weapons concentrated around series of broken defensive positions, which began as well constructed barricades of steel and degraded eventually to broken wooden tables which had been hastily stolen from adjoining rooms, all in a vain hope to stave off the horde which it surely must have required to siege such a fortress so thoroughly.


Among the ruins of shredded armor vests, useless against this type of enemy, and empty magazines, he found perhaps the last remaining surplus of ammunition. 5 magazines, fitting the many rifles left about which he easily procured. He had little training with such a weapon, but he figured it improved his chances beyond his simple sidearm.


He was bolstered with new armament, but still weary from his ordeal, and had little provisions remaining. He hoped delving further would give him the means to resolve this.



Alright guys, getting him bitten so early in the story kinda forced a crisis which we had to quickly resolve or it would kill the story; its now left us with little consequence to risk of infection though, killing any future suspense of being infected. Try to think these things out and leave room for the next guy while still establishing something strong in your own contributions


"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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The Survivor starts driving on a freeway, at night, going north, zig-zaging past all of the parked/abandoned vehicles. All of a sudden he drives up and sees a parked school bus. "what's this?" The Survivor thinks, he stops, looks inside to see three others sleeping, while the fourth is on duty.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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The Survivor turns around and finds he sees an old scruffy man with two younger but equally as scruffy men looking him down the sights of rifles. "Naow whutyew doin' in our territoreh?" The Survivor looks around nervously, thinking quickly of an escape route as he says, "I'm just trying to survive." The old man takes a step back, snorts hard and spits right on the Survivor`s shoes. "This heres OUR town, y'hear? Ain't nobody allowed in OUR town."


The rifles cock.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Survivor: "Oh, shit."

Old guy says, "Fire"

The springs in the firing pins break. Nothing happens. Guy #1 says, "Fucking old guns. Good for nothing." Survivor calmly raises his new assault rifle, and backs out of the bus. He continues north, after this convenient break.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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Walking like a soldier, it starts to get dark again and he finds himself in a very vulnerable position on the highway. He turns on a small light attached to the rifle and keeps going. When it's completely dark he hears some moans coming out of the bushes, points the gun at them and sees a zombie torso crawling at him. He decides to ignore it since he walks way faster then this poor creature.


Suddenly a big scream comes out of the zombie behind him, t could be heard miles away, the survivor shooots it in the head but it's too late, he hears moans but he doesnt know where they come from. He looks behind and sees three half decomposed men coming down at him and starts sprinting.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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