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Unusual events/stuff at school

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Just thought it would be a fun idea to post all the crazy stuff that sometimes happens in hell (aka school).


Last monday, a teacher got drunk (for like the 187th time), and got busted by the cops (he drove home drunk). And then, just a few hours later, a friend of mine buys some beer by another friend of mine, he drinks 4 cans of beer in less than 30 minutes, he is sent home for not being in class.

"Life sucks sober!"

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The University I'm learning at has a big hall with mottled floor and columns and a huge half-shpere glass window on top in one of the buildings in the campus. There is a big christmas tree in there now near a corner in that room. The room binds two floors into one big area with a cafeteria, ticket office, bookstore, information office. Anyways, I was sitting on a bench at the other end of the lower floor and was half asleep when they started redecorating the tree. The three men who did it used crowbars to get down the unnecessary adornment and to adjust the permanent one. This situation made me curious so I followed them after they finished. It turned out they were young phd students from the physics department. And they did it because they are HL fans too :P .

"It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world... the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own."

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well after classes were officially over, and we all buggered off, the ladies decided to leave a small present for the school. i walked in the classroom and found a bra hanging from a curtain.


a friend then took a picture. behold:



[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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well after classes were officially over, and we all buggered off, the ladies decided to leave a small present for the school. i walked in the classroom and found a bra hanging from a curtain.


a friend then took a picture. behold:





Now aint that something! :D

"Life sucks sober!"

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in my school there's this unusual thing: whenever you're doing something you shouldn't, or your phone rings, the principal's always looking. for instance, a friend once needed to phone his mother to GTFO of school. the only safe place is the toilet. however, the gents' one was occupied (1 man restrooms), so he was all like "bugger it" and ran into the ladies'. when the other restroom was available again, he ran out of the ladies' one with the cellphone on his ear. guess who was walking right by the restrooms. cellphone use and using opposed gender toilet. he got in big trouble.


another, last year, our class was way more crazy than this year. one day, a guy came in with a bag filled with toilet papers. when nobody was looking, we tangled the whole classroom in toilet paper, including the fan, door and the locker outside. when we were running away, principal shows up. damn.


last but not least. on friday afternoons, we tend to just skip school... all the classroom at once. 3 months ago, we were all ready to bugger off at midday after lunch, jumping over a fence and never return. we crept outside while nobody was looking, then principal was standing right behind us. i'll never forget that "where are you going, boys?" phrase. god damnit!

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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in my school there's this unusual thing: whenever you're doing something you shouldn't, or your phone rings, the principal's always looking. for instance, a friend once needed to phone his mother to GTFO of school. the only safe place is the toilet. however, the gents' one was occupied (1 man restrooms), so he was all like "bugger it" and ran into the ladies'. when the other restroom was available again, he ran out of the ladies' one with the cellphone on his ear. guess who was walking right by the restrooms. cellphone use and using opposed gender toilet. he got in big trouble.


another, last year, our class was way more crazy than this year. one day, a guy came in with a bag filled with toilet papers. when nobody was looking, we tangled the whole classroom in toilet paper, including the fan, door and the locker outside. when we were running away, principal shows up. damn.


last but not least. on friday afternoons, we tend to just skip school... all the classroomn at once. 3 months ago, we were all ready to bugger off at midday after lunch, jumping over a fence and never return. we crept outside while nobody was looking, then principal was standing right behind us. i'll never forget that "where are you going, boys?" phrase. god damnit!


Sounds like a pretty annoying principal.... You live in england ? Heard that the schools are a little stricter there.

"Life sucks sober!"

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nope, jet my school is kinda British... i mean "St.Matthew's College".... the fact that we learn english since kinder and that they consider it more than just our 2nd language....


yet there are schools where discipline is much worse... and the lads do way worse things.... like fire extinguisher wars... in the classrooms.

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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Well, some guy in the older class managed to back the truck into the carport... witch broke... I wish i would have had my camera. Well, we had fun =]

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nope, jet my school is kinda British... i mean "St.Matthew's College".... the fact that we learn english since kinder and that they consider it more than just our 2nd language....


yet there are schools where discipline is much worse... and the lads do way worse things.... like fire extinguisher wars... in the classrooms.


Id like to attend to a school with fire extinguisher wars... Worst thing we've done is knife fights...


@HoboJim What school do you attend ? Im guessing from my first post, you've already figured out mine ? :)

"Life sucks sober!"

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here's a funny anecdote. on september of this year (2011), we all went on a trip to this really small, poor town in the north of Cordoba. the idea was to help out teachers with lots of stuff regarding the kids, etc, etc.


on the last day (meaning the day before we came back here), the ladies stormed in our bedroom with drums, trumpets and who knows what else. all i remember was that i got hit with a shoe, waking up in panic. teachers were also affected, but never had a lust for payback.

during the rest of the day, we planned a vengeance. we gathered up bottles filled with dirty water (toilet water + dirt) and opened a hole on the top of each. 15 were designated to be the "storm troopers", i was the scout of the group. at 5am, the party woke up. we slowly picked up the bottles and walked outside the ladies' bedroom. we took point by a fence, then began shouting like maniacs, ran inside and covered the lasses in toilet water, then buggered off as fast as we could.

we got in BIG trouble after that, but it was worth it :D

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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nope, jet my school is kinda British... i mean "St.Matthew's College".... the fact that we learn english since kinder and that they consider it more than just our 2nd language....


yet there are schools where discipline is much worse... and the lads do way worse things.... like fire extinguisher wars... in the classrooms.


Id like to attend to a school with fire extinguisher wars... Worst thing we've done is knife fights...


@HoboJim What school do you attend ? Im guessing from my first post, you've already figured out mine ? :)


Gissar att du går på "parken" :mrgreen:

Jag går på Jämtlands gymnasium Fyrvalla, med inriktning transport. (Fräsa runt i en lastbil) ;)

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here's a funny anecdote. on september of this year (2011), we all went on a trip to this really small, poor town in the north of Cordoba. the idea was to help out teachers with lots of stuff regarding the kids, etc, etc.


on the last day (meaning the day before we came back here), the ladies stormed in our bedroom with drums, trumpets and who knows what else. all i remember was that i got hit with a shoe, waking up in panic. teachers were also affected, but never had a lust for payback.

during the rest of the day, we planned a vengeance. we gathered up bottles filled with dirty water (toilet water + dirt) and opened a hole on the top of each. 15 were designated to be the "storm troopers", i was the scout of the group. at 5am, the party woke up. we slowly picked up the bottles and walked outside the ladies' bedroom. we took point by a fence, then began shouting like maniacs, ran inside and covered the lasses in toilet water, then buggered off as fast as we could.

we got in BIG trouble after that, but it was worth it :D



Haha fucking awesome!!! xD Man, wish my class would do shit like that.


@HoboJim Stämmer fint! Var på öppet hus på fyrvalla för inte så länge sen, såg rätt slappt ut :)

"Life sucks sober!"

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@HoboJim Stämmer fint! Var på öppet hus på fyrvalla för inte så länge sen, såg rätt slappt ut :)


Var du upp på furulund något? Där är det riktigt slappt, synd att man bara är där varannan vecka. ;)

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@HoboJim Stämmer fint! Var på öppet hus på fyrvalla för inte så länge sen, såg rätt slappt ut :)


Var du upp på furulund något? Där är det riktigt slappt, synd att man bara är där varannan vecka. ;)


Jag var inte där, ligger det i bispgården? :)

"Life sucks sober!"

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@HoboJim Stämmer fint! Var på öppet hus på fyrvalla för inte så länge sen, såg rätt slappt ut :)


Var du upp på furulund något? Där är det riktigt slappt, synd att man bara är där varannan vecka. ;)


Jag var inte där, ligger det i bispgården? :)


Nej nej, det ligger ovanför lillänge. Mot soptippen/skoterklubben och svänger till vänster vid första korsningen.


Translation: No no, its above "lillänge" You go towards the junkyard/snowmobileclub and take a left at the first intersection.


Stop talking in other languages, its rude. >:(

Muahahahaha :D:twisted::D

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