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How about those VGA's

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today i watched the VGA's on my PVR, an i was just railed when i saw that COD won Best Shooter...

also, Portal 2 winning best PC game and Best Multiplayer.. how in the holy mother of sh*t did Portal 2 win Best Multiplayer?

The character nominee vids were somewhat amusing, and that stupid teabagger was also pointless..

anyways. this was a rather butchered summerization of my least favourite moments..


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oh definitely not, it fits into the realms of Shooter, Strategy, and Stealth. it has something for everyone. but it being an RPG? that's like saying every game with a playable character is an RPG. you know?

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The only thing you can do is choose which upgrades to give him first and if you play the game enough you can upgrade everything. There's no character customization, no open world and you can't really affect the story that much either, and there are 2 basic styles of gameplay, lethal and non-lethal.

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How about "the Last of Us?" is looks like "I am Legend" actually the whole landscape after they left that house was exactly like that of "I am Legend"


i would laugh sooooo hard if Will Smith made an appearance in the game.

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