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The Accursed Farms "Best Game of 2011" Awards

Best Game of 2011  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Game of 2011

    • Deus Ex: Human Revolution
    • Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    • Minecraft
    • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
    • Battlefield 3
    • Portal 2
    • Batman: Arkham City
    • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
    • Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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I like it because it proves everyone wrong.


Games require multiplayer to sell - Nope, Skyrim. (3.18 million copies sold in two days)


Games need to have cut content to be released as DLC to stop console owners from selling the game second-hand - Nope, Skyrim.


Games need to have online passes to stop console owners from selling the game second-hand - Nope, Skyrim.


Games that have too much content cost too much money to produce - Nope, Skyrim.




Developers like those liars at Naughty Dog cry on about how they make no money from their games and they have to include online passes etc. to pay for server upkeep yet they selectively forget their lucrative deals with Subway which brings in mountains of money and free advertising of their game. Bethesda don't need to cut Catwoman out of their game so console owners don't buy second-hand, people actually want to keep the game because of it's huge amount of content available. It just shows the level of bullshit that gamers are willing to accept, and even defend.


Well, I'd agree with your ideas in theory. But currently, I'd gladly throw away my copy of Skyrim for the fact it doesn't function like it should. Meanwhile, I'm having tons-a-fun in Uncharted 3's co-op. I'd say actual quality trumps any sort of marketing weirdness like online passes.

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Using a PS3 exclusive game with big Sony backing is hardly a fair comparison, having a PS3 for 2 years taught me that the only people that care about making a good PS3 game are Sony. Most devs have the same attitude towards PS3 as they do towards PC, horrible ports are the norm on that platform. If you played Oblivion and honestly thought Skyrim was going to play any less shite than it on your PS3 you were sorely mistaken.

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360 users usually have nothing to worry about when they're buying a game, apart from their Xbox overheating and getting a RRoD. Most games today are built with the 360 as the lead platform. Console gamers shouldn't feel ripped, PS3 users should.

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In the developers defense, from what I've heard the PS3 is hell to develop for(reason, but not an excuse).


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some games just plain running badly on the system, such as Skyrim.


Have you used a PS3? Unless it's exclusive PS3 is usually the worst version of the game, even though the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360 in theory. I mean, PS3 can't even use Directx due to it being MS software.


You shouldn't feel sorry for PS3 gamers this year, you should feel sorry for every one that's bought a PS3 since release, if it weren't for the exclusives that are usually high quality and the Blu-ray player then the PS3 would be the most expensive, and worst console you could buy.

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Call me crazy, but all the games people have been discussing (Portal 2, Skyrim, Minecraft, Arkham City, etc.) I all like equally. When I try to compare them, I realize that they're all good games in their own right, but many of them are so different in design and genre that it's hard to like one more than the other.


For example, Portal 2 and Minecraft both brought a huge amount of innovation to the industry, but MW3, Serious Sam 3, Battlefield 3, and Uncharted 3 (lotsa 3's this year lol) were all pretty much the same as their predecessors but were incredibly polished and remained great experiences in their own right. Skyrim and DX:HR are both awesome and complex RPGs with a huge amount of replay value, but Arkham City and Skyward Sword were based off of only a few simple game mechanics yet remained grand in scale.


The point is, all these games are great, but they're too different from each other to adequately compare them and decide if one is infinitely "better" than the other. In the end it all comes down to personal preference. I personally chose Minecraft in this pole because it was a completely new and fun experience for me. Someone else may like raw action over everything else and choose MW3 or Uncharted 3, and that's fine because that's what they think.


Overall, 2011 was a great year for gaming, probably the best since 2007 imo.

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some games just plain running badly on the system, such as Skyrim.


Have you used a PS3? Unless it's exclusive PS3 is usually the worst version of the game, even though the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360 in theory. I mean, PS3 can't even use Directx due to it being MS software.


You shouldn't feel sorry for PS3 gamers this year, you should feel sorry for every one that's bought a PS3 since release, if it weren't for the exclusives that are usually high quality and the Blu-ray player then the PS3 would be the most expensive, and worst console you could buy.


Skyrim is the only bad port I've played this year actually, and in total I got 13 ps3 games in 2011. Portal 2, LA Noire, Batman Arkham City, Rocksmith, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Rage, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Driver San Francisco... All of them multiplatform, and none of them had any problems on ps3. Saying the ps3 is hard to develop for is obviously an excuse, if so many developers can do it just fine.

And saying that ps3 is the worst console is just silly man. That might have been true in 2006, but ps3 is becoming the dominant console in multiplatform development. PS3 is already outselling 360, and it shows in how many great games are coming out.

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tech wise, I'd actually put a gamecube ahead of a wii


ps3 is becoming the dominant console in multiplatform development. PS3 is already outselling 360, and it shows in how many great games are coming out.


No. http://www.vgchartz.com/charts/weekly.php?reg=date=40888 says otherwise on sales numbers, and developers have said for years that they prefer developing for the Xbox, and reviews are generally skewed slightly higher for the 360 version of most multiplatform games. Don't even get me started on Xbox Live vs PSN...

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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Let's not turn this into a console war, guys. Try to stay on the topic of which GAME was the best this year, not which console. It doesn't matter which system is the best as long as people enjoy what they play, and it's what people play, not what they play ON that matters in this topic.


To put it short, stay on topic.

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I picked Skyrim mostly because you can never really compleat it. I mean really this game self generates side quests how can you top that.


i think it'd be hilarious if there was a trophy/achievement that awarded you for completing the game 100%...yea, OCD people would be pissed.

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I picked Skyrim mostly because you can never really compleat it. I mean really this game self generates side quests how can you top that.


i think it'd be hilarious if there was a trophy/achievement that awarded you for completing the game 100%...yea, OCD people would be pissed.


non-euclidean fuck machine

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