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I can't get mad, no mater what happens I'm not affected by it, this is most likely because when I was in school in new jersey ( kindergarden to most of the 7th grade) I was bullied a LOT and by every one, hell even the teachers had there go at it. So for most of my time in school I was treated like the personification of all illness, mutashen, and shit on the planet. So two things came from that, nothing can get under my skin and I have an extremely high pane tolerans for... "stuff" . But hears the thing that bothers me the most if I can't get mad I miss out on a lot of the things that are needed to fully enjoy life.


Also I'm a pervert ... Big time, but unlike most pervs I don't see women as objects, instead I see them as the personification of all things beautiful and majestic, there the magnificent in every way. And above all there minds fascinate me in so manny ways. So I thing you can call me a good perv. ^_^

non-euclidean fuck machine

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yea, dude. i got bored one time and ate dry cereal out of it while watching T.V. i felt like a fucking pioneer at the time! :lol:


but yea, 1 in 10,000 people get inflicted with it, so odds are you'll meet at least one other person with it. my sister's boyfriend has it too in fact, but his isn't all that deep. poser. lol


Edit: also i heard it's easier to get insurance or financial aide or whatever on your side when it's negitively affecting your health. are you paying out of pocket for it, or...? because it's expensive as hell, plus it's considered a cosmetic procedure, so it's pretty tricky insurance-wise.


Uh well, besides alittle shortness of breath my pectus doesn't really affect me too bad. ALTHOUGH mine is alittle bit rarer because its an acquired (I wasn't born with this, puberty was really confusing lmao). Mine isn't really that deep either although it goes up alittle from below my pecs to inbetween.


Hospital will take our insurance, they did before for my brotha and it sounds like they will again.

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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I have this tendency to destroy "indestrucible" things.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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Sometimes, when I speak or write I start to mess my worlds. I used to forgot some of them and procnuce them not correctly. Doesn't matter if I speak in English or in Polish.

I'm not good at math. No wait, I'm terrible. I'm very good at diffrent subjects at school but I'm very bad at mathematics.

I'm a girl gamer, what is definitely a huge flaw. And unnatural mutation.

I'm neutral to the others. I wont hurt them but I'll play cold as long as I can. And I find myself egoistic and selfish.

I got called crazy, for my ideas. Some of my future plans are, well... Diffrent than the others. Nobody cares I got a huge goal in my life, they like to call me insane and keep telling me I'm a dreamer.

Above all those flaws I'm also stubborn.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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I have this tendency to destroy "indestrucible" things.

Do you mean things like the GyroBowl, or things like Quarks?

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I can't get mad, no mater what happens I'm not affected by it, this is most likely because when I was in school in new jersey ( kindergarden to most of the 7th grade) I was bullied a LOT and by every one, hell even the teachers had there go at it. So for most of my time in school I was treated like the personification of all illness, mutashen, and shit on the planet. So two things came from that, nothing can get under my skin and I have an extremely high pane tolerans for... "stuff" . But hears the thing that bothers me the most if I can't get mad I miss out on a lot of the things that are needed to fully enjoy life.


Also I'm a pervert ... Big time, but unlike most pervs I don't see women as objects, instead I see them as the personification of all things beautiful and majestic, there the magnificent in every way. And above all there minds fascinate me in so manny ways. So I thing you can call me a good perv. ^_^

Sounds to me like you're a bit of a feminist then.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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god help us all

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I have this tendency to destroy "indestrucible" things.

Do you mean things like the GyroBowl, or things like Quarks?


Anything. If someone says, "This thing is indestructible!", my mind says, "Challenge accepted!" I WILL find a way to break, or even completely destroy it.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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My plans or goals are a bit abstract and that is one of my problems. I want to be somekind of developer (maybe game developer) or programmer, I'm not sure. (Or a theoritical physicist :D ) And this is what causes sometimes demotivational feelings inside me.

I was good at math in high school. Now I know that was only calculus, the real math starts in the University and sucks hard. Way too abstract. Almost nothing you can associate a real world situation, issue, object with.

"It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world... the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own."

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My plans or goals are a bit abstract and that is one of my problems. I want to be somekind of developer (maybe game developer) or programmer, I'm not sure. (Or a theoritical physicist :D ) And this is what causes sometimes demotivational feelings inside me.

I was good at math in high school. Now I know that was only calculus, the real math starts in the University and sucks hard. Way too abstract. Almost nothing you can associate a real world situation, issue, object with.


Calculus is used everyday in architecture and construction.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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My plans or goals are a bit abstract and that is one of my problems. I want to be somekind of developer (maybe game developer) or programmer, I'm not sure. (Or a theoritical physicist :D ) And this is what causes sometimes demotivational feelings inside me.

I was good at math in high school. Now I know that was only calculus, the real math starts in the University and sucks hard. Way too abstract. Almost nothing you can associate a real world situation, issue, object with.

Hah, I have the same thing :o


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Hmm... This thread is so tempting... Why not?


Ah here's one... I started with that and then I didn't know what to type suddenly, yet when I saw this thread on my tablet I was full of facts that could take up 40 pages, then once I finally get this persistent Ubuntu installation running, POOF all gone. I don't know, I suppose I'll mention my inner-monologue. I basically talk to myself constantly instead of talking to others. I mean this as in literal conversations with myself. I comment about the world and sometimes spew off into things that you just shouldn't say to yourself. Basically, I talk to myself, just not outloud (no wait, I do talk outloud somtimes X_X).


If I like something, I'll latch onto it like [insert good example here]. The best example I can think of in my own life is anime. I think everyone here knows about that. I can't stop watching it for the life of me. It's pretty much the only thing I can smile at now. Well, that and my own inner-monologue!


If I want to say something, I go by this one simple rule: If I don't have to, don't. Why? I'm not sure. I get the feeling I'll say something to make everyone hate me. This doesn't apply online though. Well, it does kind of. This post is already getting me worried about what exactly I'm going to type.


I don't trust my own memory. If I say something that's completely true to someone, I'll worry they think I'm lying. That can lead to any number of things, including me thinking that I lied when I actually didn't, or that I'm going to say something stupid that's inconsistent with what I've already said. Usually with the latter that actually happens because I'm thinking about it so much, which has lead to everyone I've ever met thinking I'm a liar with everything I do. Of course, if I even attempt to explain this to someone then it'll just look like I'm making excuses.


I think Kirkreng said this as well. I don't trust anything that comes from me. When I was in school, if I knew the answer to something I wouldn't say it, and not just because of the earlier rule. No no, I wouldn't even write it down. I'd make it look like I was slow with everything just confirming what I thought was the right answer 50,000 times before finally giving in. This still happens to this day. If I want to buy something in a shop and I know how much it costs, I'll pull out the right amount of coins and count them pretty much instantly. The problem is I'll count them slowly AFTER I've done that, and I'll repeat the procedure over and over again for about five minutes before finally entering the shop. THEN after that, most of the time I'll hastily give whoever is at the till MORE money just in case. The only time I don't do that is when a shop has a self-service checkout (which I'll always use), and then I'll just throw all of my money into it and hope it doesn't eat it.


I still can't remember 90% of what I was going to say


I go to extreme lengths to avoid conversations. For example, if I'm on a bus and I'm worried some random person will sit next to me and try to start a conversation, I'll worry about it for about 30 seconds before pulling out my tablet and starting to watch random YouTube videos or anime, just so I can use that as a odd "Do Not Disturb" sign. Note: that was not an extreme length. What I mean by extreme length is I'll run. Yeah, I've ran away from people who I think are trying to talk to me. I don't know why.


I look at everything and I see right through it. Well that's what it feels like. It's like NOTHING is really there. Along with that, and I assume it's related for some reason, time is constantly skipping. I forget what happens in-between for a second as well. I mean, in-between the skips (one minute I'm on the bus, next I'm typing this). It's horrible though, because I can't actually see anything (not litterally, but... gah it can't be explained). It feels like there's a fog in my eyes. Whenever I think about it, I get really upset.


Maybe I should erase this post... it's not making much sense and I've forgotten most of the things I was going to say. Oh well, I won't go into the depression or anything, or the more bizarre flaws (one of which is already well known in this forum).

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Wow. Just wow.

I do the "thinking too much before answering" too when I behave stubborn and don't want to ask to be more specific or just say a simple yes or no.

And I also wrote almost novels about my thoughts and behaviour in hungarian into a text file. (I do a weekly backup of that.) It contains my biggest faults of my life too.

I think when you descend into your deep thoughts your brain automatically drops the usual information (i.e. getting on the bus, taking a seat) and this is normal. Like everyday habits. I also keep forgetting sometimes these things.

"It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world... the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own."

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Maybe I should erase this post... it's not making much sense

Sadly, to me, it is making more sense than I want it to make.


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Lets see...

I am incredibly slow. Not physically but mentally. For example if you would ask me what 9*8 is I would take forever to answer, not that I am incapable to solve it(not sure if "solve" is the right word here), it just takes me way to long to do it. Another example, reading. What takes someone else to read in 10minutes, takes me half an hour.


I over think everything and take stuff way to seriously. For example, going back to the math thing, whenever I think I know the answer for 9*8 I don't say it, I try to find as many ways as possible to confirm my answer. I want to be 100% sure what I am saying is correct. Another example, I read through most of my posts on this forum at least 5 times before I am satisfied with posting them/continuing on to do other stuff, even with the simplest 1sentence-posts(this might be why I am so slow at everything).


I get frustrated so easily, whenever I am doing something and the smallest thing does not go according to plan I get frustrated and quit whatever I'm doing.


I seem to be socially retarded and completely unable to make new friends. I am totally comfortable when talking to long time/close friends but whenever I talk to someone that I do not know extremely well(even my class mates, with who I've been sharing about 8hours a day for the last couple of months), I get REALLY awkward.


I have a very small attention span and am very easily distracted.


I can't stick to anything I set out for me to do. Whether it be doing homework, make a video, play through a game, read a long post on the forums(goes back to the short attention span thing), work ect.


I am very forgetful. I forget names, telephone numbers, tasks, words(even when speaking my native language I constantly forget even the simplest words), what ever I'm trying to say halfway through a sentence, the flaws I was going to write down.


Are you me in a different body?


I also have a very short temper, and I tend to say stupid things when I'm tired.


That's how I got banned from AF 2 months back, remember?

Also known as "Username"

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I'm arrogant, impatient, I have no tolerance for people who talk too much.


I have strong opinions, and no qualms about questioning everything from the intellectual capacity to the species parentage of those who disagree with me. I also have no tolerance for people who DO agree with me, but do so for reasons that I consider stupid.


I fight dirty. Winning is more important than being nice or respected.


Also, I eat souls.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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i think my biggest flaw is meticulously planning strategies that have 100% chance of succeeding, then disregard them and charge straight forward guns blazing at the enemy

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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I can't get mad, no mater what happens I'm not affected by it, this is most likely because when I was in school in new jersey ( kindergarden to most of the 7th grade) I was bullied a LOT and by every one, hell even the teachers had there go at it. So for most of my time in school I was treated like the personification of all illness, mutashen, and shit on the planet. So two things came from that, nothing can get under my skin and I have an extremely high pane tolerans for... "stuff" . But hears the thing that bothers me the most if I can't get mad I miss out on a lot of the things that are needed to fully enjoy life.


Also I'm a pervert ... Big time, but unlike most pervs I don't see women as objects, instead I see them as the personification of all things beautiful and majestic, there the magnificent in every way. And above all there minds fascinate me in so manny ways. So I thing you can call me a good perv. ^_^

Sounds to me like you're a bit of a feminist then.

No I'm not a feminist I don't thing women are better then men. It me I think if you take in to consideration every thing with each you will see that they are equal.

non-euclidean fuck machine

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Feminists don't think women are better than men bro, they believe that they should be given equal rights. Which they should BTW. :)

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