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Your Flaws

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Ever notice something about yourself that is definitely not good. We all have flaws. Feel free to share them.


I've noticed I can be a bit pretentious. I am a well-learned individual, but when it comes to obscure topics (Like my ASMR thread) I read a few paragraphs on Reddit and suddenly I act like I'm a genius when it comes to that topic. I get some facts that someone took a few months researching and act like it's my information that I myself discovered. I'm like the dude from the bar scene in Good Will Hunting. You know, the guy who doesn't get her number and probably didn't like dem apples?



Yeah, at times, I feel like the douchebag with the ponytail... :|

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Flaws, eh?


It's hard to say considering how ambivalent a lot of the impressions I give are. I'm frequently called egotistical, but many see me as overly humble. I also have a pretty short temper and can be very impatient (even though some see me as stoic, calm, collected, etc. for whatever reason). My most distinct flaw, however, is probably my clumsiness and forgetfulness. :-|


Also, since I live in Redneck Ghetto Central, I have a rather... conspicuous accent. I consider this a flaw because I've gotten a few occasional smirks from the way I talk.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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Well this one is easy: I'm hot tempered, loud, I sometimes make inappropriate comments (specially around women I like), I'm really picky about my food and about washing my hands, I hide my insecurities behind ironic remarks, I never remember people's names, I'm an impulsive buyer, I have low tolerance to extended social meetings, I have problems with authority, I'm gullible, obsessive, shy and I can hold a grudge for a looooong time.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Well I know I definitely have problems with authority. My parents, especially my dad. I have absolutely 0 respect for them. I love them, but I find them so insufferable at times, I don't even care if they're my parents. I'm a very independent person and like to succeed or fail on my own. My dad gets all in my face about school, which lowers my performance in school and makes me do things I'm not supposed to. I guess I'm just really subconciously spiteful towards people I don't reslect. But if I reslect a person, like my Uncle Steve or my Grandmother, I will do whatever I'm told and will offer to help with anything. And it's basically because they treat me with sensitivity and try their hardest to relate to me. I have no idea why I'm disrespectful to my mother though. She's a very nice lady and tries her best to understand and help me. Maybe it's because she married my father, making her a second-hand invasive, douchebag, control freak who verbally abuses me the second I fuck something up.


About me fucking up, then. I am incredibly bad when it comes to common sense (Thanks Ben Franklin!) I hardly think things through and my thought processes don't agree with the laws of physics, i guess, so I quite often find myself messing something up. But I'm very smart and I have no reason to not think things through (If I did, life would be nicer) other than that I'm very impulsive.


Next comes my social ineptitude. I CANNOT star a conversation. If someone starts talking to me, I can carry a conversation out as long as I want, but I don't hold the lighter, so to speak. I'm also a tad immature and I love to talk and make people happy, but I suck at it because I can hardly ever crack a good joke (Unless I'm around girls. I'm always pretty funny around girls) But my inability to start conversations has destroyed my ability to have a girlfriend.


Finally, I have a TEMPER! Mostly around family, though. I'm very good at holding myself in public, but my little sister DRIVES ME OFF THE FUCKING WALL! I know I'm going to be looked down upon for this but, I'll be honest, I've slapped her and things like that because she pisses me off. I swear on my life I get it from my dad, who has physically abused me on several occassions because either my room wasn't clean (kicked me and cracked my ribs for that. He's lucky I opted out of going to the ER) or I didn't listen to him. I know he loves me, but he goes about everything wrong. And I've picked it up, but I try SO hard to shake it, but I just get infuriated with her (sister) so easily.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Wow Fluttershy. That's quite awful. :( Almost makes me thankful to be an only child.


Pretty much anything I say would make me sound like I have petty problems compared to that, no matter the flaw, but one of my big flaws is truly being a hipster. Once, I started wearing a leather jacket to school just because everyone else was wearing sweatshirts. When I saw a lot of my friends switching to glasses, I went back to contacts. I'm not even that into heavy metal (not to say I dislike it), and I'm not goth per se, but I have pretty long hair for being a guy. I don't know what it is about me, when I just see a large amount of people doing or wearing or talking about a certain thing, or having their hair a certain style, it offs me a bit.


There are some exceptions, like no matter how much people gush over Skyrim, I'm still going to get that. :P

If I could stop it, I would.

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I have little patience for small-talk, and would much rather lean myself towards weightier topics. It is still a matter of ongoing observation whether this is considered a flaw of habit or nuance of personality, in myself.


Occasionally I may accrue a prejudice against selected persons because of what I assume about them if I am not careful, which leads me to condescend to them (much to my own personal horror!) without realizing it. However I really do not want that sort of thing to transpire, so I hope and aim to be more careful in regards to how I consider others.


I often speak slowly and carefully, making the odd pause in my statement to consider what I would say so that my meanings are not lost or misconstrued, however this is criticized by others as making my speech sound not natural or flowing, and possibly even pretentious.

On the other hand, if I am given the opportunity to 'gush' about a topic I like that I know a great deal about, gush I will, speaking enthusiastically, with gestures, sometimes with little volume control or constraint in regards to speed- which is often overwhelming to anyone who isn't well informed on the subject matter, or as tall as I am. (A 6'4" hand-talker I'm told is something rather intimidating.)

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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i have this pet peeve where i cannot stand it when somebody doesn't respect me.


i try too hard to make people like me. i don't know, i can make people like me pretty easily, but if that one person doesn't- i don't know what it is.


i had this one bully tell me that it'd be an excellent idea if i just shot myself- that it's something he would pay to see. that stuck with me for a LONG time. and that's another thing i don't stick up for myself enough! you know what? i should've slammed that fucker's head off of the table, but i didn't. i just hung my head and just took it! anyway, i'm ranting now.


i drive myself crazy, like i'll just think of these fantasies or situations where, in these scenarios, i'm better than i am now.


last thing is i get these flashes of anger or depression, most likely stemming from my high school days. it used to be worse, i used to think that it was MY fault that i was bullied, that I deserved it. can you believe that? but that's the way i thought back then; if somebody had a problem with me it was MY fault.


but yea, i'm not a perfect human being. far from it.

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I'm not sure if you're serious, Alyxx.


Another question entirely, is whether or not that is something that should be asked by anyone on this forum, let alone me- or if this impulsive comment of curiosity is a telling flaw of my impertinence when it comes to the fact that I am naturally a curious person.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I'm maybe a bit too sexually free-spirited. Might annoy some people.


I'll believe that, considering every single one of your avatars to date... :shock:

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Okay, to be a little more in depth. I think (lol) I may think too hard. Because sometimes I'm really deep in thought, and not knowing what's going on or just seeming quiet and uninterested. A lot of times during games or things I need to focus on.


I have a temper somewhat, but I try to keep it under control. 'Try' being the key word.


Trying too hard. A lot of times I'm hanging out with friends and they laugh at my jokes and enjoy my company, but as time goes on I start to just kinda keep talking and trying to get their attention to the point of them getting annoyed.


Procrastination. Self explanatory.


I'm also very paranoid about things. Not things like burglers or death, but small things like if I really AM annoying people or if I should just stop talking and doing things in front of people because I don't want anyone to not like me. It gets really annoying, to me and everyone else. *EDIT* This also apparently goes into my post making because I'm constantly goddamn fiddling with this thing to add to it as I start to think of all my flaws and spell checking.


So yeah, I'm a pretty flawed guy. :lol:



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I don't speak often and sometimes it's difficult to express myself correctly before others. (Except for private talk. I can talk to someone hours in private.)

I think too complicated.

I'm stubborn.

I can't really relax I only suppress my emotions.

Maybe I'm a bit slow for these fast days of the 21th century. But I'm always try to think through before I do something or I'm careful.

"It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world... the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own."

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Lets see...

I am incredibly slow. Not physically but mentally. For example if you would ask me what 9*8 is I would take forever to answer, not that I am incapable to solve it(not sure if "solve" is the right word here), it just takes me way to long to do it. Another example, reading. What takes someone else to read in 10minutes, takes me half an hour.


I over think everything and take stuff way to seriously. For example, going back to the math thing, whenever I think I know the answer for 9*8 I don't say it, I try to find as many ways as possible to confirm my answer. I want to be 100% sure what I am saying is correct. Another example, I read through most of my posts on this forum at least 5 times before I am satisfied with posting them/continuing on to do other stuff, even with the simplest 1sentence-posts(this might be why I am so slow at everything).


I get frustrated so easily, whenever I am doing something and the smallest thing does not go according to plan I get frustrated and quit whatever I'm doing.


I seem to be socially retarded and completely unable to make new friends. I am totally comfortable when talking to long time/close friends but whenever I talk to someone that I do not know extremely well(even my class mates, with who I've been sharing about 8hours a day for the last couple of months), I get REALLY awkward.


I have a very small attention span and am very easily distracted.


I can't stick to anything I set out for me to do. Whether it be doing homework, make a video, play through a game, read a long post on the forums(goes back to the short attention span thing), work ect.


I am very forgetful. I forget names, telephone numbers, tasks, words(even when speaking my native language I constantly forget even the simplest words), what ever I'm trying to say halfway through a sentence, the flaws I was going to write down.


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I seem to be socially retarded and completely unable to make new friends. I am totally comfortable when talking to long time/close friends but whenever I talk to someone that I do not know extremely well(even my class mates, with who I've been sharing about 8hours a day for the last couple of months), I get REALLY awkward.





"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Personality wise.. I'm an asshole (I make fun of things that shouldn't be laughed at.), I'm pretty moody for a guy, I have a foul mouth, and I am pretty immature. :P


I'd say I have some physical flaws too, I got pectus excavatum (funnel chest) and Hypertrophic scarring on top of that. Next year I'm getting this all fixed though.

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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Oh? How's that?

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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he's probably getting the Nuss procedure done. that's a bar going in under your breast plate then they keep it there for a couple of years. i'm sure you could look up the details on google.


i have the same thing as him(funnel chest), and i did some research on it awhile back.

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he's probably getting the Nuss procedure done. that's a bar going in under your breast plate then they keep it there for a couple of years. i'm sure you could look up the details on goodgle.


i have the same thing as him(funnel chest), and i did some research on it awhile back.


Wow, its always nice to know that my i'm not the only one with this (after my brother got his fixed, I felt pretty alone.)


Yea I'm going to be doing the nuss, Its going to be painful my brother went through it. He is getting his bar removed this December actually. I will probably be getting the Nuss procedure done in May or so.


Odd question. Have you ever used your chest as a cup holder or a chip bowl? :)

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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yea, dude. i got bored one time and ate dry cereal out of it while watching T.V. i felt like a fucking pioneer at the time! :lol:


but yea, 1 in 10,000 people get inflicted with it, so odds are you'll meet at least one other person with it. my sister's boyfriend has it too in fact, but his isn't all that deep. poser. lol


Edit: also i heard it's easier to get insurance or financial aide or whatever on your side when it's negitively affecting your health. are you paying out of pocket for it, or...? because it's expensive as hell, plus it's considered a cosmetic procedure, so it's pretty tricky insurance-wise.

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If that's considered cosmetic, insurance companies are assholes. Oh, you lungs can't reach full capacity and your heart can't work at high effieciency? That's no big deal.


Anyway, I also have lots of focus issues. I was diagnosed with ADHD Distractive Type, but I am attempting to rebuke those diagnoses as incorrect and conquer the issue on my own, considering I want to go into the military.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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