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Its too late already, the blood is spilled so its either run or fight!

who's with me? they wont get us if we just work together, SO...anyone know where we could run?

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FM fanboys keep ragging on this episode because of this. I can't swim and when I'm underwater all I can think about is don't drown don't drown omg am I drowning no I'm fine...wait why can't I BREATH!!!! oh right I'm underwater. phew : )

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Excellent! I also like the whole slipping off the edge thing there, further cementing that the no clipping "cheating" is about entertainment and a realistic Freeman.

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Pure brilliance. It suddenly occurred to me as I saw you grabbing the "camera"; you have been doing what you first stated in the beginning. You're stealing shit from people's offices, and guns & ammo off of dead bodies, You carefully include every single object Freeman picks up by reasoning that Freeman would pick them up to either make some money or to refill his ammo.

Take all the time you need feel better, you've done quite a bit already and you deserve some rest, Really looking forward to the next Civil Protection.

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This is the best episode that you've done so far... but it really pisses me of that its taken you 3 YEARS TO GET 3/4 IN THE GAME. but its fine... and ThatatoneJeff HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOU GOT SHOT AT BY A SNIPER, YOUDE SAY holy crap IN A WHISPER?

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Even though is was quite short but it was a great episode. I can't wait till you get to the crossbow and that giant fish (itchasaur?).

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Well, I suppose you could say he got stuck while it sped up, but you can imagine it already, just "Whoooaaaa! - *Bang* *Clash* *Underwater* MhRmhm!" And so on.

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Actually, even though this is consistent since it's happened every time he's put his head in water, he's still thinking thoughts and you can still even hear some of them. Like when he slips off the side of the thin wall and falls in, he says "Not again..."

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EDIT: and not only are the muffled hums consistent with other water scenes, the barley understandable words are as well. When Freeman leaped off the Tentacle's tunnel pit, in the water he was saying:

"That was Awesome! Need some air... need some air."

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your sick?


Well then eat lots of toast and drink lots of diet soda and sprite. Every couple hours gargle with the soda and then eat something soft, like rice. Within a few days you should feel better.


hope this helps

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i killed it with a pistol... Were you supposed to be only able to kill it with the crossbow? I never found the crossbow until like a few levels before Xen

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If we judge by one of the fastest speedruns on youtube, Ross is now 17:51 into that 36:04 minute video. So 49.5% done. However, that also includes the end-game sequence, and he actually kills the final boss at 32:45.

So Ross is approximately 54.5% of the way through the game.

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