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Indeed, which is why I did not mean it. Call it a bitter response to Machinima's long delay of putting up the episodes after Ross uploads them to their pipeline.

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Well that answered an age-old question (the bit about him actually speaking).

Alright so it is all out of consistency. Ok thanks for clearing that up Ross.

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I dunno why Ross gets the short end of the stick, Whenever Jon CJG uploads a video, it goes up at the most, the day after. Like clockwork, every two weeks.

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There is no helmet in the game.


There are HEV corpses in the Xen chapter with helmets, non of which you can take, nor would you want to (Fancy a helmet with blood stains?).

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The forums are now in a semi-complete state. You *will* be able to use the same usernames and passwords for the forum.


Ross isn't satisfied with the current state of the forums.

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Yeah, maybe one day. Who knows. It was only ever attempted on Episode Four though so it's not a lot of content. I'd also like to see all of the Behind-the-Scenes/Work-in-Progress snapshots of Hammer and Faceposer in the extras section one day. I already have them all saved on my system, but a full gallery of them from the old days would be Boss.

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Sounds like "I can't see anything" and more stuff about needing some air again, but I don't know these ones, I'm afraid. If there was a script for it, you may see them in subtitles one day, but otherwise most of it's probably gibberish.

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so far its been 1 & 1/2 years since the tunnel was announced... and something tells me we'll have to wait till july-august till its finished =(

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Mhmm. I wonder who fits where... I remember one summer I was doing volunteer work at a rural school (basic repairs and some painting) and the caretaker let me cut some logs with his chainsaw. As soon as I started the thing, the rest of the workcrew mysteriously dissapeared. So I'm guessing maniac.

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Hugasaka Hugasaka!


Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!


*beeep beep beeeeeep*

H.E.V. activated. Automatic medical systems engaged. Major fracture detected. Internal bleeding detected. Emergency. User death imminent.

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