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First of all. Sorry for my English and any mistakes I will make. It's not my native language, so... sorry for the inconvenience.


The second thing. Ross, I just want to say thanks to you and Otto. Guys, you are doing a great job. I'm living in a small European country Belarus, and I can say that you have a lot of fans and people who appreciate you work even in such god-forsaken-hole. Thank you.


And the third one. I don't know if anyone asked about it, but is there any chance you guys will be making subtitles to ALL FM episodes. I prefer to watch FM in English (you voice work on the episodes is really great), but as I said before, EN language sometimes difficult to me. It will be easier to read words that I can't hear or didn't understand (Pirate Episode is great example).

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There is no need to apologize; your English is amazing.

The subtitle system is kind of bogged down right now, but when it gets working again, we'll post any Belarusian subtitles we have.

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If you go back to episode 25 when the guard tries to tell him, he doesn't seem to listen very well so I don't think this Freeman knows that it's just a delivery rocket and not a missile. And with the missile he saw in Episode 1 I would think it's a missile too. I do wonder though. Why weren't any launch codes required?

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I'm not sure how well you're going to convince anyone that glasses don't just focus light but also increase texture quality. And what are the chances that the glasses would be right for him? And I don't think he would have left for work without his glasses in the first place, and you can't say he lost them because he hasn't seen better before.

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holy crap, I'm from Belarus too .

Ian, Belarusian language exists but no one really speaks it. Everyone there is speaking Russian, so if you're gonna post subtitles post them in Russian.

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After this post I started to research the language and heard about that. Thanks, I'll try my best to get Russian, but we haven't been so fortunate as to get variety in the submitted languages.

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I say it'd be good to have something like what was supposed to be in the original HL.


What they wanted to do, was that they wanted Gordon's glasses to fly off mid-combat and he'd have to fight with blurry vision, but the tech wasn't good enough yet.


Maybe Ross could give a go at the whole idea.

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The launch codes and everything were set up when the scientists first tried to launch it and all the army people did was abort it. So, maybe when they aborted it everything was left the same.

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Sorry for the double... comment. Continuing the thought had earlier. And all you had to do is relaunch it with all the codes a stuff the same.

How do you know the rocket in episode 1 was a missile? It also could have been a satellite delivery rocket.

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