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January 2011 update

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While the progress bar to the right tells most of what's going on, here's a more verbal update for people. Right now "The Tunnel" is almost all done visually. I have some minor fixes to do in editing still along with the main credits, but there's still a little ways to go on the audio. The sound work involved for this episode is quite extensive and I'm getting great help on it, it just needs a little more time. This has freed me up to work on Freeman's Mind in the meantime. As of the time of this post, I've finished the footage and dialogue for Episode 30, though the episode still needs volume balancing and some extra effects. Since I'm getting help here as well, I'll just go ahead and start on Episode 31 soon so I can keep things rolling.


I'm unfortunately still quite a bit behind on emails, I currently have about 230 left to reply to. If you've contacted me about subtitles, your emails are likely much more delayed than usual since I'm trying to get a new system in place for that. In short, I want to get the English ones up first, so all people making subtitles have a better copy to work from for translations in other languages. There are currently two people working on that for the remaining episodes. Once I get more up, I'll unveil "phase 2" of plans for getting more subtitles up on the site in other languages.


For now I'm not going to rush anything, but I intend to work on Freeman's Mind every day I'm able, so you'll be seeing a surge in new episodes soon, even if there's some lag time between when I finish voicing an episode and when it goes online. I'll announce more on long-term plans after "The Tunnel" is out.



EDIT: Episode 30 is done and has been uploaded to Machinima.com. It will go up on their Youtube channel first, but I don't know when. If anyone sees it go up and I haven't made a post on it yet, feel free to email me and say so. Also for the OCD people, as a tip, they usually only upload between 9 - 5 (GMT -08:00).

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i needed an update sooo bad. its just that i love what you do and go to this site almost everyday.


how come their is no advertising? dont you want to make money???

anyways love your work!

less than 3

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Every time I read one of your updates, a little part of me comes back to life.

I still want you to release map files from all the scenes of the tunnel.

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one thing I forgot to add, this is a little far fetched, but there should be Freeman's Mind T-shirts with Freeman quotes on them. Many fans are asking for them, but that'd be the best money maker ever. With your fanbase, anything is possible. except people waiting XD

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I would pay for a t-shirt featuring ambassador pineapple, or "I have to blow everything up, it's the only way to prove I'm not crazy.", albeit overly long.

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Why is sound editing 1 still red? If all sound editing is done after filming and dialogue then why have two sound editing boxes?

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I've considered it, though flash exploits are kind of out of control. A few months ago I received a virus from the ad banners on friggin' Mobygames.com; not exactly a shady site. Since then I have ad and script blocking plugins, but I basically don't want to inflict that on viewers if there's a chance of infecting people.

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God, there's so many good quotes that would make excellent T-shirts. Maybe that can be a project in the forums =D?


If it doesn't violate Valve's laws regarding machinima (I don't see how it would, but better to be safe than sorry).

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I'll know soon, they're organized out of order by different scenes with gaps in between them on the timeline, I haven't rearranged them yet. It's easily going to be the longest CP episode so far.

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I plan to make a chart on this later, but basically Otto works on extra sound effects for the recorded footage as soon as I record it. While he's doing that I record the dialogue, then once that's done, I send that back to him for volume balancing.

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I've been waiting for a new Freeman's Mind since August if I'm not mistaken, I can't wait. Also the new Civil Protection looks good too.

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have you ever considered doing machinima outside of the Valve games? I think you could do a really good Halo campaign machinima,and its perfect since,like Freeman,Master Chief is a silent hero. Of course,he talks sometimes,but you could remove that in the same way that you change the dialouge of the scientists in Freemans Mind. Or, say a Portal machinima? GLaDoS is worth arguing with,i think. Plus, ive seen alot of machinimas,on Machinima.com especially, and i do believe that FM and CP are among the best on the entire site. Perhaps you could start your own machinima site to contend with them? Just a thought. Happy New Year, Ross. (: Cant wait for The Tunnel and the next FM episode.


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