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Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

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I've never really enjoyed a Zelda game. At the moment, I also don't have a CRT tv to play a Wii game on anymore.

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I'll wait to get it around Christmas, I'm not gonna rush out to buy it. I do enjoy playing through the Zelda games though :)

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I don't know why but I never got much enjoyment out of Zelda. It's obviously a cornerstone of gaming, but I never liked it, really. I'm surprised JC hasn't posted here, yet...

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Sorry, I was busy playing Zelda :D


I've played around 15 hours by now. No idea where in the game am I... I guess about halfway through. Or less, since I always make a point of completing all the side quests. ALL of them.


I always find it refreshing to play a Zelda game. It reminds me of the first time I got my hands on one of them, with "A link to the past", so many years ago... Still my favorite. I had the overworld theme stuck in my head for months.



Princess Zelda is such a tease on this one. Poor Link. He never gets some loving ;)



Odly enough, I find this Zelda to be more similar to Wind Waker than to Twilight Princess.

I remember a chill going down my spine the first time I played Wind Waker, since everything and everyone from the previous games was long gone, and Hyrule was remembered only as a legend.


Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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