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Mission Still Unaccomplished

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But I thought he left machinima? I guess they still pay him money for individual episodes but I really doubt that brings enough money to sustain life, especially considering that episodes now get released every X months. E.g. the last episode was released on August 16, if it brings enough money to live for 3.5 months, that's just wow.

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Nope, it's not a troll: it's a quote from HL2 (more precisely, something Wallace Breen says). Check the last post and you'll see long chains of comments similar to this one.

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you know you're one of those dumbass scientist in half life that die next to a med pack aren't ya? cos what you said is pure dumbass. It'd be as funny as you falling down a flight of stairs and being impaled on a fence. some people would find it funny but those who have a vested interest in you're life would be horrified. So just hush from now on and think before ya type. Dumbass!

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The Black Mesa dev leader posted saying to check the website at the end of 2010. Beyond that, they just say they're still working on it.

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The fact that he is on this website waiting for the video with his account clearly shows he has nothing against Ross, and yes, if you look at it from the perspective outside being a fan, it would be hilarious. Settle down, people.

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I wonder how are they dealing with the original bugs, engine updates and new bugs derived from the engine updates...

We may have another Duke Nukem Forever on our hands.

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The Dev team barely ever says anything on Black Mesa Forums. It's very rare they post something of significance. So as far as engine bugs, I'm really unsure. I just hope it comes out at the end of this year as it was hinted at.


Duke Nukem Forever is actually scheduled to come out early next year. You can pre-order it on gamestop =D

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