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What if


Freeman doesnt accept the offer that gman has presented him and is transported to where all the grunts are.. he screams and shouts, tries to fight back but i over whelmed by the amount of aliens. he dies but then...


Wakes up in the locker room or something..


what would your reactions be? what do you think his reactions would be?

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I would be REALLY annoyed, can't stand that sort of "It was all a dream thing." No idea how Freeman would respond.

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He could make 2 endings. Like episode 10.5 ..


In one, he accepts, and maybe he continue Freeman's Mind in HL2.

In the other, he doesn't accepts, and screams "I'M THE FREEMAN, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" while trying to punch all that alien grunts.


Or, Ross Scott gets killed by a furious fan and Freeman's Mind stay in episode 39.

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I believe Ross said he has something special in mind for the ending.

Don't really know where it was from, though.

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"Alright you ugly alien FETUS! I'm gonna kick your ass and get the hell out of he-


*gets teleported back to the elevator shaft in 10.5 and 11*






Edited by Guest (see edit history)



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If Freeman were to choose the fight, the grants in that hall would have looked at him for a moment then dropped on their knees and chanted "Oh, the free man, we're not worthy!". After all, by then he will have killed the Nihilant already.



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Maybe he will get hit by the Nihilanth's lightning, and what he said about electricity back in Episode 22 will come true:


"But if that hit me right now, the current would roll around in my body and exit through the top. My head would blow up like a baked potato wrapped in tinfoil. It would pop off like a Pez container."


(on a related note, am I the only person who would love a Gordon Freeman Pez container?)

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"But if that hit me right now, the current would roll around in my body and exit through the top. My head would blow up like a baked potato wrapped in tinfoil. It would pop off like a Pez container."


(on a related note, am I the only person who would love a Gordon Freeman Pez container?)


i think that would be sick, every time i would go to have a pez, i would say that line..

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Weren't those Vortigants at the end if he chooses to fight? I remember the line: "It's not like the electricity kills me it just hurts!"

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The Nihilanth uses electricity as well, much larger blasts which are closer to the kind that he says would blow his head off like a pez container. The fight that he might choose at the end is after this, if he rejects the G-Mans offer, there is a room full of Alien Grunts, the bigger, armoured version of vorts that shoot bees instead of lightning.

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What the f*ck is that thing.. Hold on a sec.. YOU! Your the king headcrab.. or are you the queen.. Hell i dont know.. but what i do know is, this thing is f*cking huge... maybe its a hermaphrodite or something.. (it releases baby headcrabs) OW! WHAT THE F*CK! I PROMISED MYSELF I WOULDNT KILL CHILDREN.. BUT IT LOOKS AS IF I HAVE TO BREAK IT, BECAUSE IF I'VE SAID IT ONCE TODAY IT MEANS I'VE SAID IT A THOUSAND TIMES.. ALL ALIENS ARE BASTARDS.. JUST BECAUSE I KNOW WHERE YOU FACE-HUGGERS COME FROM IT WONT CHANGE MY MIND!


that is probably not the funniest thing youve ever read.. i'm not the best at this kind of thing..

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DJ Highlander (Me) - The Collaboration Project

DJ Dexrith - The Metal Minute

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