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What is the power supply wattage i need for this setup

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Motherboard - is a DELL GX 270

CPU - PGA478 Pentium 4 3.00Ghz HT Prescott series

Ram 4 gigs

Video Card HD 4650 AGP

1 hard drive

no cd drive (I just use steam for all my games)

1 sound card

1 wlan card


1 fan and that is for cpu


MY psu is dying and it is 600watt

but i was wondering if i really needed something that high

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Seems like a fairly basic set-up, power consumption wise. I'd say you can probably bump it down to 500 watts and still be fine, unless you overclock your CPU and RAM.


Here's a fairly reliable power supply calculator, courtesy of Newegg. Based on your specs, Newegg is telling me you only need about 390 watts to power your setup, so you could probably do 400 watts. I'd still recommend 500, though, because the newegg calculator doesn't account for additional PCI cards. Granted a sound card and WLAN card won't add much to your requirements, it'd probably be a little close to that 400 watt PSU's limit. 500 would give you room to upgrade your GPU (if that's something you'd be interested in doing with your system), as well.

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Seems like a fairly basic set-up, power consumption wise. I'd say you can probably bump it down to 500 watts and still be fine, unless you overclock your CPU and RAM.


Here's a fairly reliable power supply calculator, courtesy of Newegg. Based on your specs, Newegg is telling me you only need about 390 watts to power your setup, so you could probably do 400 watts. I'd still recommend 500, though, because the newegg calculator doesn't account for additional PCI cards. Granted a sound card and WLAN card won't add much to your requirements, it'd probably be a little close to that 400 watt PSU's limit. 500 would give you room to upgrade your GPU (if that's something you'd be interested in doing with your system), as well.


that was very helpful

thank you

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a good 400w PSU should do.

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