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Mission Unaccomplished

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i think i'm with alphabetagamma. This does not seem relevant at all, unless you're a crazed serial killer who posts your ideas on a videomaker's website.

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Alright, Ross. Your chillax time pj's should keep you comfortable through all this. The completed video will be delivered to you in a few moments. If you would be so kind as to climb up and start the upload...

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This is a bad cycle. He makes a video, people cheer, then he works on a new one and disappears for a month or two. Then he vents at our impatience and the software. I love the videos to no end and I know how busy he can be, but why can't a better process be used; rather than going it alone.

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Ross has stated himself that his favorite type of fan base is the sort that checks back on his work usually once a month or a few months down the road... I'm one of those in that category, doesn't bother me if I check back in a month and find nothing updated... I'll check back again later.


And why would he want to setup a studio considering he'd end up pulling out more hairs than he probably already has...


At the end of the day, bottom line is that he can do whatever he wants, he can discontinue the series right here, right now if he wanted too even if it would mean lifting the skirts of many a fan...


He can go on holiday as long as he wants and not bother with the site. Yes its counter-productive and maybe a slap in the face for some, but he's one guy with perhaps a quite a few others in the background who help with stuff such as the website/video editing, doesn't get paid for it and uses up TIME as a commodity...


Anyone who moans about the delay needs to find something else to bide their time... This isn't like a tv series where you expect the next episode at such a date, its a bloody 10 minute comedy sketch that takes days/weeks/months to make and time is used as a resource to lean on!


Show Respect!... Capisce!...

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Is it just me, or is anyone else expecting this to be a colossal disappointment? I mean he has been working on The Tunnel for a long time, so in theory it should be really good, but will it be worth this long of a wait?

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Why didn't they listen... we tried to warn them...

I never thought I see a HL2 Source Engine Update, let alone try to make a video after one...

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