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Halloween Update

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Hey everybody, I have a small update for Halloween. I don't have any new videos, but I'm far enough along with the encoding process to release the MKV copies of some of the earlier videos. My original plan was to release "Diary of A Zombie", "Halloween Safety", and "The Tunnel" for a Halloween-themed release in high-quality x264 MKV format, so you could see all the detail. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the revised audio back from the finalists in time for Diary of a Zombie, Halloween Safety gave me an error when trying to open the original source file in Windows 7, but The Tunnel worked! So below here is a re-release of The Tunnel:


Download "Civil Protection: The Tunnel" 1280x720 MKV (250MB)


So not as Halloween-ish as I hoped, but 1 out of 3 I guess is better than nothing. I think the quality is quite good on this copy, however I ran into some minor errors for EVERY method I tried for x264 encoding when using VLC Player to play it back. The setting I decided on resulted in the least amount of visual errors, but there still are some small ones when using that player. I'll be slowly rolling out MKV copies of other videos (including the past 2 FM episodes) as I get around to it. I'm pretty impressed with the visual quality from x264 encoding, so if you don't like the format, I recommend checking the forums to see if anyone wants to convert these to other formats.


In other news, my throat is mostly healed, so I plan to start again on the next Freeman's Mind soon, and I also hope to get the sound editing contest resolved soon as well. Beyond that, everything I work on feels like a giant spinner I turn to figure out what I'll do next.

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Good to hear from you Ross. I'm downloading now, we'll see how it plays.


EDIT: finished downloading and I have been watching for almost 15 minutes. No frame drops, no compression artifacts, no problems whatsoever. Spectacular video quality, it will give me an excellent opportunity to study "the anomaly".


I'm using MPC and K-Lite 7.7.0 on Windows 7 home premium, i5-2400 3.10 GHz, EVGA GTX460 SE 1024mb DDR5.


Beyond that, everything I work on feels like a giant spinner I turn to figure out what I'll do next.

Boy I now that feeling :( All those wise advises about splitting problems to their base components and tackling those individually, making lists of tasks and prioritizing them or focusing on one task until it's finished at the expend of less important ones, just seem absurdly theoretical when faced with 30 different things you need to get done now.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Glad to hear you're feeling better.


As for the recoding; I'm willing to convert the MKV videos to another format, provided whoever wants them has a place for me to put them. I can convert the videos to practically any format you wish for at no cost to you. Please don't say mediafire or something similar (because of the max file size), and I definitely won't be emailing them. FTP preferred.

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Glad to hear you're doing better, Ross.


If anyone wants to know how to repack the streams in the .mkv into an .mp4/.m4v container (that's all we're really dealing with, honestly), I guess I could try to give you some pointers. It's not a difficult process and you can just download the files Ross posts instead of needing someone else to help. I'd offer to upload my personal repacked files to megaupload (only megaupload) if enough people ask, though.

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I'm happy to to read that you're doing better as for The Tunnel plays great plus it nice to see it 720p.

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"Please, make a new episode of Civil Protection, right now."


Fix'd but still a bit harsh....


"Dear Ross Scott,


Could you please make a new episode of your fabulous series "Civil Protection"? I would highly appreciate it.




Your loyal fan, Sn1pe."


There we go.


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"Please, make a new episode of Civil Protection, right now."


Fix'd but still a bit harsh....


"Dear Ross Scott,


Could you please make a new episode of your fabulous series "Civil Protection"? I would highly appreciate it.




Your loyal fan, Sn1pe."


There we go.


I know it's better to email him than just write messages on the forum. He's not able to read them all or read them all on time ;]

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Okay, than I was advising him on how to direct requests to Ross if you really want to direct them to him ;)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Oh please, no, can we not tell people to start emailing Ross things like "MOAR CP AND FM NAAAOOOW"


Hope you don't strain your voice doing any recording before you're good and ready Mr Scott. We'd all rather have to wait another week, than a month because you've screwed yourself up by pushing it too hard :)


Also, that is some smexy quality on the good ol' Tunnel, so good job there too.

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Oh please, no, can we not tell people to start emailing Ross things like "MOAR CP AND FM NAAAOOOW"


Hope you don't strain your voice doing any recording before you're good and ready Mr Scott. We'd all rather have to wait another week, than a month because you've screwed yourself up by pushing it too hard :)


I ensure you his voice is pretty good now and he took it easy as long as it was necessary :mrgreen:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Please stay on topic people! As he says in his post, he'll be starting work on Freeman's Mind again now his throat is better, and it's implied that he has lots of stuff in mind for the future (like possibly more Civil Protection for example), so worry not! :)

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Glad to see you're feeling better and I look forward to see what the spinner lands on next!

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Dang, man, that does look nice. Those scenes in the tunnels with the contrast between black and white show a huge difference. Nice job encoding that; it looks fantastic.

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