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Hunter's Galaxy: A Space Opera RP [:(]

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Welcome to Hunter's Galaxy.



The Space Opera RP in which You Captain the adventure across the Galaxy to a legendary treasure, and what lurks beyond..

Hunter's Galaxy is the game where you, the player, are the Commanding Officer of your own space-faring vessel(s), taking part in a Treasure Hunting Expedition commissioned by Professor Edward Argyle [a preeminent Astro-archaeologist]. Invited by bulletins posted on Help Wanted signs throughout the Spaceport, Players are to arrive at the Bar for their initial brief.


If you wish to participate, please fill out and submit a character sheet. Only a certain number of players will be accepted into the game, but some may be held in reserve if other players drop out (or die in-game). See Character Sheets below. Although the Prologue has opened, the game has not started yet, so don't feel you need to add to the narrative just yet. For now, we'll be just discussing character creation, what the game will be like, and any questions you may have.


For New RPers

If you have never taken part in a Role-Play (henceforth known as RP), there are a few things to pick up on before you get going. Such as the following initialisms:

GM: Game Master, the administrator of the game. (Which will be me)

PC: Player Character, your character

NPC: Non-Player Character(s). Unless otherwise stated, Players do not have control over their actions.


  • OOC: Out-Of-Character (also goes by Out-Of-Game). Once the game is started, everything will be in the narrative and story unless it is exempted with a Spoiler tag, thus:
    [spoiler]OOC: I think Robby is talking too much about his ship and not enough about what he's doing.

Which makes
OOC: I think Robby is talking too much about his ship and not enough about what he's doing.
Keep OOC commentary to a minimum if possible, and if you need more extended conversation on a Non-in-game matter, take it up in Private Messages.



-Keep things respectful between other players.

-No spamming or spammery

-No Mary Sue characters or ships. Everyone has flaws and weaknesses the same as anybody else.

-No controlling other PCs or their ships. (Unless permission and detail is given)



Characters & Ships

Everyone has their own ship, and character who runs it. Players are allowed and recommended to detail their crew, but it's not essential, and they should play as framing or support to their Commanding Officer. Copy-paste the Character and Ship Sheets to fill them out, or Quote the BB code to retain the formatting.


Name: Insert Name Here (Captain of the Vessel Sheet)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Character Sheet (For more detail on Species, see following post)
    Age: 32 (middle-aged for a Character Sheet)
    Height: 24 inches or best offer
    Physical Attributes: Built rather stockily for a simple forum post, Insert Name is pretty capable despite years of a fondness for stronger beer. His eyes are somewhat darkened and listless with the metalogical context of filling in a paragraph or so describing what your character looks and acts like. He can be very spritely if excited but is otherwise is hard to impress. If he felt like posting a picture of himself, he felt very strongly inclined to keep it small, or in a spoiler tag. He has a very immaculate brown mustache, that matches his eyebrows.
    Personality: Straight-jawed and very to-the-books, Insert Name has a steely personality as confident and blank as a vast desert. His paragraph on this subject is usually a little longer but can be as decisive and complete, or as vague and referential as the Player wishes. His best friend is Vessel Sheet.


Ship Name: MV Vessel Sheet

  • Build: Medium Frigate (For more detail on Ship Builds and Hardpoints, see following post.)
    Draft Length: 90 meters (98 yards) (This ain't Star Wars. A ship 500 meters long is enormous. A ship 1000 meters long is hilarious.)
    Speed: Low
    Agility: Above Average
    Armor: Very High
    Power Provision: Quite High
    Crew: 85+Captain+AI System
    Description: Built by BarbaTech Heavy Industrial, following designs in the Second Jobbo War, The Vessel Sheet's model is sturdily built for ranged fire and capital engagement. However plumbing and electrical inefficiencies have left its modularity a thing to be desired, and preclude its upgrades from varying to anything but weaponry.
    Service: The Vessel Sheet came into the hands of Insert Name Here 14 years ago with a relatively short but pretty interesting story that may or may not have some fun twists, turns, pirates, ninjas, robots, ghosts, robot pirates, ghost zombies, cyborg ninja pirates or monkeys.
    Vessel Records: 31 Confirmed Kills, 75 Victories, 11 Damages, 1 Hull Rebuild. (see following post)
    • W1. Heavy Cannon 1
      W2. Heavy Cannon 2
      U1. Targeting Buffer

Non-Hardpoint Weapon(s): Laser Turrets

Picture not found for this old hunk of j

(If you are quoting this to get the Character and Vessel Sheets, Delete everything before the tag before Ship Name, and everything after the

tag after the Hardpoints on the Vessel Sheet.)

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Hunter's Galaxy takes place in a speculative fiction version of the Milky Way Galaxy several hundred years in the future. By this point, Humans have become a largely accepted member of the Galactic community of species, holding a modest territory of a few thousand stars in the Orion Arm. Trade with Humans and other aliens is a very quickly growing economy but many species do not entirely agree with Human methodology of morals or freedoms and thus are ambivalent or occasionally openly hostile towards them.




Technology has grown by leaps and bounds but as GM I really don't care about the whatnots of how a super-galactic hyperdrive works (because it works very well, thank you). We're just going to approach the whole subject of how engines and gravity and stuff like that like how Star Wars does: we'll let some rogue physicist clean up the mess later.




Politics are also things we won't concern ourselves with unless it's directly relevant to the plot. All characters are going to be either fairly Underwordly fellows, Private Contractors, Mercenaries or well-prepared Merchant Services. As such most if not all characters are enabled to make references to other goings on in the Galaxy that happen much more on the low-down. (The spice must flow.)

Weapons technologies vary from society to society, but it's generally accepted when out and about in space to have a laser pistol or some-such for personal defense. Currency will be the unit "Bits" (Bt), which will be equal to about 10 US Dollars or Euros or whatever. A used spaceship would set you back a cool 1500 Bits.




Be human, or make up your own (as long as they aren't way too exotic, like sentient clouds or jellyfish with telepathy etc.). Big Lizard people or quasi-bear-beings would be awesome, just make sure that you're not too big and not too small. Recommended taller than 3 feet (1m) and shorter than 12 (4m). Robots are not recommended but Cyborgs are a-Ok. If your species or creature has an otherworldly age range (eg. far shorter or far longer than Human) then just add a little descriptor to indicate what sort of stage of life they're in.


Ship Builds


Ships in the Hunter's Galaxy Universe are classified by what role they fill, and chassis weight usually designates what sort of weapons it can carry.

Choosing a Strike Craft or Corvette means you command a Flight, which can be as many as 5 different craft. Frigates are single vessels.

Ship Details

    • Strike-Craft (5-30 meters in length, all Strike Fighters are Light chassis weight. Usually only big enough to accommodate a crew of 2 or fewer. They do not have Hardpoints and have two non-hardpoint weapons.)
      • Interceptor - Designed for escorts, patrols, attacks and general combat. Weapons built for taking out Bombers, light Corvettes and other Interceptors. Almost always subordinate to a Spacestation or Capital vessel. Very rare designs permit stand-alone operation. Very vast, agile and not well armored. They have 5 Craft in a Flight.
        Bomber - Designed for precision attack, destruction and heavy combat. Weapons built for taking out Capital Ships, medium and large Frigates, Spacestations or other large and not very maneuverable things. Like the Interceptor, very rare designs permit stand-alone operation. Comparatively, not as fast as Interceptors, nor as agile. But they typically are better armored to compensate. They have 5 Craft in a Flight.
        Scout craft - Designed for reconnaissance, surveillance, spying and maybe rarely the high speed hit-and-run. Weapons built for bare essential defense or perhaps strategic insertion. Usually has a mothership or home craft of some sort, but is able to accommodate long distance and long range loner missions. Typically bare-bone designs with nominal agility, poor armor and unparalleled speed. They have 3 Craft in a Flight.


Corvettes (20-80 meters in length. Crew can be from 2 to 10, depending on the size. All Corvettes have 2 Hardpoints, which can be Utilities or Weapons in addition to two non-hardpoint weapon systems.)

  • Light - Essentially a heavy attack interceptor with a couple turrets on it. Imagine if a tank could fly. Designed for much of the same role as the Interceptor, sacrificing lots of maneuverability for a crap-ton of armament and more than one gunsight. Weapons built for taking out any Strike Craft, Light Frigates and other Corvettes. They have 3 or 2 Craft in a Flight.
    Heavy Corvettes - Trading all speed and maneuverability for the highest density of weapons per crew-member than any other build of spacecraft. As such, fighting anything lighter or smaller than itself is a risky proposition. Weapons built for destroying or disabling any sort of Frigate, Capital ship or other large and not very maneuverable craft- like Bombers, but on steroids that make you sting like a bee and float like a brick.
    The differences between Heavy Corvettes and Light Frigates are largely engine, safety and crew specifications, and not very distinct visually or physically. They have 3 or 2 Craft in a Flight.


Frigates (50-250 meters in length. Crew can be anywhere from 50-500, depending on the size or technical requirement. Skeleton crews can be as low as 15. Ships with more than 600 legally are classed as Capital, overriding their chassis class. Frigates have 3 Hardpoints, in addition to one non-hardpoint weapon. The cost of Frigates vary widely.)

  • Light - Basically a Heavy Corvette but with more room for bigger engines, or sturdier frame for more armor. 2 Hardpoints Must be a Utility on Light Frigates. Weapons on Light Frigates are designed to take on Corvettes or other Frigates of any size. Ships of this size can have Hyperdrives.
    Medium - Most frigates are of this sort of size or weight. If they were civilian built, they could be ferries, yachts, transports or research platforms. 1 Hardpoint Must be a Utility on Medium Frigates. Weapons on Medium Frigates can specialize or generalize similarly to Light or Heavy Frigates in a mix, and can support Flak weapon technologies (which excel at Anti-Strike Fighter combat). Ships of this size and Heavier can have Shields and Docking bays.
    Heavy - Specifically built for "very-big-gun" sort of jobs. Destroyers and Cruisers are specializations of this vessel Family (respectively, for Anti-Capital ship combat and Anti-Frigate pursuit/interception). Civilian built models are usually cruise ships, research platforms or cargo vessels, and it is unusual for them to have a crew of less than 200. All 3 Hardpoints can be weapon systems on Heavy Frigates. Ships of this size can support Strike-Craft Dock systems.


Capital (200-700 meters in length. Crew can be from 600 to 1500 or more. Private ownership of vessels like these is very uncommon. Their number of Hardpoints varies, and often have one non-hardpoint weapon.) (NPCs only, at this time)

  • Light - Very similar to Heavy Frigates except with a more accommodating frame and roomier interior for the expansive crew. Which means, larger engines or more armor. Civilian builds are often Cruise, Ferry or Cargo craft. (If the
I.S.S. was twice its size, it would fit in this class.) All 3 Hardpoints can be weapon systems, and loadout lends itself to specialization or variation, much like the Medium Frigate.
Medium - Large ships, most small space stations fit within this classification- basically bigger and more powerful than the Light Capital Class. Civilian builds of these are Freighters, Cargo ships, Mining platforms or Galaxy-famous Cruise Ships. Medium Capital ships have 4 Hardpoints, one of which must be a Utility.
Heavy - Very big ships. Civilian builds are super-tankers, ultra-load cargo ships, dedicated Strike Fighter-Carriers or other extremely large vessels. Buying (and staffing) a brand new vessel of this size would be an exceptional feat. These ships typically have incredible engines and thick armor, and agility concerns are right out the window (except for Carriers). When operated by militaries they are usually built with the aim towards the Cruiser or Destroyer specialties like the Medium Frigate (being called Dreadnoughts or Man-o'-Wars, respectively). The smaller the opponent, the less chance the opponent stands of winning, unless they have above normal maneruverability or speed. Ships of these size often have either Point-Defense systems (automatic turrets for dealing with Strike Fighters) or large cannon batteries (for heavy blows against other Capital craft, Medium or Large Frigates). These have 5 Hardpoints with one dedicated Utility.
Station (Also called King, Surpreme or Very Heavy) - Space stations, almost exclusively. Things in space that are this big usually are only maneuverable enough to correct their position in an orbit. Travel-capable vessels can be this class, but they must be larger than 700 meters in any dimension- So far no one has built anything that meets that spec, nor needed to.




Let's not bother with specifics like Speed, Velocity, Vectors, Acceleration, Tonnage, Density and whatnot.

  • Detail Attributes

    • Really X
      Very X
      Quite X
      Above Average
      Below Average
      Very Y
      Incredibly Y


  • Speed (Fast or Slow. Speed means travel time, evasive maneuvers and turning radius.)
    Agility (Agile or Bulky. Turning speed, rate of maneuvering, control sensitivity, do-a-barrel-roll etc.)
    Armor (Thin or Thick. More means being able to take heavier blows without serious damage like a Hull Breach or crack to the Chassis. (The most serious damage to a spacecraft is a Compromised Chassis; firing engines with a cracked or severed frame could cause a vessel to break into pieces from stress or advecting momentum.) More armor means the vessel would be heavier and would cost either Speed, Agility or both. Less permits means not as much damage tolerance. [All spacecraft are built to withstand their maximum possible G-forces that their engines can produce.])
    Power Production (High or Low. More power means more Hardpoints or ship systems can be operated or overclocked at once, Lower power means that the ship may have to ration energy usage. More power production requires a larger Reactor, which takes up internal space. Larger power production can also affect Signal Detection, as more power usage in general means larger heat signatures.)
    Crew (The bigger the crew, the more impersonal it can become, keep that in mind if you want to have it well characterized or developed. Contrariwise, the smaller, the less productive it can be; repairs may not be as fast if you sustain any. Smaller crews are better for smaller ships, simply put.)
    Vessel Records (Kills are how many enemy craft have been destoryed by this Vessel's weapons. Think in terms of 5x modern "Flying Ace" records. Eg: the man with the reputation of the 'Red Baron' of the Hunter's Galaxy universe would have 400 Kills or so. Victories are how many missions or jobs the Vessel has taken on that included a sortie or battle, and emerged victorious. Damages are records of serious hull, system or chassis injury that required dry-dock repairs. Hull rebuilds occur either by Law every 20 Damages, or if the severity of the Damage requires it. (The Damage counter is reset every Rebuild. "Damage" and "Rebuild" are entirely backstory and do not have any direct bearing to the Hull Integrety in-game, unless you specify so yourself.))


Ship Hardpoints


Hardpoints are modular connection systems on the inside or outside of Spaceships. Every craft heavier than Corvettes has Hardpoints. They can either be Utilities (tools) or Weapons (armament). Most of them will be pretty straightforwards.


      Shields - Convert power into replenish-able (and boost-able) armor that looks kinda glowy and cool when stuff hits it!
      Hyperdrive - Excellent for long distance travel, retreating, or making a really neat noise and lightshow when you leave a spaceport. Demands high power supply for a brief time when charging up for use.
      ECCM Suite - Electronic Communications & CounterMeasures Suite. Boosts communication strength, range and coordination with teammates, counter Jamming devices, Jam opponents signals. Requires above average power usage for continued use, and is rather useless if it only gets energy sporadically.
      Stealth System Node - By the manipulation of space-time, neutrinos, quarks, anti-matter and black paint with sparkles in it, a Stealth Node can render it's mothership (as well as any other craft within close enough range) invisible to RADAR, Magnetic, Radiothermal, Radiant or Visual detection systems. Depending upon what sort of power supply the mothership has, it can work Actively for brief periods, making detection impossible for a short while, or Passively and make detection difficult (but not foolproof) for extended periods (hours or more). A Dedicated Stealth node means that the node works better than Passive or Active, but only works on the mothership and cannot project Stealth onto other vessels.
      Docking Bay - Depending upon the size of the vessel to which this Hardpoint is built, it can accommodate anything from a personal pod capsule to a medium frigate. Docking bays require Medium power and can refuel or repair teammate vessels.
      All vessels have passenger and cargo connectivity, but only ships with Docking Bays can have other ships attach, lock (or hide) other vessels inside themselves.
      Strike Craft Dock (Requires Two Hardpoints) - Allows rapid deployment, repair, support and recovery of Strike Craft and Corvettes. This Hardpoint mandates engines strong enough to recover any Strike Craft it deploys, and supply the Dock at all times, thus it has the prerequisite that Capital ships with this Hardpoint Fast Speed and Quite High Power Production or better. Supports 3 Strike Craft Flights (total of 15 Interceptors or 15 Bombers or 9 Scouts or a mix thereof.)
      Additional Strike Craft Bay - Requires a Strike Craft Dock on the Vessel. Increases Strike Craft support amount by 3 Flights.
      Reactor Capacitor - Boosts reactor output and provides energy redundancy- Power Production is both more reliable and stronger.
      Targeting Buffer - Boosts accuracy of all weapons systems and reduces Power demand of all Hardpoints.
      Evasive Thrusters - Boosts Agility and Speed at the expense of Power for a short period of time, transferring a large amount of energy from Weapon Control to Navigation and Gravity stabilization.



  • Torpedos - Similar to Missles, listed below. Except they're dedicatedly interception munitions that are very large and very fast, faster than most Interceptors. They're designed to put the finger on Corvettes, Frigates and Capitals.
    Flak - The supreme anti-Strike Fighter technology, Flak shells are enormous cartridges launched into the space near fighters or Corvettes, and automatically detonated (by timer or proximity sensor), spraying thousands of largish steel bits (about the size of a baseball) into a small cloud. Fighters then fly through this cloud as if it were either intense hail, or a small cloud of largish steel bits. Therefore anything without substantial armor that gets hit by Flak ends up either very handsomely pitted by micrometeorites, or finely chopped metallic confetti. However the cartridges cannot travel very far and are not spectacularly accurate, and require any vessel equipped with this turret system to be somewhat close to its target. On the other hand, Flak Cannons are famed for their ability to track targets, even if they aren't the best at getting a bulls-eye shot. The cannon system uses an automatic reload system to chamber new shells (which are quite cumbersome), and it is not unusual to have a firing rate of one shot every five seconds or so.
    Heavy Cannon - Cannons use powerful magnetic coils to launch large shells at stupendously high speed, delivering high-impact, high-penetration and high-explosive shells in a very straight line. Highly effective against Capital ships and most Frigates, but suffers at the mercy of anything capable of changing course easily like Strike Fighters. Like Flak, they take a little time to reload.
    Ion Cannon (Requires Two Hardpoints) - Using the latest and greatest in fashionable and deadly lasers, Ion Beam Cannons use a highly charged photon stream to melt and shear through armor of targets that don't move very quickly. The projection lens of Ion Cannons cannot traverse very far, so the aim of the weapon is quite dependent on the heading and angle of the vessel that carries it. It can have a charge time of as much as 20 seconds per shot, although these beams are very effective at cutting straight through shields, or any small things that might come between the lens and its target, like a hapless strike fighter. Ion Beams are Quite strenuous on Power demand, but have incredible range and accuracy.
    Ion Beam Capictor - Reduces overhead power demand of the Ion Cannon, increases the rate of fire, and allows installation of a second independently aiming projection lens.


Non-Hardpoint Utilities

  • Generally termed as "Systems", these are technically "Support Systems". Things like Life Support/Atmospherics, Food Supply, Medical systems, Fuel, Gravity, Light, Navigation, The Ship's Internal Artificial Intelligence, etc. all fit here. Their power requisite at all times is so low it doesn't really need paying mind. Strike Craft and Corvettes do not have Medical bays or Cafeterias. Most in fact do not even have room for a place to poop apart from inside your own suit, which is why they are ill-equipped for lone operation very often.
    General Alert - All ships have a standardized warning for a danger on board, such as Fire, Air Leak, Electrical Failure or other problems of that sort of nature. That warning consists of shutting off the main lighting, activating low power lighting (In a vaguely reddish-orange tint) and a buzzer siren (like
Emergency Retention Field - All ships, even fighters have this. Shuts off all non-survival systems (everything from weapons to provision control to main internal lighting) and shifts the majority to the Gravity system on specific tensor fields to support the Frame and Chassis. It basically boosts Armor strength by 3000% at the expense of being able to do just about anything at all. It comes on automatically if the chassis has been seriously damaged or if ship fragmentation is imminent.
Bail-Out Systems - Strike Craft and Corvettes have ejection systems, some Frigates are equipped with Escape Pods.
Most large ships often are not equipped with Escape Pods for the entire crew; it is more efficient to simply detach, eject or disable whatever is the highest risk to the safety of the vessel (such as a near-critical Reactor, or venting unburned fuel), or gather crew in a more secure part of the ship (eg. the very center) and surrender to whatever group wishes to have you lose in a fight. This is because large ships, even if severely damaged on the outside, are more secure and safer than personal ships or pods, in pristine condition.


Non-Hardpoint Weapons

  • Laser Cannons - Get creative with how you name these things as long as we all agree they work by Lasers and not hyper-acceleration of bits of metal, arcs of lightning or shooting lightsabers at people. They are either fixed to the ship (Strike Craft, Corvettes) or mounted on Turrets (Frigates and Larger).
    Missiles - Anywhere from being the size of your Arm (cluster rockets) to being the size of a small bus (Long Interdiction/Armor-peircing Rockets (LIAR)). The more the merrier, the more the heavier (which decreases Agility). They can be specialized for taking out any sort of target that has Below Average Armor or less. Strike Craft can carry two different kinds, Corvettes three. Typically not found on Frigates or Capitals.
    Bombs - Much heavier and harder hitting than Missiles, Bombs can vary: armor-piercing, highly explosive, fragmentation, counter-stealth, electronic-counter-counter-measures, anti-shields, engine-incapacitation, just sheer destruction, the list goes on. Again, get creative. Sometimes found on Frigates, never found on Capitals.
    Point-Defense Network (Medium Frigates and Heavier) - An automated system of small gatling-guns that automatically track and fire upon targets by themselves. Each turret is controlled by an independent aiming system, and does not require very much power at all. They are only effective against Strike fighters and perhaps the careless Corvette pilot, at close range.
    Lightsaber Gatling Guns - Not available in Multiplayer.


Edited by Guest (see edit history)

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Active Players


Blue (Game Master)


Name: Edward Visgaurd Argyle (Professor of Archaology, University of Acter-Polaris)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Age: 52
    Height: 180cm (5'11")
    Physical Attributes: Argyle is rather average in build and not a man of remarkable stature, but this apperance is somewhat deceptive. He is quite fit and capable of handling his own if it came to some sort of confrontation, but definitely not any sort of fighter or person who makes a living by physical exertion. He has somewhat sunken cheeks and gray eyes, which stand out against his slightly darker complexion and silver-ish lined glasses. His hair is somewhat unkempt but it's hard to tell because of how short it is. He is almost always seen wearing a cardigan over a vest and sweater, and appropriate pants (be they formal wear, dockside mechanics overalls or simple jeanies).
    Personality: Honest to a fault and truthful to the point of brutal, Prof. Argyle is a man who grew up in more hardship than most because of his almost eager willingness to challenge preconceptions and common understandings. This determination for curiosity and knowledge has both granted him a great amount of success in scientific discovery, but also a great deal of ire from the scientific community because of how much of an inconveinience it can be when Argyle's findings have disproved many notions and previously held "accurate" theories of history past. He enjoys a variety of card games but does not like gambling very much, and is allergic to alchohol, much to his personal annoyance.


Name: Richard Barbra Roam (Captain of the Valiant)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Age: 33
    Height: 192cm (6'4")
    Physical Attributes: Strangely thin for a man of his height, Roam typically acts and moves in a weird way that doesn't quite seem normal, whenever he walks or even raises a hand. As if it's half way inbetween trying to be efficient like a robot or exaggerated like an actor-. Whatever the reason, his motion follows hand in hand his charismatic voice and mannerisms that appear quite polite, if a bit wily. Almost always wearing what appears to be an Alliance Captain's overcoat, dyed maroon and one of the buttons missing.
    Personality: Both wacky and well-planned at the same time, Richard seems to be some variety of charlatan or con artist, but in spite of such an appearance also appears to be an excellent Captain and commander. Unless challenged he quite chipper with an attitude almost described as "bubbly". When angry, it would be best described as "frothy".


Ship Name: MV Valiant

  • Build: Heavy Frigate (Horech-Fesel-Oskra F-2840, 8 years old)
    Draft Length: 180 meters (114 yards)
    Speed: Fast
    Agility: Very Bulky
    Armor: Really Thick
    Power Provision: Very High
    Crew: 200+Captain+AI System
    Description: The Oskra F-2840 is a model with a reputation for being easy and cheap to maintain, simple to modify and hard to replace. Built 8 years ago and bought by Saturnian Defense Interest Group, the Valiant (back then known as SIG-61) operated well in general patrol and defense service until the SDIG went bankrupt from a lawsuit for fraudulent buisness practices, and the SIG fleet went up for auction. The Valiant has been flying under the employ of Roam ever since, doing his various whims with a able crew.
    Service: Roam has operated the Valiant through commisioned Mercenary work, a breif stint of Piracy, a single race (which it won 3rd place in, out of 50 vessels), and a private escort for the Princess of Tish on one occasion. Her service record is more varied than it is explainitory of how good Roam is as a Captain.
    Vessel Records: 18 Confirmed Kills, 45 Victories, 2 Damages, 1 Hull Rebuild.
    • 1. Strike Craft Launching Dock
      2. ----
      3. Heavy Cannon

Non-Hardpoint Weapon(s): Point-Defense Network



Bill Ludwick


Name: Yilne jiune Wvernaa (Captain of the Xielumbus)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Jiespher
    Age: 37 (Middle-aged)
    Height: 173cm (5'8")
    Profession: Private Contractor
    Physical Attributes: Yilne is a full grown adult male, mostly amphibian in appearance with Dark crimson skin. he's athletically slim build. his eyes are normal deep blue when he's inert, but they glow an erie White when he becomes emotionally disturbed. he also has several neural enhancements one is a language scanner, to aid with communication. the second is an atmospheric adaptation CPU, which changes air filters, or body mass to allow for differing planet's living conditions.
    Personality: He's a very humble person, his ends never justify his own means. his personality is atypical of the Jiespherion Race: very hard to read, always kind, distant, but never hesitant. usually very malevolent creatures..


Ship Name: Xielumbus

  • Build: Light Corvette (3 Craft in Flight)
    Draft Length: 40 meters
    Speed: Medium
    Agility: Low
    Armor: Thick
    Power Provision: High
    Crew: 4 x 3
    Description: The colors are a very light blue with dark blue streaks. it's movement takes priority over it's weapons; the faster the ship goes the more the ship's offenses are compromised.
    The ship itself is outfitted with a medium-intellect portable AI( named MIPAI). it's purposes are to ensure that only Yilne can pilot the craft, and to assure power consumption efficiency.
    Service: Yilne was the participant of a card game at a space gambling ring where he put up one of his famous favors (these favors, once promised, can mean anything. Jiespherion inhabitants are honor bound to never break an oath of favor). While the original owner of the Xielumbus put up the derelict Ship, Yilne won with a Royal-flush.
    He's owned and operated the ship for 4 years.
    Vessel Records: 26 Confirmed Kills, 13 Victories, 21 Damages, 4 Hull Rebuild.
    • W1. Flak Cannon 1
      W2. Heavy Cannon 1
      U1. Targeting Buffer

Non-Hardpoint Weapons: Laser Cannons, Missiles





Name: Nero "Scorch" Sinclair (Captain of the Glain-Neidr)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Corsian Cyborg
    Age: 30
    Height: 191cm (6'3")
    Physical Attributes: Nero, referred to as simply Scorch by his crew, once stood at a measly 5'9" before the accident that maimed his body beyond nature's aid. With his cybernetic replacements of the joints in his legs, and the complete reconstruction of his feet, he now stands at 6'3". His knees noticeably bulge when he walks, and widen when he readies a jump. His feet no longer resemble human feet and now look like T-Rex feet. The accident also took his entire left arm and his right thumb, both of which were replaced with mechanical replicas of the limbs. His left arm is slightly larger than the right, and acts as a swiss-army knife of sorts. Nero also underwent a partial back-replacement, but what modifications were made to it, if any, are unknown to anyone living aside from his physical, Sydney. Nero's physical build is slim, but muscular due to the added weight of his replacement limbs. Those who meet this mighty captain in combat are instantly instilled by fear when they look into his blood-red eyes, a color that's very rare in the Corsian species. Nero dresses in lightweight clothing so that he can put his cyborg side to best use. His hair is medium length, and blood-red like his eyes.
    Personality: Often stuck in his own thoughts when alone. He's very sure of himself, even when in dire situations, and never backs down from his plans. Although a brute, thief, and otherwise pirate to others that see him, Scorch is known as a caring individual for his crew and would never allow one to sacrifice their life before his. He's one of the few pirate captains that takes honor seriously, which is what destroyed most of his body in the first place. Scorch has a tendency to say things that don't make much sense in context and being a bit of a drama king. He has dreams of returning to Corsia one day and restoring the order that was lost with the royal family.


Ship Name: The Glain-Neidr

  • Build: Medium Frigate
    Draft Length: 75 Meters
    Speed: Incredibly Fast
    Agility: Agile
    Armor: Above Average
    Power Provision: Below Average
    Crew: 30
    Description: The Crystal F-920 is a discontinued ship, once commissioned by the royal family of Corsia. These ships are unique in their shape and materials, and were commonly referred to as "Glass Ships." It's spear-like in shape, as they were built to be able to pierce through other ships. Their usefulness in piercing power diminished when ships started using heavier, modern-day construction, and most any attempt to do so would probably seriously damage both ships. The F-920 are small, fast ships with a decent amount of weaponry and stronger-than average armor, but they have substandard energy production. Most ships were decommissioned when the royal family fell, and the remaining ships have no ties to Corsia. The ships were originally made of a crystal found on the moons orbiting Corsia, but those resources are no longer accessible thanks to the small colonies stationed on the moons for the sole purpose of protecting the crystals and preventing another Crystal Ship from being made.
    Service: The Glain-Neidr was rescued (or stolen) from Corsia before it could be compacted to make fancy glassware. While serving under Corsia, it was part of a fleet of ships defending the planet from invaders and never saw more than three battles before being stolen by Nero and his crew of pirates. Since then, the Glain-Neidr has been labeled as a pirate ship and is wanted by several governments for, in Scorch's words, "various unimportant reasons." The Glain-Neidr and her crew have raided several cargo frigates and noblemen ships since then. She has only been caught on camera, but nobody has been able to capture her or her crew in any other medium.
    Vessel Records: 12 Confirmed Kills, 58 Victories, 15 Damages, 3 Hull Rebuilds.
    • W1. Torpedoes
      W2. Heavy Cannon
      U1. Shield System

Non-Hardpoint Weapon: Bombing Bay [Energy-Sapping]





Name: Jaan Tagon (Captain of the Shadow Spear)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Age: 47
    Height: 171cm (5'9")
    Physical Attributes: He has hazel eyes and neatly kept dark brown hair with streaks of grey. He has thin eyebrows and lips. He also has a neatly kept goatee beard. His thin and gaunt appearance serve to hide both his strength and experience through many years of military service to some empire somewhere that he has long since abandoned all ties to (after stealing their prototype stealth medium frigate, the Shadow Spear). He is open minded, and combined with his experience this enables him to react fast to new and unexpected situations. He is fairly agile but a previous war injury (I'm no experienced doctor so I'll keep this vague unless anyone has any good ideas for this or unless I have to specify something) prevents him from sustained physical effort such as long runs. As a consequence in close combat he will always be trying to end the fight as fast as possible by subduing his opponent through various forms of martial arts, although he could hardly called proficient at them, he can hold his own. With combat he would prefer stealth over brute force, preferring ambushes, traps and general deception rather than open combat. Hit and run tactics would be amongst his most used strategy against opponents. He can use a multitude of weapons owing to his past military experience, bar perhaps bladed weapons such as swords and so on. He wouldn't be good with those (except for perhaps stabbing an opponent in the back whilst they are unsuspecting). He generally always has a somewhat determined and wily expression on his face.
    Personality: Despite his love of somewhat underhanded strategies to deploy on opponents, he is a man of principles and will honour agreements and so on (although despite his willingness to honour agreements honestly, he doesn't take betrayal well, and is generally unforgiving of those who break their deals with him (read will never deal with them again), or may well pretend to deal with them only to double cross them out of spite (although often planned at a point where it will provide some gain to him)). He has also always opposed the mass slaughter of innocents (one of his reasons for abandoning his service to the previously mentioned empire). After a tragedy best left vaguely described perpetrated by the Empire, he resolved to abandon them in favour of of exploring the richness of the Galaxy, with no real aim except perhaps slow and enjoyable personal gain. Over a period of months he put together a plan with many men and women he'd come to know over his years of service who were loyal to him. The plan was to steal a prototype vessel that was to the citizens of the Empire who knew, a mere rumour. The Shadow Spear, the first vessel of its kind, a medium frigate with prototype cloaking technology capable of rendering a vessel undetectable to all their known methods of scientific detection.


Ship Name: The Shadow Spear

  • Build: Medium Frigate
    Draft Length: 202 Meters
    Speed: Medium
    Agility: Medium
    Armor: Very Thick
    Power Provision: Very High
    Crew: 72+Captain
    Description: Built by a nameless Empire several years ago the Shadow Spear was a prototype in using stealth technology. Designed to carry scientists on test runs rather than for actual combat, it carries lightly-armed shuttles with sophisticated research and scanning equipment rather than proper strike-craft. The vessel is primarilly designed for hit-and-run strikes. It can push its engines to a speed greater than usual (at the expense of mobility) in order to improve the efficiency of its stealth strikes against other equivalently sized or larger vessels (it's not designed for extended combat against other vessels). Decloaking, firing its heavy cannon, and then hoping enough damage was caused to allow the ship to turn (or re-engage stealth mode) without significant damage. It's not designed to counter smaller vessels although it does have a point defense network that may allow it to hold its own, but due to the ship's limited mobility the effectiveness of this point defense network against serious numbers of opposing fighters is doubtful.
    It is Surface-Capable.
    Service: The Shadow Spear saw very little service under the empire beyond a few test runs. However following the captain's acquisition the Shadow Spear has spent the last four years roaming the Galaxy, contending with pirates, various authorities, and the natural hazards of space itself. Conflicts are generally few and far between, with the aim being to secure treasures without engaging any hostile forces. Initially the captain mainly focussed on assaulting and stealing from supply ships of the Empire, acquiring wealth, trinkets, various artifacts and so on. Depending on whether or not the stolen goods could be made use of by the Shadow Spear and her crew, they were sold on to the black market. Inevitably though, the Empire soon began to crack down on the Shadow Spear's games of cat and mouse with the authorities. Supply ships began travelling in convoys, with heavy escorts. The Shadow Spear eventually decided to branch out in to the rest of the Galaxy.
    ...Tagon and his crew are on the look out for what they term 'the big one', something that would set them all well off for the future, so they could abandon piracy and perhaps even colonise some small forgotten corner of the Galaxy for themselves and their families... [read more
Vessel Records: 3++ Confirmed Kills, 70+ Victories, 2 Damages, 0 Hull Rebuilds.
  • W1. Heavy Cannon
    U1. Docking Bay [4 x Shuttles]
    U2. Stealth System Node

Non-Hardpoint Weapon: Point Defense Network





Name: Garret Burton (Flight Captain of Arwing IV)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Age: 26
    Height: 185cm (6')
    Profession: Mercenary
    Physical Attributes: ooks like the average caucasian human for the rest of the Hunter's Galaxy, he's got an athletic body, what is expected from a mercenary. He's got brown eyes, a somewhat normal nose, bit bigger than usual, brown eyes, wide eyebrows and long, curled hair. Despite his short career as a mercenary (7 human years) he's already got some battle scars (physical and mental). His experiences on earth and in the outer space have made him a very sociable character, funny and easygoing but serious when it's about work or something valuable to him is compromised (Kinda like Goku from DBZ but less clowny)
    Personality: He sticks to what he believes in (the old Declaration of human rights) which has caused some tensions with his alien employers and other creatures. Resembles a lot to a revolutionist from the beggining of the XXI century due to the strong beliefs his ascendancy had, people who fought for the water to be free for everybody on earth, equalty for the minorities of that time and corruption to be vanished off the political systems of Earth. Even so, he's a very open minded person in certain topics which could be considered as polemic (romantic relationships between different species, hybrid creatures born from these etc etc...)


Ship Name: The Arwing IV (x 2)

  • Build: Interceptor
    Draft Length: 28 Meters
    Speed: Quite Fast
    Agility: Very Agile
    Armor: Medium
    Power Provision: Below Average
    Crew: 1+AI
    Description: This ship's design is based on the well known Arwing used in the Lylat system by the Star Fox team. Retaining it's marvelous G-diffusers and speed capacity it's able to maintain assault in a planet's atmosphere or in the outer space with ease and superior handling and evasive maneuvers. It's interior is design to accomodate 3 full sized humans during long travel times.
    Service: The Arwing IV comes from the now extincted planet of Corneria in the Lylat System. it is based on a line of designs made by Space Dynamics of assault ships for the legendary group of mercenaries Star Fox. It is now a rare ship to see and replacement parts are hard to find or very expensive (Kinda like the DeLoreans for our era). Garret exchanged it for his weird collection of Earthbound seeds to a misterious flurry merchant in a Flea Market in Sector C in mint condition .
    Vessel Records: 64 Confirmed Kills, 7 Victories, 3 Damages, 1 rebuild.
    Vessel Records: 3+ Confirmed Kills, 70+ Victories, 2 Damages, 0 Hull Rebuilds.
    Non-Hardpoint Weapon: Laser Cannons, Missiles





Name: Tharebas (Captain of the Abandoned One)

  • Gender: ?
    Species: ?
    Age: ?
    Height: 220cm (7'1")
    Profession: Sojourner
    Attributes: Tharebas was once a mercenary of the infamous Hellfire Squad. During a simple assasination mission, a fleet of ships from an unknown race completely, and for no reason annihilated his squad, the target, and the entire solar system around them. Tharebas was the only survivor, for reasons unknown. This experience has left him scarred, and utterly changed. Now, he offers his skills to anyone who can spare a Bit and a ride on a mothership.
    Physical Attributes: His original form is hidden beneath a thick, otherworldly armor. His armor offers him extremely increased strength, agility and resistance to harm. He appears to survive space conditions.
    His armor hosts a small variety of light power weapons, a three shot piercer, a short-range thruster and a huge collection of barbed blades and chains that seem to sprout from it.


Ship Name: The Abandoned One (x 2)

  • Build: Interceptor
    Draft Length: 22 Meters
    Speed: Very Fast
    Agility: Very Agile
    Armor: Below Average
    Power Provision: Average
    Crew: 1
    Description: The ship appears like an aerodynamic heap of twisted black metal. The only thing that implies that it actually is a spacecraft is its symmetry. It appeares to use an unknown power source. An unknown utility allows the ship to slowly self-repair while docked.
    Service: Little to nothing is known about the ship's past or manufacturer. Tharebas hasn't revealed its origin. He just stated once, when asked about it, that "it comes from a really bad place".
    Vessel Records: 64 Confirmed Kills, 7 Victories, 3 Damages, 1 rebuild.
    Vessel Records: 37 Confirmed Kills, 20 Victories, 12 Damages, 0 Hull Rebuilds.
    Non-Hardpoint Weapon: Laser Cannons, Missiles





Name: Dominicus Wynn Fletchent (Captain of the Shadow-Beam)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Age: 27
    Height: 162cm (5'4")
    Profession: Sojourner
    Physical Attributes: Uses his small stature to his advantage. Slender but strong and well-toned, but not with the brute strength to take enemies head-on. Very nimble and stealthy. Able to take intense G-Forces due to his compressed spine. Very sharp reflexes. Metal-infused biology permits higher G-force tolerance than normally possible.
    Personality: Napoleon complex: short-tempered, mostly because of his stature and demanding of others' respect. Very loyal, a great ally to have, a terrible enemy to face. Incredibly inuitive, especially in battle. Able to interpret movement of others and make easy kills out of exposed fuel tanks.


Ship Name: Shadow Beam (x 3)

  • Build: Scout Craft
    Speed: Very Fast
    Agility: Really Agile
    Armor: Below Average
    Power Provision: Above Average
    Crew: 2+AI
    Description: An old, discarded USAF E.T. design, the Shadow-Beam is reminiscent of the SR-71 Blackbird, found to be highly maneuverable in the more liberal atmospheres of space. The craft is much smaller than the old Blackbird and is designed for fighting superiority alone. It's intense speeds and resulting G-Forces made it a no-go for the Marines Corps, but this leftover model can be put to great use by a person who can handle it.
    Vessel Records: 64 Confirmed Kills, 7 Victories, 3 Damages, 1 rebuild.
    Vessel Records: 68 Confirmed Kills, 6 Victories, 2 Damages, 1 Hull Rebuilds.
    Non-Hardpoint Weapon: Laser Cannons, Missiles





Name: Srakenyl Tyrafus (Captain of the Tenrar)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Doppleganger
    Age: 24 (Mature for species)
    Height: 185cm (6'1")
    Profession: Courier
    Physical Attributes: Chosen form is a gray skinned human of average height. He is built tall and thin. Chosen hair is wild medium-long length, color is off black. Wears an insulated traveling coat with Scail-armor suit underneath.
    Personality: Often reserved and serious. Prone to outbursts of 'insanity'. He would rather be doing something constructive rather than socializing. While cold at first he quickly warms up to people he is forced to spend time with. He treats useful people as equals and regards less useful people with disdain. Respectful of superiors, warmly regards people under his command. Becomes uncomfortable if he is looked at for too long.


Ship Name: Tenrar

  • Build: Hybrid Light Corvette
    Speed: Medium
    Agility: Above Average
    Armor: Quite Armored
    Power Provision: Above Average
    Crew: 3
    Description: Described as a "Cost Effective Model" this ship has served its crew well for the past few years. Manufacutred on the Planet Tyrian, this ship came into the Ownership of Srakenyl when he left. Attempted Hybrid of Striker and Corvette. I say attempted, they managed to retain some of the mobility of a striker and most of the punch of a Corvette.
    Service: Prototype, first operator.
    Vessel Records: 7 Kills; 23 Victories, 3 Repairs, 0 Rebuilds

    • I: Flak
      II: Docking Bay

Non-Hardpoint Weapon: Gunner Turrets, Cannons



Reserved Players


Inactive Players


Psychotic Ninja (Player left, KIA)

Name: Not known (Captain of the Invisible)

  • Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Age: 22
    Height: 180cm (5'11")
    Profession: Ninja
    Physical Attributes: Average built, He's very agile. He's a fast runner, expert at freerunning/parkour. No one knows what he looks like, not even his crew members, seeing as he always wears a black robe/cloak (hood always up). One thing he does remember is that he stays alive for his wife and daughter. Always seen with katana in sheath in the back, pouch full of ninja stars/shurikens, kunai knives, smoke bombs, and more Personality: He's very very quiet, keeps to himself, other than that, nothing is known about him.
    Personality: N/A


Ship Name: The Invisible

  • Build: Medium Frigate
    Draft Length: 90 Meters
    Speed: Medium
    Agility: Above Average
    Armor: Very High
    Power Provision: Quite High
    Crew: 16+Captain
    Description: N/A
    Service: The ship has been with his clan for generations, it has been passed down to him from his father, as his father passed it down to him, so on, and so on.
    Vessel Records: 15 Confirmed Kills, 80 Victories, 13 Damages, 2 Hull Rebuild.
    • W1. Torpedoes
      W2. Flak Cannon
      U1. Stealth System Node

Non-Hardpoint Weapon: Missiles


This player decided to leave the game, and was narrated out as having stolen data from Prof. Argyle and as a result was fired upon by the Valiant. (Pg. 9)



Player Checklist (GM only)

  • BU - [X]
    BL - [ ]
    OB - [ ]
    LS - [ ]
    LU - [ ]
    MM - [ ]
    FY - [ ]
    SR - [ ]

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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(I hope I'm doing this right)


Name: Real name unknown (Captain of The Invisible)


Gender: Male

Species: Ninja/human

Age: 22 human years

Height: 5' 11" inches

Physical Attributes:Average built, He's very agile. He's a fast runner, expert at freerunning/parkour. No one knows what he looks like, not even his crew members, seeing as he always wears a black robe/cloak (hood always up). One thing he does remember is that he stays alive for his wife and daughter. Always seen with katana in sheath in the back, pouch full of ninja stars/shurikens, kunai knives, smoke bombs, and more Personality: He's very very quiet, keeps to himself, other than that, nothing is known about him.


Ship Name: The Invisible


Build: Medium Frigate

Draft Length: 90 meters (98 yards)

Speed: Average

Agility: Above Average

Armor: Very High

Power Provision: Quite High

Crew: 15+Captain+AI System

Description: (Get back to later)

Service: The ship has been with his clan for generations, it has been passed down to him from his father, as his father passed it down to him, so on, and so on.

Vessel Records: 15 Confirmed Kills, 80 Victories, 13 Damages, 2 Hull Rebuilds.


W1. Torpedoes

W2. Flak

U1. Stealth System Node

Non-Hardpoint Weapon(s): missiles


looks like this: http://www.vfocus.com/~bcj/Cortex/Firefly.jpg (I know, lazy here)




(This better Blue? Also I am keeping name unknown, no "goes by X" )

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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This is a cool initiative. It's stickied now. I'm not very good at serious roleplaying hehe.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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@Psychotic Ninja: If he goes by Logan, then that's enough- don't have to leave it blank. And 22 years is a remarkable age for someone to be given authority over a space vessel and 80 men. Lastly, your ship is incredibly capable... It's Agile, Thick as a Brick, can churn out power easily and is smaller than a soccer field in length. Balance in there would be nice.


@Luis: Thanks for the sticky, it'll help draw attention.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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No problem. I'll work on a character and give this a shot, It's gonna be interesting (:



Name: Garret Burton


Gender: Male

Species: 100% Human. Earth native. Mercenary

Age: 26

Height: 185cm

Physical Attributes: Looks like the average caucasian human for the rest of the Hunter's Galaxy, he's got an athletic body, what is expected from a mercenary. He's got brown eyes, a somewhat normal nose, bit bigger than usual, brown eyes, wide eyebrows and long, curled hair. Despite his short career as a mercenary (7 human years) he's already got some battle scars (physical and mental). His experiences on earth and in the outer space have made him a very sociable character, funny and easygoing but serious when it's about work or something valuable to him is compromised (Kinda like Goku from DBZ but less clowny)

Personality: He sticks to what he believes in (the old Declaration of human rights) which has caused some tensions with his alien employers and other creatures. Resembles a lot to a revolutionist from the beggining of the XXI century due to the strong beliefs his ascendancy had, people who fought for the water to be free for everybody on earth, equalty for the minorities of that time and corruption to be vanished off the political systems of Earth. Even so, he's a very open minded person in certain topics which could be considered as polemic (romantic relationships between different species, hybrid creatures born from these etc etc...)


Ship Name: Great Fox


Build: Scout craft (Bigger version of the Legendary Arwing from Space Dynamics, used by the Star Fox Team as assault ship)

Draft Length: 28 meters

Speed: Very fast

Agility: Very Agile

Armor: Below Average

Power Provision: Medium

Crew: Garret Burton (and the ocasional one night stand)

Description: This ship's design is based on the well known Arwing used in the Lylat system by the Star Fox team. Retaining it's marvelous G-diffusers and speed capacity. It's interior is design to accomodate 2 full sized humans during very long travel times (a pilot and a computer operator which is optional). It's original purpose was to make assault ships independent of motherships but it's power supply cannot provide enough power to the shield system to be used in assault because of the higher priority the speed and agility have, few were fabricated by Space Dynamics, and most sit in museums across the Galaxy.

Service: The Great Fox is not suitable for it's original purpose but it serves the needs of a mercenary who often needs to travel long distances or flee for his survival with superior speed.

Vessel Records: 9 Confirmed Kills, 14 Victories, 3 Damages, 19 paint jobs, interior facilities replacements (seats, HUDs, screens and the ocasional burned GPU)


Non-Hardpoint Weapon(s):


Standard Cornerian Laser Cannon: Shoots 4 laser beams per second in burst mode and takes 4 seconds to build a tracking shot (equivalent damage of 7 normal laser beams). It has an independent (and infinite) power source.


Nova Missiles: Heavy-duty missiles made by Space Dynamics. The ship is only capable of holding 3 at once. They can't track objectives and have a straight trajectory. They are designed to take out big meteors but can be used in battle as last resort.



Here's the concept(it is very different in my mind, but this is what you should have in mind when imagining it):



''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Updated my information, I have my own background/story in mind, hopefully it goes the way I thought of (real name included), though if in the middle of the game someone's like "I'm going to call you X" well I'll go along with it.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I'm really interested in the idea, but I'd like to see more regarding what's expected of RPers for combat (which I'm assuming there will be some), rules of engagement, how damage will be calculated (qualitatively, not quantitatively), and what's generally not allowed in the game aside from godmodding and overpowering characters/ships (although the issue of overpowering ships is already plenty debatable, given how loose the current terms of the game are). I've quit RPs before because the GM didn't lay out the rules and tried to change them as RPers exploited the holes, and I'd hate for this one to turn out the same. I'd rather not put effort into making a small cast of characters and a ship if the RP's going to simply fall apart.

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And 22 years is a remarkable age for someone to be given authority over a space vessel and 80 men.


Reminds me of Adrian Sheppard


I just finished my character and ship...

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Name: Tharebas

Occupation: Sole survivor of the mercenary Hellfire Squad. Currently a wanderer.

Race: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Height: 220cm

Past Biography: Tharebas was once a mercenary of the infamous Hellfire Squad. During a simple assasination mission, a fleet of ships from an unknown race completely, and for no reason annihilated his squad, the target, and the entire solar system around them. Tharebas was the only survivor, for reasons unknown. This experience has left him scarred, and utterly changed. Now, he offers his skills to anyone who can spare a Bit and a ride on a mothership.

Physical Attributes: His original form is hidden beneath a thick, otherworldly armor. His armor offers him extremely increased strength, agility and resistance to harm. He appears to survive space conditions.

Paraphenalia: His armor hosts a small variety of light power weapons, a three shot piercer, a short-range thruster and a huge collection of barbed blades and chains that seem to sprout from it.


Ship name: The Abandoned One

Bulid: Interceptor

Agility: Very High

Speed: Very High

Armor: Basic, slowly self-repairing when docked or landed

Daft Length: 22 meters

Crew: 1

Description: The ship appears like an aerodynamic heap of twisted black metal. The only thing that implies that it actually is a spacecraft is its symmetry. It appeares to use an unknown power source. An unknown utility allows the ship to slowly self-repair while docked.

Non-Hardpoint Weapons: Blackfire Laser Cannons (removes all light from the area the laser passes for about 10 seconds and creates a medium acid effect at the impact point which furter widens the light loss, 2 bursts per second)

Devourer Missiles: These missiles, which are filled with a corrosive agent, can track targets for a short period of time and cause devastating damage if they are fired correctly. Their main attribute is that they create an empowered acid effect and light loss(if they manage to hit their target) and can explode at mid-flight to cause a corrosive cloud and a null light zone for a moderate amount of time. The ship can only hold two at once and ressuplies by the same system that repairs the craft when docked.

Non-Hardpoint Utility: Bailout System, Custom Docking System (allows ship to dock even to the most basic counterpart system), Unknown self-repair system (allows the ship to slowly rebuild itself and ressuply missiles if it remains inactive, docked or landed. Completely useless while in combat)

Service: Little to nothing is known about the ship's past or manufacturer. Tharebas hasn't revealed its origin. He just stated once, when asked about it, that "it comes from a really bad place".

Ship Records: 37 confirmed kills, 20 victories, 12 damages



Hope It's good. :)

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Maximum fuck about to be given in 3... 2... 1...

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Three male characters, two of whom have dark and mysterious pasts and make a point obscuring their identity. Hm.


I'm hoping for about 5 players before we set sail.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I'm... uh willing to change my ship if the need arises...


Name: Srakenyl Tyrafus

Gender: Male

Species: Doppleganger

Role: Courier, Scout, Minor Repairs

Age: 24

Age Explanation: Dopplegangers age relatively the same as humans but are considered "mature" sooner.

Height: 6' 1"

Phys Attr: Chosen form is a gray skinned human of average height. He is built tall and thin. Chosen hair is wild medium-long length, color is off black. Wears an insulated traveling coat with Scail-armor suit underneath.

Personality: Often reserved and serious. Prone to outbursts of 'insanity'. He would rather be doing something constructive rather than socializing. While cold at first he quickly warms up to people he is forced to spend time with. He treats useful people as equals and regards less useful people with disdain. Respectful of superiors, warmly regards people under his command. Becomes uncomfortable if he is looked at for too long.

Bio: Srakenyl Tyrafus, known as Srake by most, is a Doppleganger from a planet named Tyran in the star system Oren. Tyran grew up his life as most kids would. By kids I mean Doppleganger kids. He worked at a repair station unitl he had found his Chosen Form. At that point he was considered an adult and was allowed to do as he pleased. At age 17, he had purchased a scrapped ship and refurbished it. When that was completed he left the repair station and became a Courier. Being a Courier brought him around the galaxy and paid well. But he longed for something more. That was when he signed up with the Iron Cross Mercenaries.


(<--> = Somwhere in between because I'm an indicisive bastard)


Ship Name: Tenrar

Build: Light Frigate AUGH ITS A CORVETTE!

Draft Length: 20m

Speed: Medium

Agility: Medium <--> Above Average

Armor: Above Average <--> Quite Armored

Power Provisions: Medium <--> Above Average

Crew: 3; Pilot, Navigator/Battle Intel, Dedicated Gunner

Description: Described as a "Cost Effective Model" this ship has served its crew well for the past few years. Manufacutred on the Planet Tyrian, this ship came into the Ownership of Srakenyl when he left. Attempted Hybrid of Striker and Corvette. I say attempted, they managed to retain some of the mobility of a striker and most of the punch of a Corvette.

Service: Prototype; No Previous Owners; Merc Vehicle

Records: 7 Kills; 23 Contracts Completed; 3 Repairs

Hard Points

I: Flak

II: Docking Bay

Non-Hard Point


-Superheat Ballistic Gunner Seat

-Light Manipulation Cannon (Stream/Burst)


-Medical Closet


-That One Light Hanging From The Ceiling


*Dopplegangers: Dopplegangers are a race that is based upon other individuals. A Doppleganger youth may change his appearance at any time and it will stay that way. At a certain point A Doppleganger will find its 'Chosen Form', when this happens the Doppleganger may no longer Shift permanently. They still may shift shape, however the shift requires concentration in the form of meditation.

*Superheat Ballistics: A normality in the Oren System. Machine super heats specialized bullet and fires. Bullets are made from Pyritum an element that is found in vast quantities in the Oren system. Pyritum superheats when energized with proper catalyst.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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Three male characters, two of whom have dark and mysterious pasts and make a point obscuring their identity. Hm.


I'm hoping for about 5 players before we set sail.


I'd like to join in, too. Could you answer my questions, though? Unless I misread the OP stating that it was okay to ask questions about the game before things began.

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This seems interesting to me, but having never done anything like this before I'm unsure if I should take the plunge and risk screwing it up. :lol:

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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As I see it, very interesting to read, however I will wait untill next round to join.

Just like I do with any new MP game I get :).

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Name: Captain Yilne jiune Wvernaa

Gender: Male

Species: Jiespher (cybernetically enhanced cryo-alien.)

Age: 37 (middle aged, 3rd life cycle phase. a jiespher's body becomes unstable after roughly 92 years.)

Height: 5' 8"

occupation: freelancing mercenary for hire.


personal weapon: he's a master ice conjurer (cryomancy) he also carries a frozen-Plasma firing high precision scoped rifle.


Physical Attributes: Yilne is a full grown adult male, mostly amphibian in appearance. he has large cybernetic cells on his body, athletically slim build. on his planet he would be considered handsome. his eyes are normal deep blue when he's inert, but they glow an erie White when conjuring or when he becomes emotionally disturbed. he also has several neural enhancements one is a language scanner, to aid with communication. the second is an atmospheric adaptation CPU, which changes air filters, or body mass to allow for differing planet's living conditions.


Personality: he's a very humble person, his ends never justify his own means. his personality is typical of the Jiespherion Race: very hard to read, always kind, distant, but never hesitant. usually very malevolent creatures.


Ship Name: xielumbus

Build: Custom cryo-ship(i couldn't think of any other build types that suited my vision of this ship, i'm open to ideas)

Draft Length: 25 M

Speed: very Fast at the cost of weapon efficiency.

Agility: high

Armor: medium

Power Provision: medium

Crew: 2 (captain + AI)


Description: the colors are a very light blue with dark blue streaks. it's movement takes priority over it's weapons; the faster the ship goes the more the ship's offenses are compromised. it's outfitted with dual ice turrets on each side, he conjures the rounds himself using cryomancy.

the ship itself is outfitted with a medium-intellect portable AI(named MIPAI). it's purposes are to ensure that only Yilne can pilot the craft, and to assure power consumption efficiency.


Service: Yilne was the participant of a card game at a space gambling ring where he put up one of his famous favors(these favors, once promised, can mean anything. Jiespherion inhabitants are honor bound to never break an oath of favor.) while the original owner of the Xielumbus put up the derelict Ship. Yilne won with a Royal-flush. it's been modified to fire Cryo weapons, it's much cheaper for Yilne to operate a ship where he can conjure most of the munitions himself.

he's owned and operated the ship for 4 years.


Vessel Records (since obtained by Yilne): 26 Confirmed Kills, 13 Victories, 21 Damages, 4 Hull Rebuilds.



W1. Rear-mounted Electromagnetic pulse orb. (counter measure Operated by MIPAI)


W2. DEXR series solid state ice cannon.

it's special weapon: the DEXR fires 25mm armor piercing capsules with thousands of Nano-bots inside of them, the nano-bots are programmed to explode liquid ice approx. 4 seconds after impact. in that time they spread from the main point of damage as fast as possible in order to maximize damage.


U1. Captain to AI interfaced guidance equipment.

Non-Hardpoint Weapons: ice rounds turret.


i'm hoping i did this correctly, if there's any questions or concerns please ask me :)

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Hope this is good enough. I'd still like answers to my earlier questions, though.


Name: Nero "Scorch" Sinclair (captain of the Glain-Neidr)

Gender: Male

Species: Cyborg-Corsian (a race of humanoids born in a world of fire; pyromancy is a commonality amongst the species)

Age: 30

Height: 191 CM (approximately 6'3")

Physical Attributes: Nero, referred to as simply Scorch by his crew, once stood at a measly 5'9" before the accident that maimed his body beyond nature's aid. With his cybernetic replacements of the joints in his legs, and the complete reconstruction of his feet, he now stands at 6'3". His knees noticeably bulge when he walks, and widen when he readies a jump. His feet no longer resemble human feet and now look like T-Rex feet. The accident also took his entire left arm and his right thumb, both of which were replaced with mechanical replicas of the limbs. His left arm is slightly larger than the right, and acts as a swiss-army knife of sorts. Nero also underwent a partial back-replacement, but what modifications were made to it, if any, are unknown to anyone living aside from his physical, Sydney. Nero's physical build is slim, but muscular due to the added weight of his replacement limbs. Those who meet this mighty captain in combat are instantly instilled by fear when they look into his blood-red eyes, a color that's very rare in the Corsian species. Nero dresses in lightweight clothing so that he can put his cyborg side to best use. His hair is medium length, and blood-red like his eyes.

Personality: Often stuck in his own thoughts when alone. He's very sure of himself, even when in dire situations, and never backs down from his plans. Although a brute, thief, and otherwise pirate to others that see him, Scorch is known as a caring individual for his crew and would never allow one to sacrifice their life before his. He's one of the few pirate captains that takes honor seriously, which is what destroyed most of his body in the first place. Scorch has a tendency to say things that don't make much sense in context and being a bit of a drama king. He has dreams of returning to Corsia one day and restoring the order that was lost with the royal family.


Name: Sydney Burdon (ship repair specialist and Nero's personal physician)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 28

Height: 167 cm (approximately 5'6")

Physical Attributes: Long, black hair tied into a pony-tail most of the time. Green eyes, with a soft face that contradicts her icy personality. Her hands are very scarred from her work, and she has thick callouses on her fingertips. Her chest is supposedly bound, so no one's really sure if she has a bust to speak of. She often looks a bit dirty after working on the ship, which gives people the impression she's not girly in the least.

Personality: Stern and straight to the point, Sydney dedicates herself to the ship and Scorch's condition. She becomes somewhat giddy when in the same room as a bounty, but is quickly calmed when someone points that out to her. She's very argumentative, especially with Claud and Destiny, and won't back down from anything.


Name: Claud "Apparition" Kong (Message Decoder and Lieutenant of the Glain-Neidr)

Gender: Male

Species: Gardronian (an advanced species of creatures best described as gorillas without the hair and the wings of a bat; also have long, lizard-like tongues that result in a natural lisp in speech)

Age: 87 (young for the species)

Height: 244 cm (approximately 8')

Physical Attributes: Very broad in physical structure, with a solid, round stomach and 16-inch pythons for arms (not literary). His hands are very large, as are his eyes, which are pitch black in color. His skin is scaly and black, which is not normal for a Gardronian, and his wings have razor edges. He keeps his wings bound in a harness to prevent them from getting in the way of the other crew members on the ship, but otherwise he only wears a large loin-cloth.

Personality: A calm individual that can carry on a conversation fairly easily, so long as someone else speaks to him first. He's quick to anger, like most Gardronians, He's very good at disappearing in the middle of a conversation without being noticed.


Name: Destiny Vassel (Pilot of the Glain-Neidr)

Gender: Female

Species: Ellipsian (a nearly-extinct species with no true home; Ellipson was swallowed by a black hole over a century ago, and only colonial residents remain. Their bodies have naturally low density and give off tremendous radiation in the combined forms of light and heat)

Age: 43

Height: 120 cm (about 4')

Physical Attributes: Pale skin and translucent-golden hair. Her eyes are beady, with a small blue tint to them. She's very slim, with the exception of the swell on her chest, and when she "blushes", the blush comes from her bones, which make her skeleton glow in even a brightly lit room.

Personality: Easily embarrassed, Destiny is easily persuaded to do what Scorch, who she commonly refers to as "my royalty", wants her to do. Because he saved her from a transport vessel, she swore her life in service to him. She comes off as a suck-up and, sometimes, a sexual deviant when speaking to Scorch, desperate to please him and only him in any way she can. When piloting, she becomes aggressive, which explains the erratic movements of the Glain-Neider in combat.


Ship Name: Crystal F-920 "Glain-Neidr"

Build: Medium Frigate

Draft Length: 75 meters (82 yards)

Speed: Incredibly Fast

Agility: Agile

Armor: Above Average Thickness

Power Provision: A little below Average

Crew: 30

Description: The Crystal F-920 is a discontinued ship, once commissioned by the royal family of Corsia. These ships are unique in their shape and materials, and were commonly referred to as "Glass Ships." It's spear-like in shape, as they were built to be able to pierce through other ships. Their usefulness in piercing power diminished when ships started using heavier, modern-day construction, and most any attempt to do so would probably seriously damage both ships. The F-920 are small, fast ships with a decent amount of weaponry and stronger-than average armor, but they have substandard energy production. Most ships were decommissioned when the royal family fell, and the remaining ships have no ties to Corsia. The ships were originally made of a crystal found on the moons orbiting Corsia, but those resources are no longer accessible thanks to the small colonies stationed on the moons for the sole purpose of protecting the crystals and preventing another Crystal Ship from being made.

Service: The Glain-Neidr was rescued (or stolen) from Corsia before it could be compacted to make fancy glassware. While serving under Corsia, it was part of a fleet of ships defending the planet from invaders and never saw more than three battles before being stolen by Nero and his crew of pirates. Since then, the Glain-Neidr has been labeled as a pirate ship and is wanted by several governments for, in Scorch's words, "various unimportant reasons." The Glain-Neidr and her crew have raided several cargo frigates and noblemen ships since then. She has only been caught on camera, but nobody has been able to capture her or her crew in any other medium.

Vessel Records: 12 Confirmed Kills, 58 Victories, 15 Damages, 3 Hull Rebuilds (first hull rebuild replaced the original crystal with pyrogidium, a rare crystal forged by the heat of a supernova).


W1. Torpedos

W2. Heavy Cannon

U1. Shield System

Non-Hardpoint Weapon(s): Negagijium Bombs (Bombs that, upon exploding, release small crystals that drain energy from the closest source of energy. Do little to no physical damage)



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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This seems interesting to me, but having never done anything like this before I'm unsure if I should take the plunge and risk screwing it up. :lol:


Except I haven't 'felt it', I'm 'feeling it' now.

This is the first RP I've ever GMed with a serious intent to succeed in having fun both for myself and my players. As such, there will need to be a bit of give and take on both Players and I for what we expect to happen as the equilibrium shifts at the outset between "Things making sense", "Things developing as a narrative" and "Fun".


@BillLudwick 25ft is a little over 8 meters. If you meant 25 meters, that would be appropriate for an Interceptor, but there are other issues I have with your spacecraft. I'm going to imagine you actually meant 25ft because then the following paragraph is funnier.


The F-16 Falcon is over 40 feet long and even that's considered small for a modern single-seater fighter jet, let alone a two-seat combat spacecraft. If I were to classify your spaceship without change to its Build or Length, I would say "Cyro-ship" goes by the legal term of "Magical Weaponized Space Probe", not "Interceptor". Additionally, three hardpoints on an Interceptor-like vessel is like attaching a Mining Truck to a Tank, or welding two Forklifts to a Rally-Race Car. Lastly, your cyro-powers (which I would suppose either means you conjure Ice, or just a general lack or absorption of Energy (aka "Cold") aren't very well explained or conveyed. Cyro powers either sound like Magic, or make Jiespherians powerful enough beings that they probably don't need much in terms of a spacecraft in order to travel in space.

Please revise your character and ship, either nerfing the abilities of your species, nerfing your ship to something appropriate to its size, or making your ship quite a bit bigger. (Meters are similar in size to Yards, and there's 3 Feet in a Yard.)



Sorry I didn't get to you earlier. You do express some very legitimate concerns, some of which are ones which I either didn't think about or thought that I'd be able to manage on-the-fly. This RP is heavily based upon one I did when I was on the Escapist Magazine forums which was a mix between a story made up by one "LordHarrab" and basically taking the game Homeworld 2 and putting it in Narrative text form, except every player got their own ship and Harrab himself was an ever-not-present Admiral that occasionally gave orders. This is supposed to be like that, except less like a Galactic War that is accidentally started by Mercenaries, and more like Treasure Planet except there are no plans of Mutiny (that I am aware of) and I will be one of the Captains among us. (The rank-goings on is that we will all be in a "Convoy" that constitutes an Expedition financed by the Professor, with my Captain (Roam) being the Commodore in charge of the Convoy. Technically all players will be under the employ of Argyle, but under the command of Roam. Roam is under the command of Argyle, but only when a decision comes to bear on him, and otherwise is under Roam's discretion.

Combat will be done by players describing what they're going to attack and how they're going to do it, and depending on how the situation plays out with other players modulated by their chances of success in what Ship Build and weapons they have vs. the Opponent's Build/weapons, and the narrative. Weapon effectiveness, damage, success and failure then will be by my discretion in described form, without numbers at all.

Other things that I left as assumptions without making them rules was that all Characters would be both Interested and [relatively] Trustworthy enough that they wouldn't betray the collective game's Ship Convoy at the drop of a hat for shits and giggles, or other similarly unwelcome behaviors that technically they would be able to do within the purview of ""Unrestricted" Narrative". Unrestrictive Narrative meaning that the entire game will be conveyed through expository paragraphs such as the Opening Prologue, everything from actions of the Captains inside their vessels, their commands, how those commands are obeyed, how the Ship acts and responds, and communications between other vessels.

The consequences of the world and their ship insuch would be described by me. Such as

  • "Player A dived towards the Asteroid Belt, steering to avoid the bigger rocks. 'Gordon's Alive? DIIIIIIVE!' he yelled."

to which I would respond. Taking into account Player A's Vessel: whether or not its fast, Agile, Armored, size, shields up, etc. I come up with a degree of success to that action.

Let's suppose Player A had an Interceptor.

  • "Player A's ship zoomed through the asteroid belt, narrowly avoiding a giant meteor. The pursuing Pirate fighter wasn't as lucky, and was smashed against a biggish lump of space debris, exploding fantastically".

This instance presumes Player A did the dive to do a wily dodge of enemy craft.

Let's suppose Player A had a Heavy Frigate.

  • "Player A slammed through the thick layer of floating rocks, making a horrible thudding sound against the hull as it bore the brunt of so many small but inconsequential impacts. One bigger meteor slammed into the Flak turret, breaking the rotation bearing.
    Player A's Flak Turret has sustained damage, it must be repaired before it can aim again."

This instance presumes Player A did the dive for... some... strange reason I guess. As a result, he must now continue the rest of what he does without an operational Flak Turret (or at least one that can't rotate to Aim) until he next goes to a Spaceport for Repair, or can begin Repair by the efforts of his ship's crew.

Lastly, I imagine I could definitely tighten the rules for Ship creation, but I didn't want to be intimidating by coming up with a system that forces balance for Armor, Agility, Speed, Power and Hardpoints, since that would be 1. Excruciatingly complicated for me to figure out, 2. Risky to use for a first pass without some kind of testing for Gameplay balance 3. (I believe) Unnecessary compared to simply letting players invent their own ships- plus peer and my critique.

I hope that clears up some concerns.


For your Character Sheet, I'll only be needing one character to have direct discourse on who they are. The rest of them you can refer to and describe as the game progresses. Also, a Radiation-emitting charactertechnically can mean a variety of harmless things like Heat, Light or Cherenkov, but if you mean Ionizing... well I guess that's your prerogative, as long as I don't have my crew getting Acute Gamma Poisoning.

However your ship design is quite well done. Small-ish, compared to how big a Frigate can be, but well described all the same.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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How's my character? Is everything all balanced? I WANT TO LEARN BLUE! TEACH ME!

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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