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Evil Genius

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Released on September 28 2004, Evil Genius was a fun game that flew under the radar for most gamers. it's release was over shadowed by the well known Half Life 2 a little over a month after EG's release. While this game isn't that old, i have found that the vast majority of PC gamers have never heard of it.


Basically it's an RTS / simulation style game similar to Dungeon Keeper. Basically, you start out with $100,000 in gold bars on an island of indeterminate location. You have build a secret base recruit minions and henchman to carry out your evil bidding and ultimately try to take over the world while defending your base against the forces of justice.


Here's the Wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_Genius_(video_game)


The game was added to steam several months ago and is currently $9.99 USD.


This game is not for every one so I advise you to watch some game play videos before buying the game. In my opinion it is a great game and a lot of fun so if you like what you see, I highly recommend it.

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I have both heard of and played this game. In fact I have it on Steam (a link for anyone interested). It has some nice music and humour. :D

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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