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Freeman's Mind: Episode 29


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Here's the next episode of Freeman's Mind. It's the longest episode of FM so far, not because I planned it that way, but because that's the only area I found a good jumping off spot. This one is pretty average. I think the next one will be better, there will be more to interact with.


This episode took longer than I anticipated. If I hadn't done these last few episodes and if the website didn't keep getting hacked, I might be done with the next Civil Protection episode by now, or at least the animation work. As for the website, the new version will almost certainly launch this week. It won't be in a final state by any means, but it should retain similar functionality as this one and hopefully be more secure.


Since focusing on several different things tends to slow me down, there will be NO MORE FREEMAN'S MIND until I'm done with the animation work on Civil Protection. I don't care how many people this pisses off, I want to finish it. The amount of time this episode has taken has become a real thorn in my side. You'll also be wasting your time asking for release dates, I don't know them either. I'll make an update once the animation work is done however.

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Good job! I wait for your next video..! no matter how long! Good luck from Argentina!

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Awesome. I just watched it, and it was funny. I get why you want to spend more time on Civil Protection, though, and I for one am cool with it. I love both of them, but Civil Protection does leave more room for creativity whereas there isn't much room to change the main story of Freeman's Mind. Just do whatever you want to, man. If Freeman's Mind doesn't make you so happy now come back to it after some Civil Protection and you might enjoy it again.

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Great Job Ross, now focust purely on CP. I can wait for the FM bunch after this next episode is out. I can tell this CP is gonna be AWESOME!!!

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This is great! Good job Ross and good luck on CP

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Yeah, you tell 'em! Put your foot down! I can wait.

Can't wait for Civil Protection.

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Great work!! Keep doing what you love Ross, I enjoy it very much. I do not mind at all the amount of time between releases, your a creative genius and deserve all the time in the world to work on whatever project you desire. If you keep making outstanding entertainment, I will definitely keep watching.

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Wtg Ross. Keep kicking ass at what you do. And way to finally say "FUCK YOU, MASSES!" and get down to business in the CP department.


I also eagerly anticipate the number of comments that ask for release dates. They bring me much entertainment on boring days.


Also, Starcraft 2. Play it (at the very least to say you have) if you find time. I have 7 hour guest passes if you're interested and whatnot.

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First, it was awesome.

Second, reading the youtube comments REALLY pissed me of. They have NO idea how hard its been for you, do they?

Third, Civil protection will be aweasome, i CAN wait.



(impatient little bastards)

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Meh, I can wait for more FM, especially since I have been waiting for this Civil Protection episode. Maybe it's just because I saw CP first, but I don't think FM is as funny.

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Ross given the harsh circumstances that you've been enduring through, you've been more than generous and loyal to the fanbase by giving us another FM episode. I'm glad you personally put your foot down on the issue now. You're hard at work on your CP project and its nearly finished plus as you said plenty more FMs will come after The Tunnel is done. As much as fans like me would like to see your work out faster you have to work at your own pace and you owe nothing to us.


Thanks for the latest FMs and keep up the good work finishing The Tunnel. I'm sure the investment will pay off.

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Great job. To be honest this one was one of my favorites. Freeman seemed much more hysterical this episode, he was really getting upset, which I think was a great direction.


Whenever your next project is finished, I'm sure it will be great, so no worries.

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Thank you so much. After a long day filled with mundane compositing tasks, it is such a treat to be able to watch a new episode of FM.


Your work is highly appreciated and valued!

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Wow, that episode was so above average. You lied. I love the part where he mentioned using the laser trip mines as rave material.


WORK ON CP. I love FM, but CP is just awesome. The reason I like FM is because it can come out faster, not because it's better. The last episode of CP was just plain awesome. You better have an unexpected ending again... like almost all of them.

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Lol, hurdles now huh? How many sports have you suggested that includes soldiers or aliens now?

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Just take your time. If anyone complains, to hell with them. if they can't wait, then they will have to learn what "patience" means.

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