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Another Source Mod


Let me give you the short version: Incredibly clunky controls, incredibly steep learning curve, it's so easy for your player model to get stuck, the M1 Garand sometimes doesn't reload when you ask it to, grenade throwing is terrible to the point where you stop throwing grenades, the community is small, it's not uncommon for players on the German team to shout anti-semitic remarks.


Jesus Christ, this game is fun. I can't stop playing it! There's been a surge of new players; I've actually had to wait in line for a slot on a server now! People take the game quite seriously, but not too serious that it makes it not fun e.g. the community of Battle Grounds 2. Sometimes we'll speak in faux German accents and curse the Jews, but other times we'll prime our grenades and run straight at the enemy--laughing as we get cut down and our bodies blow up.


The Garand makes a very satisfying noise when it's fired. It's by far my favorite rifle in the game.

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This mod, to me, was kind of like My Little Pony: at first, I thought it was cute, but dumb. After a few hours of watching, something snapped, and now I'm obsessed with it.


There's no reason why. The controls are so clunky and the "realistic" thing is dumb. I've always hated games that try to be too realistic because the things that aren't realistic stick out like a sore thumb e.g. when you pull the slide back on the M1 Garand when there's only one bullet left, the clip won't eject until you push the button (LOLWUT?!). This almost ruined the game for me.


I don't know why I love this mod.

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Well it just finished downloading so I'll be back in about an hour ;)


-edit- That was actually quite good, I'm not quite sold on the double iron sight system though. I still don't know how the health system works either.

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Health? You get shot, you die. Take any damage and your character moans like a bitch until he dies.


The double sights is like concentrated aiming; click the button once look through the sights, press it again to concentrate. Because we all know, when you concentrate, things zoom in.

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After some more play I sort of get what's going on.


I don't like


- Jumping

- Double iron sights


I like


- Being able to open every door and go through every house

- Being able to find the enemy by listening to footsteps

- Listening to my guy crawl along the floor crying because he fell of a bridge

- Sprinting to cover then leaping into prone

- Seeing my legs

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Ok, so I tried it out and here is my list:


What I didn't like:

-Controls are awful

-It has a general laggy/clumsy feel to it

-Nothing makes any sense

-I have no idea who my teammates are so I spend most of the game killing my friends

-Objective is unclear

-You get stuck in everything

-I have no idea what I'm doing, the menus confuse me and I get yelled at for being bad


What I like:

-Listening to people on the voice chat is pretty funny. I would join in but IT WONT FUCKING LET ME USE VOICE CHAT


So far the cons outweigh the pros.


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Krikeng: I know! All those things you mentioned are terrible. All those things made me hate the game! I guess I played it because my friend liked it so much, so I warmed up to it.


Also: there's no voice chat. There's only proximity chat. You can hear anyone (including enemies) in a fixed radius--the farther they are, the quieter they are. If you're using headphones, you can tell where they are. Also, when you push the "talk" button, there is no icon to show that you're talking.

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Oh really? That's stupid, I guess I have been awkwardly breathing into my microphone for half the game.


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Well I have been pushing the button half the game waiting for the damn sign to pop up.


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Just watched some gameplay and I think that in a simulator kind of way, its awesome, but as a source game ( mod) ? I dont know...

"Life sucks sober!"

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i played 1.5 beta. it was good but metalhead kinda made me get bored (after so many times playing = shit). i heared 1.6 is better, but it's still buggy. idk... i might give the mod another chance.

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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