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August update

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Here's what's going on, separated into different topics:




I'm actually not entirely sure what the status is on the new website, but I think we're getting close. Currently two people are working on it, with another person on standby. I was told on July 1st the site would be up by next Friday, then by another person that the site would be ready last week, then in two days from past Thursday, then on 2pm Saturday, now maybe tomorrow, etc. So you can see, the people working on this are as good at time estimates as I am with my own videos. I consider the fact that I keep getting flawed estimates a positive thing because it implies progress. Also I have seen some mockup designs, though nothing quite functional as this yet.


When the site launches (any day now maybe), it will NOT be in a final state at all, but should be functional enough to navigate and get to the videos. Later improvements will be added as they're worked on. While there are many features I'd like to eventually have, right now the main goal is to get something working that's about as functional, but more secure than what's here right now. Later on, you can expect a forum, video extras, more subtitles, more polished design, etc.





I've been working on the next episode every day and making steady progress. I'm absolutely going to finish the animation work this month, which is about 90-95% of the work involved with making an episode. I've had one animator bail on me, which has increased the workload and may make a couple scenes less polished, but I'm going to keep moving forward with backup methods to accomplish certain scenes that may not look as good, but will still allow the episode to get made. I'm very eager to get this episode done. Once the animation work is done, I'm making no promises as to how long the editing will take, as that will involve other people for sound and music. Also in the past, editing is one area that I've rushed in before, and considering how much time has aleady gone into this, I'd like to get this episode done properly as opposed to getting it done a day or two sooner.





I seem to be getting pressure on all sides to get another FM episode out, which seems to happen whenever I devote time to Civil Protection and make real progress. While I'm tempted to say the hell with everyone and keep working on CP (especially since I'm going to have a flood of FM episodes afterwards), I've decided to do another appeasement episode. I'll be starting on that today, so take your best guess as to when the episode will be done. I hate giving estimates, because they're always wrong, which causes people to be more upset than if I said nothing at all.


Once I'm done with the animation work for the next CP episode, I'll continue making more FM episodes while I go back and forth between that and recording/editing for CP. Once the next CP episode is released, you can expect many more FM episodes, probably a dozen or two before the end of the year. While things could easily change, I'm estimating I might be able to finish the series for Half-Life 1 by sometime in Q1 2011.





I'm behind on responding to emails and currently have about 150 to write replies to. However, if you're asking me questions that are answered in the FAQ or just want to know when the next episode will be out, you probably won't get a response.

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YAY! YOUR NOT DEAD!!! anyways, good luck getting that next CP episode out!

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Just keep at it Ross, take however long you need. As the old saying goes, "haste makes waste." We can wait longer. Good things come to those who wait.

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Don't give into the pressures of making a freeman's mind just cause the whiners don't know how to be patient. I personally would love to see a new episode of CP, cause i've been watching every good mind series waiting for the next one to go out, and a little wait never hurts anyone! Keep up the awesome work!


~Dan T.

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I like both cp and fm. Id rather see you put out what you want than what your pressured to. Satisfied artist makes for better product.

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What 'nodnoxin' said. I (and most everyone I would hope) appreciate all your efforts but at the end of the day you have to please yourself. If we like your stuff then odds are that your judgment will please more people than it doesn't. At least it'll please the right people. Thanks for all the entertainment so far.


-Rick D.

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I like the whole idea of you saying "to hell with you" to everyone. Do that, and finish CP. Do it. I'm not being sarcastic. I can wait on FM. We all can. Because no matter how much people whine, they always come back. This is too funny.

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Good to hear you're still alive Ross. Keep up on the good work, and don't let all the people begging for new episodes get you down. I'd rather wait a month for a good episode, than get a crappy episode every week......*cough* RvB *cough*

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Q1 2011? that soon? tell me how far are we through the game by now?

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ross it's you work take as long as you want just ignore those ungrateful people after you be doing a dozen fm and you what they say the longer it takes the better the result

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YES!!! I had read some comments on your last post, and some creep said you had been sent to the hospital... I'm glad that isn't true! Anyways, it's a pleasure to see that things are moving steadily. I have a feeling that this next CP episode will be BOSS, and your efforts will not be in vein. As for Freeman's Mind, that's my favorite series, but if you need to get CP done, then I'd like to see it done and not rushed. It's cool to hear that HL1 of FM will be done by early/mid 2011. HL2 would be cool to see happen, but that'll be a big challenge, man.


On another note, how's Otto's computer doing? I remember you said something about his computer dying on him, is that all right?

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hey ross, i think that really u should take a break, leave the CP episode to release around october and take some rest, we dont want u to kill urself (neither otto or any of your helpers) every day making something for free, instead, NOW take a 1 or 2 week holiday to clear ur mind and then keep up with the machinimaking

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I know it must suck hearing "The TRUE fans can wait forever" but having the vast majority of your fans ask "WHERES MAH FREEMANS?!!!". But you should take your time and work on what you enjoy.


Also (although it is far off in the future), after you finish Freeman's Mind I was wondering if you'd decided to run through Half-Life 2 in the same style. I just wanted to say that, as a huge fan of both FM and CP, I would have no problem if you don't do it. I'm sure that I am in the minority, but I just think I'd rather see some of your other awesome Machinima ideas that I'm sure you have.


But that is very far off, and I guess we'll see how it plays out.

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Weeee, it's nice to have an update at last . Tyt, I guess, no need to rush. Good things come to those that wait, right?


Also, it's nice to see you're alright, the rumors that you are infact in a hospital were riddiculus, but it still made some of us a bit woried

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Take your time, Ross. After all, those who are really being impatient on Freeman's Mind can just watch the episodes again. I've done it a couple of times while waiting, since they're that good. And Civil Protection is worth it too, so take your time to do it right. Always worth it.


Personally I'm amazed at the work you've done thus far. This isn't the sort of project one takes on lightly, so you should feel proud of what you've done, and keep it up.

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Yeah Ross I am 1,000,000% happy for you that you are almost done with the CP episode and that you will do the rest of FM episodes in half life 1. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!

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Oh hey, well maybe you'll get the next episode of CP out for this year's Halloween!


I kid, I look forward to it! Been a long time coming!

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hi from the UK ross, if your reading this, take your time with the stuff man, i first came to watching your CP series on machinima and then i found freemans mind but both series are as enjoyable as each other there are a minority that will always bitch about one type of series being delayed, but they just need to be patient...


Keep up the great work man ive subsequently cancelled my YT subscription to machinima and now follow you and other machinima contributors on there own websites or YT channels..


Keep it up

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Alright. I will say one thing.


When Ross worked at Machinima he was pressured into making loads of episodes. This impacted on the quality of episodes and the happiness of Ross. Pressure is not positive. Leave him alone. If you're impatient to see what happens in HL1 then go and buy the game. If you want funny and creative episodes of a machinima series then stop complaining and let him do what he was. As you say, to hell with everyone.


That is all.

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Take your time Ross. I bet some people here are patient.

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