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Sorry everyone. There will be no more episodes for a long time. Ross had an accident and is in the hospital. We are hoping that he makes it but the situation is critical.

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how do you know that? you shouldn't make up things like that. an anonymous person posting an unlikely thing is not believable

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Holy crap. You better not be kidding. Scaring the shit out of me.

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I hope that this is no more than just a sick joke... can someone confirm this, somehow ?

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He's probably just a troll everyone. If Ross doesn't update for another 2 weeks, then start to worry.

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Wow Ross has kinda got us trained - "No update in 3 weeks, no worries. If it takes two more weeks, then we can worry"

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Sorry guys but the truth is that Ross has been abducted by the Vortigaunts.


Seriously, this kind of trolling is very common on the internet. Everyone ignore it. In reality there probably won't be another update until:


A: The Tunnel is finished

B: A FM has been made to tide us over

C: Ross hits a major obstical in the creation of CP, that will seriously delay him

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I hope that Ross updates us soon

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They're starting to turn on you Scott. Reel them back in before obscurity. Reel them back in!

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Okay maybe he's working on it. Maybe he's not. I don't care about that much. What I DO want is some fucking information on what he is doing.

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Dear Ross Scott, You are awesome



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An obstacle like a truck


To the FACE

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I hate trolls like that... poor sense of humor if you ask me.

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Yarr! Where be me update, my metaphorical sea legs can master the durstiest vessel, yet I can weather the Ross Scott schooner of patience no longer! Yarr, where ye be at then, Rossie me lad?

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It's great seeing you having such a great vids. I've read the hacker guy, hope your websites gonna be alright. I still love your series, I always watch them and I never ge tired of it.Hope 29 is gonna be here soon.


Greeings from Croatia


A.K.A Deathindark1

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