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First of all the actual one is How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Well as much as he wanted but if the wood chuck would be chuck Norris the 1 all the wood he wanted because he is a wood chuck or 2 none because he isnâ

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@ darkness


well if just watching his videos does not give me the right to criticize him, then you just reading my comment does not give you the right to criticize me, stop being a little girl and acting like your little defensive comments make you cool, they don't they just make you someone who instigates trolling. if you don't like what someone posts you really shouldn't make a reply and flame them. you don't have to be a child about it. remember your defending someone just because you laughed at his video, you don't know him or anything about him, stop being butthurt as if i just insulted your boyfriend

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I don't really mind whatever happens at this point. If he makes more, great! If he doesn't, great! Either way, Ross has provided some great entertainment, and that's enough for me.

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To Anonymous at 23:18:28

Yeah your probably right I could have said a lot of things better in my comment

And in a way so could you but I never meant to flame anybody so let us just forget about it

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A big truck got stuck under a low bridge. The driver could not move it forwards or backwards. There was a little girl on a bicycle near the bridge. She suggested an easy solution and the driver was able to continue his journey. What had they done?


- The Riddler

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@ Riddler - I think that they probably let the air out of the tyres. Or, possibly, (and I prefer this answer) he got on the girls bike and continued on his way..... but i'll stick with my first solution.


Come up with (look on the internet) for some harder riddles. Seriously though, answering these is better than just sitting waiting for news from Ross. Sometimes I don't think he realises that we don't have lives to distract us!


And as a poll, who prefers CP over FM


My vote is: FM

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Until someones starts whining about riddles:


What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

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hey guys in case you havent found out yet youtube has rasied the time limet to 15 minets so that meens more freemans mind yahoo!! =)

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to Anonymous at 18:19:08

the letter m

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first riddle Two men are served identical drinks at the bar. One lives, but the other dies. Why?

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2 Why was the man able to pass three cars going 70 miles-per-hour, while he was going only 60 miles-per-hour?

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3 A man woke up in the middle of the night and turned off the light. Ten people died as result. Why?

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4 What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

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5 Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?

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last riddle What is broken every time it's spoken?

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@ Darkness

1: Poisoned ice cubes in the drinks: one man drinks slowly, giving them time to melt, but the other man drinks fast and doesn't get much of the poison. (Got that answer from American Dad)


2: The cars were going in the opposite direction


3: It was obviously an important light... He turned off the lighthouse light causing a shipwreck


4: A stamp on a letter. (the stamp is put on the corner of the envelope)


5: Seven: 2 parents 4 daughters 1 son =7 people


6: Silence

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not bad Anonymous at 04:04:00

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Alright i try to make it a little harder as there are a lot of smart people in here so here goues 1. You have a barrel of oil, and you need to measure out just one gallon. How do you do this if you only have a three-gallon container and a five-gallon container?

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2 If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?

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