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I need to come up with some better riddles!


-The Riddler

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Nice, man. @MrDannyo13 Going a little, "MACHINES ARE GOING TO RULE US ALL!!!" movie age there? lol.

Well, can't wait for the tunnel, oh, I have 1 question(Q) and 1 suggestion(S)

1 (Q) What is the name of the microphone you use? My PC webcam microphone is TERRIBLE!

2(S) For Freeman's Mind, to show which are thoughts and which are him talking, how about for thoughts, talk just a bit louder consistently, and for him talking, just talk normal, and if he needs to yell, jus do that then after the yelling, go back to the normal voice. HOPE THIS HELPS!

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keep up the good work, do u have a estimated time when FM 29 will be out ? nice job on fixing the website.... you are funny

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@Mick, use a mirror when you talk about annoying. I don't post to this forum normally, and it's perfectly reasonable for fans of FM and Civil Protection to want to know when we might see something that we all enjoy. No one is trying to hound RS to death, and it lets him know that people care and haven't lost interest in his work.

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@Daedalus - wasn't talking about you, pal. Mostly meant the anonymous under you who acted like he was waiting like a friggin year or something so I got irritated. Should have made that a response to him, sorry xP

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@Mick Fans can ask for updates when they want. Cuz they're the FANS. And the dude was being humorous about it, nothing to get worked up about. Besides, it has been a while. And Daedalus makes a good point.

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@Mick, de nada, man. Fingers crossed that the radio silence is a good omen.

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dude ross, i dont wanna sound like a bitch, but i think u should leav the CP episode for THIS YEAR'S HALLOWEEN instead of earlier, so it matches with the time period and, if u can get it ready earlier, then u can add some small details to make it look better.

also, i think u should post a little text tellin how the machinimaking is goin on so we dont get bored.

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An meinem Stiel da wächst ein Brombeerblatt.

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A total love/hate with Ross Scott these days. Ross your work is great, it is the only series I have ever followed yet the slowest produced. It's ok man we understand how summer is. Now how about an update?

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you know ross, eventually your fans will move on to other things and forget about fm and cp if you make them wait forever for 1 short video, i mean you can bs us all you want but you record your self talking while you play 5 or so mins of half life, its not hard. and as for your latest excuse for delayed video, yes your sound editor saves you "untold" hours of work because you don't do any work. assuming his computer actually broke i bet you have noticed that since he "cannot work" hes done the same amount of work as before it happened, nothing

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So... what's been happenin?

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Hey Ross, I am bored to DEATH and it seems that you are not working that much. I read the comments above me and you do not look like it is going to last longer. If I was in this situation I would work more and not even care that it is starting to get boring. Give us something because any thing is better then nothing.

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LOL oh man, some of these comments.


take your time. yup. there, i said it.

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hey ross, don't listen to these jerks complaining (rudely) about no updates and no vids. those of us who are truly dedicated fans understand that high quality comedy such as yours takes time, especially when computers start breaking down on you. take as much time as you need to, your vids are worth it

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i think its funny how some people are pissed that ross scott is lazy and just gives excuses and the others are defending him because they like his videos. just because he makes funny videos does not really justify stopping one series, starting another, then stopping both with a barrage of lame ass excuses. i mean its obvious your just bull shitting people when you make an excuse like my video card fried and then when your fans offer to send you new cards for free and you decline and even worse when you give so many excuses that you have to blame it on some other guys pc. enough excuses either make videos or quit and save us all the agony of having to repeatedly come to your site to look for an update

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@Riddler... ok, here's a new one for you. Riddle me this:


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if the woodchuck was Chuck Norris?

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oh sorry Anonymous at 22:21:45 i didnt mean you imeant the guy above you

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