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I can't wait until the next episode!

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I look foreward to the new CP, that was actually my favorite series of the two.

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i thought u said u weren't gonna delete the hackers posts -_-

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@Anonymous at 09:47:35 Ross put " Since the site is slightly more secure than it was, I've gone and replaced the old post." He didn't want to upset the hackers or hacker without security to back his words or actions. Enjoy Summer people! Don't fret and wait for another episode of CP or Freemans Mind. It'll be great once it comes out but there must be something else you can do? Ross is at his best in the first few FM episodes because he didn't have to hear nagging with a deadline for a video. We all respect Ross but he is also a human being.

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You guyes should try out a different type of game like masterchiefs mind or somthing like that

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has anyone do a half-life decay mind yet? as far as i know no one has yet



-banjo tooie

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Siochan leat, Ross.


-Street Kid

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Hey, Ross,


Romily here. Hadn't heard back from you re: Dragon*Con so I figured something must be up. Glad to see you're getting everything under control and hope things calm down soon! Please drop me a quick reply when you get a chance. I'm hoping to confirm this year's machinima screening's by the end of the month. So at least if I know I can screen your stuff again, that'll make me happy.



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Errrrrraaaaggghhh! I'm conflicted. Though I do love Freeman's mind and feel that it is one of the funniest things I've seen on the internet, I feel that its ironic that its one of the worst produced. While taking in to consideration that Mr. Scott does this out of the goodness of his heart for our entertainment, he has hooked me in to a world of mass disappointment and dramatic footnotes that I do not care to hear about. In other words...make it happen Cap'n!!! Lay that junk down and make me laugh again monkey boy. Do it. DO IT!!!

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I've been reading a lot on computing clusters (really cheap ones - well compared to the big ones) that animators use to speed up animation jobs - one animator saw a 14 hour job reduced to half an hour with a 6 node, 24 core, 48GB RAM cluster that cost all of $4000 and uses 400W in full flight. Probably overkill for the Source engine (not to mention I have no idea how one would make the engine scale on a clustered infrastructure) - and also way out of your budget I'm sure.


Perhaps a fundraising project for the fans? *hint hint*


Cheers for all of the laughs, love you work.

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Ross look at those comments on pages 3

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Someone is playing around with SQL Injection again.


- CrazedNighthawk

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*a door opens and a dark shadow appears and raises it finger* HAXXXXXXX!!

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First you say you are going to make civil protection over freemans mind, okay sure. After that you say that you have some trouble bla bla bullshit and you say you are going to make freemans mind episode meanwhile fixing the problem, Oh okay np... this all x8 = FUCKING ANNYOING


Just start making one freemans mind or civil protection and its going to be way more easier for all of us!

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Dear Lord...and thus the mysterious hax0rs step from the shadows and do more stupid stuff. Wheeeeee.


Anyway, take all the time you need, Mr. Ross. Unlike other, ungrateful gits on this site, I am patient. Take all the time you need. Seriously. I can wait, and so can your dedicated fans.

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To Anonymous at 16:51:31 -

The only way it will get any "more easier" for any of us is if you get a fucking life and stop bothering a mastermind with your inane whining. He does awesome work for nearly nothing. What the fuck have you been doing? You've been ENJOYING. And your ENJOYMENT is not entitled to an opinion on his progress. Your lucky he even updates every so often to tell us WHY it takes so long. Try waiting for a number of other things like: Diablo 3 (Still in progress, D2 released 10 years ago), Starcraft 2 (FINALLY NEARLY OUT, SC1 released 12 years ago), Black Mesa (In progress for 6 years maybe nearly done). Seriously, get over it. =D

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