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Hey hacker guy

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Just want to say, folks--and forgive me for this somewhat sudden and probably annoying correction:


This wasn't done by hackers. Hackers are the guys who built the Internet and, in effect, the world as we know it today (or at least the good parts of it). The term you're looking for is "crackers"--people, usually adolscents with no life and no real programming skill, who call themselves hackers and love like nothing else to break into website/email/computer security systems just to get a fleeting sense of superiority.


That being said, this attempt at cracking was really poor quality and, in agreement with most of the other posts, probably accomplished by ten-year-old kids.


Ah, the wonders of youth today, eh?


-Vatz (dat Coonfox)

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Someone calls DasBoSchitt and tell him to get Dr. Hax. He'll make this hacker pay!!!


But in all out seriousness- You tell him Ross. Chances are the people or person that hacked you live in there mums basement and have no life. So that explain a lot on why they attacked a small website like this.


I actually think you can take this to the police and they'll track him down if possible.

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I love the work you do. Freemans Mind is solid gold as well a Civil Protection. I hope you finaly find the guy whos done this and take him down. I think his motive is too stop you from making the most videos ever. I belive in you Ross.

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ok ik it may seem bad but i used to be a hacker i forgot a bit but it seems that they hacked you through sql injections, basicly anyone with google and internet can use sql to login to a admin account if i find out what sql injection they used i can tell you how to prevent its use again and hope fully this will never happen again, in short basicly i am going to HARMLESSLY find a way to hack you whitch is how they hacked you and tell you how to prevent that from happening agian.


-rustyrob da harmless amuture hacker

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so it seems that since the log in uses JavaScript and not a .asp chances of hacking with sql is unlikly probrobly possible with enough time but very unlikely, next thing i would do is look for a basic back door, sometimes websites have a tiny little back door and a hacker can use it to gain admin access i will look for this now.

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for some reson i have the felling that the person that did this made some crappy vid and is pissed at Mr.Scott for making some awesome vids



thank you Ross for FM and CP

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Hey Ross,


I know you're very busy and you're not the one working on the site, but one thing that could help with the security is to disable the error reporting in php.

Try this link to see what I mean: http://www.accursedfarms.com/News_Post.php?News_ID=--


It won't fix the hole the hackers used, but it sure will help in making it harder to reveal some possible holes.


Just thought it could help a little...


Anyway keep up the awesome work and don't let those problems get to you too much



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u know once in a while when i have nothing to do, i watch freemans mind. it's stupid that a bunch of people would wnat to hack somthing entetaining.

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Vigilante white hacker?

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Why do I get the feeling that the hackers(or crakers as other have refered) are fans that are pissed off at you because of the immense time it takes for you to release CP? Whatever, Just remember not everyone in the world are a bunch of dicks.


Respect man, I hope your luck turns around soon.

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Didn't anyone notice that the cow is now gone?

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I know some people in Cali who could get "rid" of them, sometimes a B

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Just making a suggestion

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Not all true justice is legal or forgivable

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The tunnel video was replaced a Japanese cartoon.

Just saying.


P.S. The hacker probably did it.

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innit creepy that people keep old news posts?

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Yeah, they had an issue with xss and you can see the evidence in his profile's "recent comments" box.

Also the www.hackforums.net website where these guys got some of their info is registered through moniker.com. I'm emailing them to see if they'll take the forum down, if you're up to a little digital vigilantism you can join me and email them at comments@moniker.com.

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ok people listen to me i choose to remain anonymous on this topic for i know some things about the hackers


1) i am not the hacker


2) Atul Dwivedi- a little bitch that lives with his mom his name is John 32 years old


3) chipd#ackb0y- lost his job at McDonalds on June 24, 2010 real name Mike 17 years old


4) MX MACK- this is his first hack he lives with his parents he is jobless and 24 years old real name William


5) again i am not the hacker i know them personally and hacked ONE site with them then i learned that it sucks to fuck with people like that so i stopped and then i got me a real job while all of them are with their parents and unemployed


6) I would give out their locations but unfortunattely i do not know them


7) thanks for reading this

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