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alright then... that's a heaps good use of time, hackers... leaving a picture. awesome.

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All hackers should be shot on sight!

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This is really disturbing, I had a hard time yesterday and now I feel worse today. Thanks a lot!!!

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P.S. I am not a hacker, I am a fan. I see you are having problems and showing this is just not what I would want to see at a post like this one.

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Wtf is this hacked by nuts shit?

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wow, you hackers are so freakin' cool! I bet you have the hottest girlfriends and all the money and nice things you could ever want! : D



..seriously though, fuck off

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Ya srsly! Get a life and stop pissing everybody else off!

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All autonomous units- incursion alert in sector 20100123. All units converge and cauterize.

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Heh, looks like you got attacked by a load of Script kiddies. How can I tell?

1) They call themselves Hackers

2) Their image link is broken, making it look like an automated system set it up.

3) They have meaningless binary in the background. It means nothing.

4) Their code uses a goto statement. Any respectable programmer would laugh at their petty little code.


This wasn't anything personal- probably some foreigner that has bot-esk software that just scans for sites itself looking for specific exploits in news feeds, and maybe other things.

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why the hell woud some one hack you

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Congratz, you hacked a blog. You win. Now use your hacking skills to hack something less pointless, like WoW, or twitter. Make it crash for an hour or so and your deeds here will be forgiven.

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They just want attention because they wanna fell known, or they just like pissing people off.

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I don't have anything against defacers, some of them have pretty impressive skills, but these guys just lost the meaning of it. Why would you attack a blog? Especially when everything here is free, and most importantly they most likely would like ross scott's work?


Fucking idiots. Now because of them Ross will probably be late in posting his new video...

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I dont even care about anything

but this hacker needs to find a

purpose for his life

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wow....this is complete bull shit why the fuck would you hack a blog you goddamn assholes..FUCK

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It would have been a lot funnier if they recorded another pirate FM ep and posted as FM 29.

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holy shiz ross has been h4xr3d !!! is that the chick from the grudge? cause if it is I would totally do her

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"This wasn't anything personal- probably some foreigner that has bot-esk software that just scans for sites itself looking for specific exploits in news feeds, and maybe other things."


If you do a little looking into this situation, things get a little clearer. This is not a little team of prepubescent kids messing with Ross Scott. The one hacker listed, "ATUL DWIVEDI" was the same hacker that hacked into the Royal Australian Air Force website back in 2009.


How do I know this? Well, for one, I'm NOT a hacker, I just did some basic exploring using the images and info the hackers left us.

1. By right-clicking on either of the images they left for Ross, you will find the root site that this image is from "http://ritnuts.webs.com/". This site has no viruses or Mal-ware that I am aware of, it just states that the admin's security is crap.

2. By googling "ATUL DWIVEDI", you will be greeted by articles describing the 2009 RAAF site hack.

3. By googling "chipd#ackb0y", nothing special comes up, at first glance. Looking closer, you see that these random jiberish sites have all been hacked by this person.

4. Jai Hind is a salutation in India meaning patriotism to India.

5. Those little incomplete pictures on the top left are all that remains of Ross Scott's posts. The image location refers to a 401 error from Accursed Farms.


I hope that the information I have found about this will aid others trying to help Ross Scott to clear this mess. I don't think that these hackers mean to harm the site; they just want to blow open the flaws in security, as they say. Why they chose Accursed Farms is beyond me.

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what a fucking joke seriously how much to in your day to you have that you hack blog. if you wimply little "hackers" are reading this go try and hack something more important like club penguin or habbo hotel

fucking dipshits

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