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100th yeah!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaahhahahahahaahahahaahaahahahahahahaahahhaahahahhahahahhahahaahahhahahah....hahahaha...ha lol!!!

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No rush man, im sure when its done it will be awsome

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If you still have your old graphics card then try baking it in the oven... no rely bake the graphics card in the oven. this will help remelt any lose connectors from the GPU to the PCB (witch can get lose if running it hot for a long time). i have tried this with my broken 9800 GT, it now works. If you wanna try then


Preheat the oven to 385 degrees Fahrenheit

Remove the heat sink from graphics card

Remove the thermal paste from GPU (using rubbing alcohol)

Remove any big stickers from PCB

Get a backing sheet and place tin foil on it

Put graphics card on tin foil and insert into oven (after oven Preheats!)

Cook for 8 minutes then immediately remove

Let stay for 20 minutes

Reapply new thermal paste and connect heat sink

Test to see if it works


Hope this helps!

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Hope everything is going well with the CP episode. (what's the extras section on this site??)

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@ Anon


Why not he make what he has in mind? And not just Freeman's Mind?





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guy @ 22:27:13;


That is one of the most r*tarded things I've ever heard.


Besides, if you do that you're gonna poison your oven with toxic chemicals and crap that are released into the air and get stuck onto the walls of the oven, so every time you use it for food that shit is released and floats around. Ugh...


On the subject of doing weird stuff with computer hardware, on a serious note though; freezing a malfunctioning HDD may sometimes fix it (depending on the nature of the malfunction)... dunno why though.

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I have a GT220 I don't need, It's sitting around gathering dust...

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Anonymous at 22:27:13


thats the same as "baking" an xbox 360 all your really doing is increasinng the damage even if a temporary fix is achieved it wont last and also may screw something else up.


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You side "Tide over" alot, I MEAN ALOT

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Yeah man we all have heat issues. My 940 black at stock 3.0 idles at 56... Bum proc I think. Have an X1950XT 256 lying around but don't think that would be much of an upgrade.


As a long time fan I think your decision to move away from the source engine was always coming. Your just a bit too crazy with the current production method. I am surprised with valve not adjusting things in the engine for people like you.

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I personally think that you should make a CP episode then stop, and go to Fm and make 1 episode of that then post em both at the same time. then get back to CP, then to FM. And just keep repeating the pattern...that way CP fans and FM fans wont feel that your not being fair with them, I see more Fm episodes then CP episodes so...trying to make them even could help.


Although its completely up to you. Just an idea..

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hey it's sheridan...


just goto newegg.com and have a look I hear it's a good place or the best which ever customers choose

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i honestly dont care how long any of your vids take to get made, they're always freakin awesome

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Leavin' the Source engine behind? huh... Interesting. I find this a little humorous, coming from a guy who worked on source choreography and cinematography tutorials. Well, best of luck with the videocards, and looking forward to whatever comes next.

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Dude, when you rush things the quality fails man. Hell that's why Tool fans have to wait 4 years in between albums. Take your time dude. That's what separates FM and CP from the other videos on the web. The quality of the humor.

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god damnit eggman, where are the new episodes, damn, snap, snap.



much love.

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Ross, don't listen to the small number of haters on here. You make hilarious videos with more genius in four seconds than your average sitcom has in four episodes. Like another commentor said, what you do is nothing less than art. And not only do you make awesome videos, but you do it for free. Your dedication to this considering how little compensation you get is admirable. I'd be happy to wait from now till Judgement Day to watch the next Civil Protection or Freeman's Mind, so take your time and don't forget that 80% of your viewers have similar feelings about your time tables.


Best of Luck, Ross,

Alex Kraemer

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ROSS SCOTT!! The king of Source machinima, if you need more time to make the next CP episode, then you take it. I've been watching your work for years now, and I still like it, I'm not about to lose interest just because the source engine is giving you trouble. I look forward to the next FM/CP.

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Can you give us an ETA of the video?

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uhh.. hey your videoes are awesome! u did a awesome job. i just join made my account 5 minutes and i want to ask you... i wanted to know if your going to make freeman's mind with hl2?

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